The Truth is one sided and yet fair to all because He is God.
The archtypical Democratic female voter has abortions or is sterile from a pill-gone-bad or has her tubes tied, emphatically believes other women should follow her example, is very hip about sharing baby parts for “medicinal value to help the sick and injured”, is afraid of the false accusations ( from anybody, anywhere in any version of human speech ) as if they were automatically true just because a non-Christian or fake Christian said them and vehemently loathes Jesus Christ and His followers on que or spouts faux religious themes in praise of a “Jesus” that God does not know. She hates the achievements of her own ancestors as they were graced by God and apologizes profusely to all who will hear expressly for what God in Jesus Christ did and does through her own family and kin. She waits in line to be told by her communist and socialist masters what is now not proper to say, such as “Merry Christmas” or “God bless you” and attacks whoever goes off script for Satan via the Democratic Party. More and more she is tattooed, ( a little one mind you is always how it starts), and overweight, while thinking of herself as highly educated and thus smart, as if you can buy intellect and wisdom at all, much less with money, and is more and more interested in other women to mimic the feelings of doing marriage with her own sex; all while having a very high opinion of herself and vehemently claiming she has free will and its all on purpose and a display if her intellectual acumen. She is blind to the fact that she is being forced to say less and less as the parameters of the new morals that come from all sides tweak her mouth, and that as a rule of her new life today’s sayings are tomorrows sins for which new words must be given her to know how to ask forgiveness from a false god, yet feels danger from anywhere other than her true enemies that she turns into the same false accusations as were once hurled at her towards her family and is literally not allowed to articulate her suspicions that all is not well given what cannot be said in the new orthodoxy.
She is very apt to use the term “unborn” rather than pre-born and to say: “Gay people take great umbrage at being called sodomites!” Well, I guess they do as that is what they are and recognition of one’s true spiritual state is not in the Democratic / Communistic and Socialists palate of Desires. She is truly “one of them”. Obviously in Christianity, we are thankful to God for pointing out our hidden sins that are actually sins, are not thankful for false accusations of Satan except that it points out Satan is in fact our enemy and that we are not of his friends at all, and in knowing our true faults, are matured in Christ. In communism and socialism, it is a sin to know one’s true sins and to grow in Christ, but a virtue to say one is sorry for virtue and apologize for the gifts God bestows on us and cast them away as if they were filth. She is a soldier that marches against her own family and nation. But she is very serious and wants to be taken seriously. Fake awards are heaped on her by her masters to make her feel she is successful.
She has been carefully trained in false accusation by false accusations to supposedly “do morals” to attain the ends that morals in past ages have been falsely credited with in the lie of free will rather than the grace of God and desires to obtain “what God or Mother Earth or whatever wants” as long as the deity is not present and the whole mindset can be one of “do now, get judged after we die” while hoping the feelings of piety to the new god or to self are a successful mimic of the deepest feelings of mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters who were faithful to “whatever god” in ages past. After all, she must wait on the communists and socialist and false accusers to let her know exactly what feelings are permissible, how they are to be felt, what occasions are appropriate for said feelings and be given the words with which to articulate them all the while jumping up and down about having a free will as the default state of being a human being at all….in a “safe” space that is filled with the same dictionary from many voices all “supporting” her.