edited/expanded 01/10/17
Say you have three new billionaires. You ask each one what they intend to do with their new wealth. You can anticipate at least part of the answers given that you have lived on this earth, have been exposed to certain norms and needs, have had desires that you at least thought when you were young that money could bring you and perhaps wanted the same for others. So it wouldn’t really be strange, though a bit disappointing to hear ( we’ll skip the hopes of the Democratic Party and Bush era judges and actually put in English ) :
First Billionaire: “A Harley! Then a house! No…three houses! And a yacht! And lobster patay for everybody! ..and ..and..cars! A Bently? What’s that expensive one..”Lamborgani”? And suits! Man, I’m gonna look great! And a vacation, clothes, jewelry and a fur for the wife! And a housekeeper for each house…full time! And a pool at each house! And..and..a freakin’ judge and senator in my pocket to keep it all goin’! Yessir, it’s gonna be great! We’ll take lessons on table manners and be perfect!”
You know you know someone like that. Perhaps more encouraging..
Second Billionaire: “It hasn’t really hit it me what having “that kind” of money means. I guess I’ll pay my debts…I’ve had some ideas about building some things. Maybe I could apply for some patents, build a company, employ some people ..provide good steady jobs for the people in my town. I’d buy my mom a new house, get her to the best doctors for her back pain. I’m sure my wife has her own ideas. But honestly, I haven’t prayed it through, so I really don’t know. I’ve got lots of ideas and hopes, but God knows what is best and what will outlast my latest desires. Because I know I can be a fool in a minute without Christ.”
Third Billionaire: “Oh I been waitin’ on this baby for years! I’m gonna buy departmental chairs at all the major universities, in the philosophy departments, in the medical schools, in the law schools and and.. I’m gonna constantly pump out paper after paper, –-peer reviewed of course—, with awards ..lots of awards ya’ see! …yeah, that what’s I’ll do ..( mumbles to himself for a while..then..) ..I’m gonna deceive them all from a young age that they’ve got free will! They’ll think it’s natural you see..I’ll buy seminaries ..give ’em a new library or something to say God forced free will on us all and the Bible says it! I’ll move whole populations over here who’s religion already says they’ve got free will and sprinkle them around the Christian neighborhoods. Hell, I’ll say anybody that doesn’t believe in free will for everybody and everything isn’t a Christian at all! I’ll have a professor that nobody dares dispute say anyone who says different has mental problems and I’ll make fun of them with newspapers and tv stations and such. And on Facebook. Haa ha ha ha ha haaaa! What do ya’ think about that! I won’t have to buy any senators. They’ll do what I tell ’em anyway. But they won’t know its me. Because of what I’ll do through the preachers and priests. They’ll be scared for their little souls if they don’t use that free will the right way! And they’ll think it was their own fault and their own idea BECAUSE they’ll think they got free will! Yeeeah. Yeeah. THAT’S what I’m gonna do ..just with the interest! (whispering now)..Just for …just for ..(heavy breathing..) starters. He he he he he…their kids ‘ll be rioting if they think somebody’s free will didn’t get what it wanted in any given instant because they’ll be lookin’ out for my lie like storm troopers lookin out for their own good…I’m gonna smash them against each other.”
Right now your thinkin’, where did that one come from? Who thinks like that?! Usually, normal, non-rich, non-Christian, yet sober citizens spend money for needs first and to be included in whatever overall construct happens to be on hand, second. Charity to them is just another way of being included ..they buy their own audience. But to buy a lie with billions of dollars whereby you destroy your neighbor while feeling superior?
Turns out that takes a Foundation. And several movie studios pumping out hero motifs. And politics. Yeah..politics.
For now let’s look briefly at the Funding of the Foundations of the Free Will Lie…and only to familiarize. To do a whole and complete list of such foundations and their “work”, in every nation and language would be at least a years worth of investigation.
If you really had free will, why would someone need to continually, on an annual basis, pay vast sums of money to constantly keep telling you “You’ve got free will!” You’ve got free will!” That would be like telling you that you had arms and legs if you really “had it anyway.” Don’t forget: You’ve got arms..AND legs! And someone should spend cumulatively, over the whole, multi-billions of dollars to keep telling you that? Why would someone, at a minimum, look as if they were trying to trick you into believing you had arms and legs?
What’s going on here? Why all the trouble?
