A very few headlines from the recent weeks: everyone seems to be telling everyone else just how and what to be afraid of. You almost think there was some scaremongering going..or, you know, something like that. Heres What Americans are…
Category: political season attacks on Christ defended
Democratic Party and Supporters in the press tagged for slaughter by Satan
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders can’t teach what fear is. Only God can in Jesus Christ
The slave of anti-Christ, friend of murderer and son of a murderer Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton has sought at every turn to teach what fear is. She “fears” an alternate presidency to the ideology of her family. She is afraid…
You don’t tell God how to be His friend. He tells you.
Imagine if someone wanted to tell you how to be your friend in a way that you most certainly knew was not friendship, and yet they fully were deceived it was. You couldn’t be friends, and if they tried to…
In Christ Jesus, no necessity of doing reverse emotional work to escape deception and its results
sidebar: Every body I meet was on seal team six They got big balls and lot of tricks They got a big gun gospel gonna scare those hicks Yeah, brother.. Everybody I meet swears that .. back in the day..…
Why Evangelicals are not Christians and are such Political Pussies
Evangelicals like to define themselves as Evangelists..those who constantly ‘offer the gospel’ to every drive-by person they meet with a caring smile, healing manner and fun engagement experience…the guys with whom it is fun but serious business to get as…
A note on Veterans Day / Honor Days in General
I’m a veteran. Never saw combat, but I was overseas. My family always wishes me a happy Veterans Day; asks me what I’m going to do on Veterans Day as if it were another birthday or a free day…
Okay. So here comes the Seventh Day Adventist heresy dressed as Christianity…
Ezekiel 13: 1-9 And the word of Jehovah came unto me, saying: Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say unto them that prophesy out of their own heart, Hear ye the word of Jehovah.Thus saith…
Political Free Willers, the Press and the Lie of Human Free Will: The Origins and Reasons of their Language and Deceptions
Yet another article by free willer atheists at the National Geographic: Bonobo “Baby Talk” Reveals Roots of Human Language . Note that implicitly, the title of the article implies a long kept secret has been brought to light by concerned…
Doing the proofs of supposedly having a free will is slavery to sin and death and is not safety at all
Money, no matter its physical representation, is nothing more or less than a type of Sumerian Me (wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me_(mythology) ) as an idealized carrier-enabled object with which to supposedly prove a free will exists by exchanging it for literally…