The Fall of Man The Gospel of Jesus Christ : Saved Out of Human Speech Continued: The part where I said “more on that later”? That part concerned the Fall of Man and who is saying words in which speech…
Author: tychicus
The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Saved Out of Human Speech
I do not write in the hope you will read. I write in the power of God to those who will hear Jesus Christ through these writings. To write in the hope that you will read is worthless, as it…
Okay. So here comes the Seventh Day Adventist heresy dressed as Christianity…
Ezekiel 13: 1-9 And the word of Jehovah came unto me, saying: Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say unto them that prophesy out of their own heart, Hear ye the word of Jehovah.Thus saith…
Short Story: The Fan
Each pass of the overhead fan blades makes a consistent push through the air. The drumming of the motor, the hum of some distant machinery, and the steady rush of air through the air conditioning ducts makes a perfectly consistent…
Political Free Willers, the Press and the Lie of Human Free Will: The Origins and Reasons of their Language and Deceptions
Yet another article by free willer atheists at the National Geographic: Bonobo “Baby Talk” Reveals Roots of Human Language . Note that implicitly, the title of the article implies a long kept secret has been brought to light by concerned…
The Lie of Free Will and the Current Stuff
You’d think so much has happened in the last month or so: all the fake/paid protests, all the news items over the same propaganda; the same progress of propaganda/manipulation of the lie of free will in those who at first…
Powerpoint Presentation: Fundamentals of the The Gospel / Word of God differentiated from the speech in which the Lie of Human Free Will is both Spoken and Believed
What’s in Your Proof Wallet? How will you prove you have free will in each and every instance it is supposedly necessary?
Habakkuk 2:13-16 Behold, is it not of Jehovah of hosts that the peoples labour for the fire, and the nations weary themselves in vain? For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Jehovah as the waters…
Doing the proofs of supposedly having a free will is slavery to sin and death and is not safety at all
Money, no matter its physical representation, is nothing more or less than a type of Sumerian Me (wikipedia: ) as an idealized carrier-enabled object with which to supposedly prove a free will exists by exchanging it for literally…
God made Himself non-metaphorically start over: He’ll make you non-metaphorically start over
Draft One: Jesus Christ is the Incarnate Word of God. God made Himself start over via being born as a human being, dying on the cross and being life in the resurrection of Jesus Christ/Word of God. If He…