Scratching the surface:
Every criminal and corrupt politician firmly believes in free will and their own personal autonomy. It is the common lie that the mass of the population believe in ..and not by chance. Yet what is the rhetoric of that million dollar industry to support so-called studies into free will versus determinism?
The Atlantic: There’s No Such Thing as Free Will
But we’re better off believing in it anyway. “http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/06/theres-no-such-thing-as-free-will/480750/”
“When given an opportunity to steal—to take more money than they were due from an envelope of $1 coins—those whose belief in free will had been undermined pilfered more. On a range of measures, Vohs told me, she and Schooler found that “people who are induced to believe less in free will are more likely to behave immorally.”
It seems that when people stop believing they are free agents, they stop seeing themselves as blameworthy for their actions. Consequently, they act less responsibly and give in to their baser instincts. Vohs emphasized that this result is not limited to the contrived conditions of a lab experiment. “You see the same effects with people who naturally believe more or less in free will,” she said.
Another pioneer of research into the psychology of free will, Roy Baumeister of Florida State University, has extended these findings. For example, he and colleagues found that students with a weaker belief in free will were less likely to volunteer their time to help a classmate than were those whose belief in free will was stronger. Likewise, those primed to hold a deterministic view by reading statements like “Science has demonstrated that free will is an illusion” were less likely to give money to a homeless person or lend someone a cellphone.
Further studies by Baumeister and colleagues have linked a diminished belief in free will to stress, unhappiness, and a lesser commitment to relationships.”
end quote.
Baumeister? Florida State University?
From: http://news.fsu.edu/news/science-technology/2016/06/21/new-funding-supports-postdoc-fellowships-research-outreach/ “New funding supports postdoc fellowships, research and outreach”
“Grants totaling more than $800,000 provided by the Charles Koch Foundation over five years, will support research relating to beliefs about free will, victimhood, personal control, and moral cultures as well as the impacts of economic, political and social institutions on the marketplace and also efforts to modernize Florida’s criminal justice and prison system. ….Baumeister, a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, recently was named one of the top 30 psychologists of the modern era by a journal of the American Psychological Association and is regularly interviewed by the world’s leading media. He was awarded the 2015 Scientific Impact Award by the Society for Experimental Social Psychology along with a colleague at Wake Forest University for their 1995 paper, “The need to belong,” which has been cited more than 10,500 times in scientific literature.”
We’ll get to the Florida State, John Templeton Foundation nexus in more detail below..
Then there is from”The Current” from UC Santa Barbara..http://www.news.ucsb.edu/2016/016512/do-we-have-free-will “Do we have free will?”
“Challenging a person’s belief in free will corrupts the more automatic and intuitive mental processes,” said corresponding author Protzko, a postdoctoral scholar in Schooler’s META (Memory, Emotion, Thought, Awareness) Lab in UCSB’s Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences. “Our study suggests that a challenge to an individual’s belief in free will can shift this default mechanism — at least temporarily — to become intuitively uncooperative and cause an individual to act in their own self-interest.”
“It’s very damaging to hear that we don’t have free will,” said Protzko.
In one of two manipulations used to determine why behavior changes when free will is challenged, the investigators placed time constraints around participant contributions to the public pot. This, in essence, influenced the players’ sense of free will. Some subjects were told they must read instructions and decide how much to donate within 10 seconds; others were told to wait 10 seconds before making their decision.
A separate manipulation was presented in the guise of an unrelated pilot study to see if reading certain passages alters mood. The passage argued that neuroscience had recently proved that our decisions, or what we perceive as decisions, are made by complex brain interactions before we have conscious access to them. Control participants read an article on whether nuclear energy is environmentally friendly.
The researchers then assessed the degree of belief participants had in free will by asking them to rate, on a 1-100 scale, their agreement with the statement, “I have free will.” Those who read the neuroscience article agreed significantly less (75.6) than those who read the control passage (86.6).
end quote
1.…merely reading something that disagrees with the theory of “free will”, in that else-where idealized-to-be-non-interfering-with-the-will-communication-medium called “language” ( they are saying in other places ( search “language “tool of humans” on google as of last night: 1,570,000 results (0.58 seconds)) that language is just a tool of the free will as part of the larger effort to define all of reality solely with reference to a foregone conclusion of having a free will) effects you beyond your control and that the idealized free will might not be as free as they are saying? That reading changes behavior on the sly? That the very “tool of the free will” ( they call “language”) has IMMEDIATE effects even when just read on a page? What they are admitting is that they are seeking to change YOUR behavior by you reading the article in the guise of using that idealized “non-interfering tool of the free will called language” ..on the sly.
the “intuitive processes”…? what intuitive processes are they interested in protecting against the idealized non-creating determinism that they imply is the only determinism?
