. They have no conception of being in or out of a language because they have been deceived in the lie of free will, ( as all their definitions of life have been made with slavish reverence to making the lie of free will look plausible ) that ‘language’ ..always the singular noun to make it seem there is only one language in total reality.. can only be a tool of the free will and therefore while definable in various ways within that lie, anything except a spirit that becomes flesh.
Category: Calvinism
After the Abuse: after you know.
You cannot perform the Law of God on your own
You cannot get out of Human Speech without being born again
God, Satan, Man and demons do not share a common speech
Repentance a Gift of God: not done in ‘free’ will
Manufactured Consent Pt2: Focus on John Templeton Foundation
Manufactured Consent and Molinism
all you need to know about Molinism… Arminius was a Molinist Luis de Molin was a Jesuit priest, which means witch, tasked with saving the Roman Church from the Protestant Reformation. So he simply made up new doctrine to squeeze…
Trying to Prove Personal Power/Free Will to and in front of other people is slavery
–So whom you essentially work for are those who control the material assets by which you supposedly get to prove your free will ..and they know this and they know that you don’t know this, while you are pontificating about…