Author: tychicus

Trans Humans unable to be saved in Jesus Christ: the Inclusion of Hybrids mingled with Human seed as a concept has already begun as a movement

The whole purpose of other creatures seeking to mingle their seed with the seed of men is to become human in order to gain the Christ. Jesus Christ is the Word of God.. the Word/Speech that IS God. John 1:1-5…

Fundamental 【definitions / shi4ji4/释义/】 of things encountered in life usurped by the lie of free will: News

  For 【 future/jiang1lai2/将来】 articles: I wrote in English my whole life so far and I’m turning to other tongues. That said,when I write in English these days I’m suffering from language-learning-guilt: I keep thinking I need to be writing…

Anti-Christ, his Theory of Language, Obama and Blackberry, Lime, Kiwi Diplomacy as Emotional Genre

Human speech is anti-Christ.It is not Jesus Christ, the Word of God. Human speech is non-creating speech and instills all those inside of it with a simultaneous sense of: 1. personal power expressly because of the non-creating nature of human…