…intuiting that because free will is supposedly the default condition of life as a human being, proofs can be made up that supposedly prove life …like “using money” is a proof of doing life and having freedom..and whoever controls the physical representation of the money supply and what money can buy control the ability to do those proofs….so you should intuitively be afraid of those people “them”…without their ever having said a word about it……….intuiting that if you have free will as a default state of life, then any new sin which any religion makes up can be assigned to you merely because you exist ..human caused climate change being the more foremost example as of late and that penalties should be assessed against you personally because its supposedly partly your fault.
No belief in free will, no possibility of automatically assigning guilt to you “because the earth is hurting” simply because you exist.
And the whole “several manipulations, separate manipulation” thing? They are laughing as they lie to mine and your face? What? If you tell me up front you are manipulating the whole thing ..that makes it “scientific”?
Funded by the Fetzer Institute: from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetzer_Institute
Since its founding in 1962, the Fetzer Institute has been interested in individual and community health and wholeness, from its early days of mind-body health research to its current mission of fostering awareness of the power of love and forgiveness in the emerging global community. ..85 million in assets to do that kind of research…
Also Funded by The John Templeton Foundation:
they fund a LOT of papers and books that are all pro-free will:
from their wikipedia page…The Foundation’s motto, “How little we know, how eager to learn,” exemplifies our support for open-minded inquiry and our hope for advancing human progress through breakthrough discoveries..
Those that run it are evangelical Christians leaning charitable organization that give grants for investigation into lifes big questions ..like that we supposedly “definitively have free will” ..evolution is just how God supposedly made creation. Also says Templeton, Jr. always maintained that his own personal religious beliefs do not affect his ability to administer the Foundation in accordance with the wishes of his father. The Templeton Foundation has also gone to great lengths to stress that it is non-political with no bias towards any one faith…
The Templeton Foundation wouldn’t need to “side with one religion over another” since the lie of free will is a universally held belief by all pagan religions. But the whole “I’m non-partisian” is a sound-good bite of those seeking to camouflage their evil of being anti-Christ.
Word is that they support theistic Evolution in attempts to bring religion into line with the latest lies dressed as science. When viewed through that lie, “evolution is how God created the world” which directly challenges what the Word of God said of how and when God created all that is, and “evolution” becomes the substitute for and code word for God’s outright new creation. In their lie, I wasn’t born again in Jesus Christ by hearing the Creating Word of God, I’m just evolving into something else gradually for some strange reason and instant new creation by the Word of God, as God directly says is how we are born again is impossible. I have the witness within me by the holy Spirit that I am a new creature in Jesus Christ and they are basically saying that is impossible AND that they are Christians.
From their own page:
- Where and when in evolutionary history did the capacity for free will evolve?
- What properties or powers had to develop for free will to be realized?
3. If free will can be enhanced or diminished, what impact does this have on moral responsibility for our actions?
Question number 2 is a beautiful admission of exactly how the new “proofs of having done a free will act” are being planned for the future ..as in, “if you don’t do them, then you must not be alive because ( according to them..) having a free will is the default state of being human. No free will ..no proof of life. So: while you are ruminating on “what properties or powers had to develop for free will to be realized?” what you are actually doing is giving Satan ideas on how he can kill you when you can’t prove you are using the very “properties and powers” you came up with that supposedly prove personal autonomy.
Question number three is just “how can we blame you under any and every circumstance?” All they have to ask next to be in full blown religious vocabulary is: “what forgiveness/penance paradigm would you suggest for enhanced or diminished free will powers” such as “we’ll let you off with a warning that you didn’t prove your free will according to the answers provided for question 2.”
But they did definitely left out the part where they want to pay for scientific studies to rubber stamp their agenda. …I’m not the only one saying that.
