..why not add stiffer penalties for voter fraud as a line item? The current penalties are a slap on the wrist at most, particularly for illegals. Proverbs 6:12-14 A man of Belial, a wicked person, is he that goeth about…
Author: tychicus
The Power of God’s Word through us versus the accusation of Judging by pagans / political left
Someone having a hard day? ( which most of the time, only means they had a desire and that desire was not accomplished.) Some young girl trying to decide whether to have an abortion at address A versus address B?…
Anti-Christ in Marco Rubio and Lindsay Graham: 2 Rinos who hate their neighbors and love foreigners
Two so-called Republican leaders in the Replace-thy-Neighbor campaign are Marco Rubio and Lindsay Graham. Rubio redefines chain immigration as his parents immigrated from Cuba and now he wishes to include as many foreigners as possible in the American landscape: one…
Trump’s Treason against American citizens seems to be long in the making: How many more foreigners and Immi-Grants?
DACA is just another attempt by anti-Americans in congress in cooperation with anti-American lefitsts and RINOs to operate under the principle of “replace thy neighbor” rather than “love thy neighbor” and laugh about it. Replace thy neighbor’s votes. Replace thy…
Is Steve Bannon a Sodomite or Bisexual?
One wonders, as well as wondering about Fox new’s Hannity and the rest, because they insist on calling transgender icons “she” and constantly calling them by their female street/media names: Bradley Manning, the convicted traitor has, on those so-called conservative…
Arminians have always been Satanists. Now on Patheos they are openly working together.
Roger Olson, a worshiper of Satan and a deceiver of young seminary students and as many others as he may has for some time now had his own column on Patheos, an anti-Christian site that also promotes and explains the…
The Lie of Human Free Will, the Nature of Propaganda and the Left Media
If you study propaganda at all, you know full and well that its cornerstone is the lie of human free will and that totalitarian regimes cannot survive without the lie of free will. The constant attacks by reinforcing lies on…
Weird huh? Conehead skull mountain?
After God through me tells you that you do not have free will and you say something like: “That’s really weird, huh?” because, let’s face it..there is nothing you can do about it and you think there is “no point…
Why do Christians celebrate Easter?
Why do Christians celebrate the trial, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? There is no command to commemorate or celebrate the trial, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ from Jesus Christ. That means there is no command to celebrate the…