Job versus the religionists/free willers.. All of Job’s friends believe that Job has done something wrong with a free will and that God is justly punishing him for that imagined offense committed in an imagined state of absolute freedom. Thus the…
Category: language
Fundamental 【definitions / shi4ji4/释义/】 of things encountered in life usurped by the lie of free will: News
For 【 future/jiang1lai2/将来】 articles: I wrote in English my whole life so far and I’m turning to other tongues. That said,when I write in English these days I’m suffering from language-learning-guilt: I keep thinking I need to be writing…
All that money you made from your neighbors and what to do? Funding the Lie of Human Free will..
edited/expanded 01/10/17 Say you have three new billionaires. You ask each one what they intend to do with their new wealth. You can anticipate at least part of the answers given that you have lived on this earth, have…
The Gospel of Jesus Christ /Word and Son of God
Anti-Christ, his Theory of Language, Obama and Blackberry, Lime, Kiwi Diplomacy as Emotional Genre
Human speech is anti-Christ.It is not Jesus Christ, the Word of God. Human speech is non-creating speech and instills all those inside of it with a simultaneous sense of: 1. personal power expressly because of the non-creating nature of human…
John Kerry, tool of anti-Christ, hates Israel, takes last opportunity to rally leftists for Palestinian terrorists
Anti-Christ through John Kerry hates Israel. He made it well known in his speaking fit, literally licking his lips in anticipation of his next condemnation and almost yelling at times, against Israel as an excuse of his own failures to…
The Destruction brought about by the Lie of human free will ..OR Peek a boo all over you ..some notes
Hab 1:13 Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than…
The Democratic Partys attempt to redefine sin to make themselves look righteous is based on the unforgivable sin as supposed piety
The Republicans are following close behind, but so far, have not reached the depths of depravity the Democrats have become experts at. When you try to equate human speech or demonic speech( both are non-creating speech and both are anti-Christ)…
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
The Gospel of Jesus Christ The true gospel of Jesus Christ is not anyone’s best honesty other than God’s. No one other than God could have planned it or put it into practice in others throughout history and in…
Living, Growing Gospel of Jesus Christ compared to standardization of sorcery
Word of God/Person of Jesus Christ: alive, powerful, creating Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the…