The enemy to their dream world of universal free will for everybody, the thing they want to warn against is no-new-creation, non-creating, iron-grip-of-unchanging determinism while pretending, as they do with language, that there is only one kind of determinism, non-creating determinism and it operates within a total reality of non-creating speech. In doing so they are keeping safe and perpetuated, that fear that drives the actions which supposedly prove life ( and thus free will ) can be easily transferred over to the concept of determinism without those who are at present in control of the material objects by which those proofs are done losing their place.
For example: if you are in charge of the money supply, you need a certain fear in the people that they won’t get enough money to do what they need so they “can never get enough” of your product. And when one of the “official” “proofs of life” is “spending money in front of other people” you’ve got it made in the shade. They need your product to prove they are alive to other people..because already in the Netherlands, those who “no longer have free will” get killed.
(from 2004…”Dutch health officials are considering guidelines doctors could follow for euthanizing terminally ill people “with no free will,” including children, the severely mentally retarded and patients in irreversible comas.”)
Note the specific reason given for the death of the patient: “no free will”. When you are basically viewed as a battery that “runs out” of free will ( as if you had free will in the first place ) who defines what constitutes “proof of life” by doing a “free willed action” to keep from getting killed? Who controls the material, the stuff you have to do the proof with?
What is happening in front of your eyes is that an agenda to move to a “euthanasia for anyone for any reason” is being constructed via so-called “scientific investigation” that is being funded to the tune of billions of dollars per year.
Remember that having a free will has been the ruling philosophical and theological paradigm for several hundred years and the control over vast populations by certain families has been the norm through those means. Now Calvinism is back and suddenly they need a card up their sleeve in case that goes away. A false notion of God’s pre-determination of all things is exactly what they need to keep everything intact while simply changing some verbage.
They are not at all interested in understanding God actively creates in each and every life new things, new events and even makes us new spiritual creatures in Christ during/in-the-middle-of His overall pre-determined destiny total reality and all it contains.
Isaiah 48:3-8 have declared the former things long ago; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I caused them to be heard: I wrought suddenly, and they came to pass. Because I knew that thou art obstinate, and thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy brow brass, so I have long ago declared them to thee; before they came to pass I caused thee to hear them ; lest thou shouldest say, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image, or my molten image hath commanded them. Thou heardest, see all this; –and ye, will not ye declare it ? I have caused thee to hear new things from this time, and things hidden, and that thou knewest not: they are created now, and not long ago; and before this day thou hast not heard them, lest thou shouldest say, Behold, I knew them. Yea, thou heardest not, yea, thou knewest not, yea, from of old thine ear was not opened; for I knew that thou wouldest ever deal treacherously, and thou wast called a transgressor from the womb.
God said with Christ as His Creating Word what would happen. He caused it to happen –by speaking it. He caused you to understand He did what He said. But He also “created now and not long ago” ..He did both…determinism and new creation..Creating Determinism in which He upholds His Word in every way and yet makes a way for all of us DURING His upholding of His other determinations.
What those funding “free will research” want is a disinterested mechanic who set the course of events and there is no change or new creation DURING that overall map of where and how things are going to go. They exclusively wish an enemy-determinism, a there-be-dragons determinism to oppose to the supposed better-emotional- advantage to “wanting” a “free will” to sell death to the unsuspecting. They lie about God all the time with every breath with their propaganda to build the next totalitarianism.
They supposedly prove the existence of their desired opposite to free will by supporting propaganda dressed as science that warns everyone away from any life other than one in which free will or non-creating determinism is the default state of human beings and as such certain actions must be done to prove one is alive by the means and the material a few dictate over the many with the threat of death for not doing them and using the material and actual deaths as a result of not doing those proof of life actions well published to keep the rest in line. They are essentially saying not believing in free will makes you a criminal and/or unhappy, etc when in fact the criminals universally believe in free will and they are just one example. Clinton, Obama, Bush,..all the traitors, all the infiltrators, all the murderers, all the usurpers, every single one believes in free will.
It is in fact the lie of free will and non-creating speech, the speech not-God, that makes criminals criminals. And those funding those studies know it.
The visible corrupt churches job in the overall scam is to say God forced a blame paradigm on you from which you cannot extricate yourself, “free will” but that there is rescue after this life. Science’s job is to back up what the church claims from a so-called independent source. Pop culture is there to sing songs and make movie that just seem to prove that point over and over in fun ways. All of it is satanic and the common sense of non-creating speech which is the serpent speech. John Templeton Foundation? Gives away 70 million a year to fund these types of propaganda.
