Manufactured Consent and Molinism

all you need to know about Molinism…

Arminius was a Molinist

  1. Luis de Molin was a Jesuit priest, which means witch, tasked with saving the Roman Church from the Protestant Reformation. So he simply made up new doctrine to squeeze in man’s supposed free will. quote from Encyclopedia Britannica: “His originality lay in the reformulation of traditional views on divine knowledge. ” ..i.e. he was a heretic..
  2. Alvin Plantinga won the Templeton Prize for his re-popularization of Molinism. He is a professor emeritus at Notre Dame..a Romanist Institution..having been formerly planted at Calvin College/University which is a liberal institution.

The John Templeton Foundation gives it award once year, calling its winners “laureates” after the wreath worn by Roman Caesars. The Foundation sponsors pro-free will “research” to supposedly scientifically prove free will. As of course, no one can do this, they confine the research to the supposed emotional damage ‘finding out’ you don’t free will would do. Like even encountering the word ‘determinism’ would supposedly make you a bad employee or make you have less empathy with other people ( when in fact the situation is the opposite. Those who think poverty is a choice are decidedly less empathetic to the poor than those who know they can’t help it)

Other winners of the John Templeton Prize:

Billy Graham: pro-free will Freemason who bilked hundreds of millions from Christians because he got large groups of people to fill a stadium and have them “come forward” as if God had worked through him and others were by comparison inept with the “gospel”. Many ( who were set apart for that condemnation ) teach the “gospel offer” to this day based on jealousy of …nothing.

Jane Goodall: real reason other than she is an evolutionist, which the John Templeton Foundation actively promotes calling it a reconciliation with science and faith and paying seminaries to change their curriculum and teach evolution with their sponsorship of the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s “Science for seminaries” program ..infiltrating your seminaries ( SBC, Independent, Catholic, non-denom, etc.. )

Tomas Halik: Romanist priest who favors open acceptance of homosexuality

Jean Vanier: Roman Catholic Theologian who sexually abused women for over 35 years

Desmond Tutu: favored homosexual rights

King Abdullah of Jordan: Muslim; hates Christ

Dali Lama: Buddhist: hates Christ

Pandurang Shastri Athavale: started is own religion/interpretation based on hindu texts

Francis Collins: Head of National Institutes of Health under Obama, Trump, Biden and COVID. Said of Dr. Fauci, “Tony is the ideal public servant”. Geneticists. Did the SUPPORT study on prematurely born infants in which he gave one set a low oxygen supply and the others a higher oxygen supply. Lack of oxygen in babies leads to lifelong debilitating conditions and death. With funds from the John Templeton Foundation, started BioLogos “God’s Word. God’s World”..pushes evolutionary theory as “how God created us”. Nine part series on why Christians and Black Americans should “get the shot“. Is the religious arm of the gren movement with his take on why Christians are to be “environmentally responsible”. Sang a song with N.T. Wright ( another deceiver ) called “The new world has been born”. short, anyone who hates Christ, and can be remotely associated with an evil that is portrayed as good..gets a Templeton prize as a pay off.

The pattern is plain: pay for fake research that supports the lie of free will as if it was real in many guises and with many names and even as antagonistic doctrines yet all support free will; deceive the people they have free will and then offer them a way Out of a disease so that the planned control via many means seems to the people to be nothing but by their own consent: manufactured consent. After all, you have deceived them they have “free will”. All the players are obvious and bragging about it and getting what some may consider splashy public awards to invoke jealousy in those who seek such things and who hope themselves to be “influencers”. And the old and deceived since youth and the young and inexperienced just walk right in..

Psalm 64:5-8  They encourage themselves in an evil matter: they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them? 

Psalm 64:6  They search out iniquities; they accomplish a diligent search: both the inward thought of every one of them, and the heart, is deep. 

Psalm 64:7  But God shall shoot at them with an arrow; suddenly shall they be wounded. 

Psalm 64:8  So they shall make their own tongue to fall upon themselves: all that see them shall flee away. 

Inside the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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