Category: lie of free will

Answer to question on predestination on r/Calvinism

In Christ, we went the long way around because generally, when someone asks “do Calvinists get their belief from this verse or that verse”, what immediately follows is a attempt to undermine the meaning of the words in that verse on which the supposed Calvinistic belief stands or falls. NonCalvinists do that as human speech does it through them continually as supposed “new’ or “deeper” “scholarship”. But predestination is demonstrated as a fact through out the Holy Scriptures and in our lives quite beyond the few passages in which God explicitly points it out with the word “predestinated”. So do not be deceived by fake “new scholarship” ploys to undermine particular idealized “proof texts”.

The Two Determinisms as bullet points side by side

One always hears the opposite of free will is determinism. But what is never said or presented is that the determinism presented as the opposite of free will is so presented specifically to make any alternative to free will appear onerous and emotionally hideous as a prod to driving the heart back to free will when the cracks of the lie of free will are clearly seen. In addition the non-creating determinism is used by false flag Christianity as free will’s supposed opposite to ridicule the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Without the lie of free will, as the religious arm of the secular lie of free will, the false pastor or priest cannot look successful by the means of many persons supposedly publicly demonstrating a free will by “choosing Jesus”.