Yet more John Templeton Foundation work:
Alfred Mele ….funded by the John Templeton Foundation. 4.4 mil over three years… now another 4.5 million for “Philosophy and Science of Self-Control. ”..taught formerly at Davidson College. Davidson College is a PCUSA ( Presbyterian Church U.S.A ) school..( the hate Israel and homosexual Presbyterians )
Free Will: Empirical and Philosophical Investigations
from http://myweb.fsu.edu/amele/almele.html
Aspects of Agency: Decisions, Abilities, Explanations, and Free Will — (Oxford University Press, 2017)
- Free: Why Science Hasn’t Disproved Free Will — (Oxford University Press, 2014)
- A Dialogue on Free Will and Science — (Oxford University Press, 2014)
- Backsliding: Understanding Weakness of Will— (Oxford University Press, 2012)
- Effective Intentions: The Power of Conscious Will— (Oxford University Press, 2009)
- Free Will and Luck— (Oxford University Press, 2006)
- Motivation and Agency— (Oxford University Press, 2003)
- Self-Deception Unmasked— (Princeton University Press, Princeton Monographs in Philosophy, 2001)
- Autonomous Agents— (Oxford University Press, 1995)
- Springs of Action— (Oxford University Press, 1992)
- Irrationality— (Oxford University Press, 1987)
- Surrounding Free Will— (Oxford University Press, 2015)
- Free Will and Consciousness: How Might They Work?— (Oxford University Press, 2010; R. Baumeister, A. Mele, and K. Vohs, eds.)
- Rationality and the Good—(Oxford University Press, 2007; M. Timmons, J. Greco, and A. Mele, eds.)
- The Oxford Handbook of Rationality— (Oxford University Press, 2004; A. Mele and P. Rawling, eds.)
- The Philosophy of Action— (Oxford University Press,Oxford Readings in Philosophy, 1997; A. Mele, ed.)
- Mental Causation— (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993; J. Heil and A. Mele, eds.)
Seems Mr. Mele is Mr. All-Over-It. “Need another free will paper? I’m workin’ on it boss!” Mr. Bought and Paid For.
By the time you add up funding false churches to pedal the human speech / “choose Jesus” false gospel, funding the movie industry and the music industry ..particularly false Christian music and the college and university system that pumps out of false proofs of free will..and the so-called definition of language.
So I ask you: why would anyone spend millions of dollars to particularly ask questions about free will and keep coming up with the same answers over and over if not to be used as propaganda in a larger effort to control populations via the lie of human free will? If you can’t avoid having free will as they claim..at least until your battery supposedly runs out in the Netherlands or you are in the womb all over the world and cannot physically demonstrate to those outside the womb that you have free will…if you really can’t help but have free will like having an arm or a leg, why does it take multi-billion dollar industries to keep reminding you in every conceivable way? They want to define the only possible determinism from within human speech and then herd you into that non-creating determinism, that scary, no-fun scenario, supposedly chaos inducing determinism as the only alternative to the lie of free will.
To use a trucking analogy: the engine in my truck is in fact made up of a number of smaller machines. I have an engine block that is fueled by diesel. I have an air compressor that maintains the braking system. I have brakes for stopping, a computer guided acceleration and deceleration system for speeding up and slowing down, I have a transmission and a water pump, an oil cooler, a radiator, air conditioning and heating and other machines that all cooperate to produce what the truck is designed to do: move heavy loads from point a to point b.
What you are looking at as life inside the lie of free will is a multitude of small engines as lies that seem to be non-related but in fact are put together for the specific purpose to make it seem that having a free will is proved by a multitude of independent sources all diligently looking into other and re-proving they are “truth” while the whole purpose of the engine is to pump out death.
The people who believe in free will are universally the same people that are pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, population control, “sky is falling” crowd who seek to control everyone’s behavior rigorously. The criminals, the back-biters, the usurpers, the bad kids. They are paying for “studies”, dutifully trotted out by the Left, that say even thinking you do not have free will makes you everything from a bad next door neighbor, a bad team-member, and mentally unhinged.
Just an aside here for the sake of demonstration ( If you are a scared sweet pea who fears what he/she reads, just keep saying “I’ll do whatever they tell me to do. I’ll do whatever they tell me to do.” … over and over to keep one hand on the lie you already know and the other foot on reality as you read. If you really have the free will to do that with and its just you inside your head, sin is not a living creature and “climate change” is all your fault.)
