La Revolucion, la Revenge/Venganza is a whore

It begins as a conversation-in-front-of-you that those having it are having strictly among themselves and you just happen to be there. It is usually restricted to several bounds: philosophical or theological, certainly not political or having anything to do with your daily existence. It’s a what-if scenario, an interesting aside that has some eloquence, some emotional wisdom that appears unique; at least some new word orders tailored to intrigue. It is an ad for a smart-people argument in everyday terms that gives you ideas.

They are hoping you would get involved.

Perhaps it is a movie, or a song or a discussion on a talk show where everyone is certain it is true and are just wondering how to use that idea for each group or person represented. But everyone is certain it is extremely useful for personal growth and defense. And after all, its new and the people in past ages just wouldn’t understand it.

Because according to those having the conversation, those ancient people were never as smart as you.

Little do you suspect that each portion of the conversation and the thoughts you have after you have heard it are specifically tailored to entrap you within it. No matter the topic, ( even though the topic is generally about personal autonomy: used, abused or under attack ) it is most important that you have pride in order to continue being included. You have to reject God because God said pride is sin.

Even that is manufactured.

That part about you being smarter than the ancient people? Turns out another conversation is already ongoing that was had in-front-of-you in the past that pretends your personal ancestors came from apes. I’m sure you’ve heard it.

And you are smarter than an ape, right?

Whatever people believed “back in the day” (usually put as 17th century, back in Jesus’ day, , etc) can’t be true simply because they thought it ..back then. And you, by the definition of being so “evolved” must think something different. Don’t you have any pride of being “evolved”?

Suddenly, without knowing exactly how it happened, you are the one having the conversation-in-front-of to “influence” the unsuspecting. You know there are a lot of people who heard the same thing you heard and didn’t believe it and never will. But now you see them as the enemy because they are too stupid to have any pride. They certainly do not have as much pride as you. And now, because pride was well understood to be an evil tool of Satan by your ancestors, you must now think pride is great and that you have, perhaps as compared to others, “a lot more”, like a kind of money. Because you are smarter than others and hate God with smart hate.

By now you’ve had the conversation-in-front-of lots of people and had the feeling of overwhelming, entrapping others and leading them unsuspecting to your own conclusions.. er, the ones handed to you. You want to do to others what was done to you and you want to think of it as charity.

All those who had the conversation in front of you tell you how smart, how good and kind you are to entrap others the same way with the same methods you were entrapped. Now you live to do unto others what was done to you.

Misquote God. Lie a little about every little thing to get it done: to capture one more heart and one more mind.

You’ve got free will, right?

That “free will” argument that has all the “studies” to prove it exists? Bought and paid for by Foundations set up to have that conversation-in-front-of you dressed in professor-sweaters and lab coats to deceive.

So: Baby, how did they get you to carry that sign and shout? It was bought and paid for. You just go out and get the new converts and those who are the Insiders of your cause will work out the back-story later?

All those who go your way in the end come to one understanding:

From the movie (1966 ) The Professionals

Jesus Raza: La Revolucion is like a great love affair. In the beginning, she is a goddess. A holy cause. But… every love affair has a terrible enemy: time. We see her as she is. La Revolucion is not a goddess but a whore. She was never pure, never saintly, never perfect. And we run away, find another lover, another cause. Quick, sordid affairs. Lust, but no love. Passion, but no compassion. Without love, without a cause, we are… *nothing*! We stay because we believe. We leave because we are disillusioned. We come back because we are lost. We die because we are committed.

Ecclesiastes 4:4 And I saw all labour, and all success of work, that it is man’s jealousy of his neighbour. This also is vanity and pursuit of the wind.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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