A couple of fake arguments in favor of free will that are particularly popular among the religious cult of free will:
“Free will exists because love exists. No free will equals no love…”
“Love isn’t real unless its given?” Really? Even most of pop culture is a reflection of the reality that the love everyone is looking for is the love of destiny which can never depend on a free will ..that ii cannot change..its there forever.. and the so-called “on purpose love” is always, always, always..temporary.
“Heaven put us together and We were meant to be together.” is what everyone wants to see in their spouse and is repeatedly the message of the songs continually sung.
The “robot” argument ..that you would be a robot if you didn’t have free will? That’s a particular favorite of those who seek to deceive that the only alternative to the lie of fee will is non-creating determinism of an unchangeable fate and that God cannot create new things within this creation right now.
Robot? You wish. The whole goal of those in the lie of free will is that they could perfectly do all the rules and be known for it and be accusation proof and therefore guilt proof. Plainly, the closer to mimicking the idealized robotic following of rules and “not making mistakes” is what is considered the hallmark and proof of spiritual maturity among the heathen. That lack of being able to do that is the source of misery for those in the lie of free will and the foundation of totalitarianism ( .totalitarianism is a carefully crafted lie within the lie of free will…that you have a free will but can’t use it the way you want because other people have more free will than you and won’t let you…BUT..technically you have a supposed free will) .
The truth is you can never be a robot, are not expected to be a robot and that God has paid the price for your sins. After your new birth, you cannot sin, although the living creature that is sin lives in your flesh. The whole false notion of wanting to “do the rules perfectly” is based on a lie that sin is an act done with a free will.”
Everyone knows perfectly well that in any false religion, the ones who break the rules of that religion the least are held forth as the most spiritually mature. The new guys who break the rules and those looking for a better life just coming in the door are the least spiritually mature as a given. The guy who can’t break the rules is guilt free and unable to be blamed and is therefore free in a way the newbies only dream of. To be a holy robot who never breaks the rules is the ultimate dream of free willers everywhere…to be blame proof and accusation proof. That they then use a mere tone of voice to mock their personal dream on a few occasions to defend their deceptions certainly proves nothing except that the lie of free will mandates its own mockery on occasion as a deception to hide its true nature. ( and even that defintion of “spiritual maturity”/perfect-rule—follower can’t get out of the new “automatic blame” schemes wherein you are supposedly guilty of a crime ONLY BECAUSE YOU HAVE A FREE WILL ..not because of anything you did “on purpose”. Global warming? Climate change? Not good enough of a lie. It has to be “human caused” climate change to get the blame engine going. It’s your fault because you have free will at all and you are human. Without the free will part of that equation, what is the point of the argument?
The false definition of language argument: If God told you to do something, and you did not have the power to do it and yet He blamed you not for having done it, or He told you not to do something and you did not have the power to resist doing it and yet He blamed you for having done it anyway ..that wouldn’t be fair. Since God is good and fair ..we must have free will ..we must have the power within ourselves to do the good and resist the evil. Sounds good ..inside the lie of free will. But to believe it is be deceived by a pretense of actual intuition.
It is one thing to notice and understand intuitively when no one explicitly told you, that human speech doesn’t create anything; that no one can turn you into something else just by talking to you or that that lack of power to create in fact is part of a larger environment in which there is stability of being ..to “stay you”. But it is a lie to take that further and say human speech is a non-living entity that is a tool of your personal power and it is a lie to say that men, satan and God all share the same speech. Human speech is non-creating speech yet when God speaks, He creates what He says ..to include obedience in those He wishes to find faithful. God chooses who is allowed to follow His rules and whom He will turn into a new creature by speaking to them and does not choose other people. God is not begging anyone to follow His rules in order to be saved from judgment as the non-creating speech of the free will lie claims.
So: God creates His own obedience in us by His Word being One with us because He IS His Word and is not “using a will neutral means of communication.”
Are you still saying “I’ll do whatever they tell me to do.”?
I’m proof that merely understanding God’s actual Creating Determinism in fact causes non-cooperative tendencies with lying, murdering sons-of-satan. And yet I have no criminal record. There are in fact a few people in the world who think I’m a charitable, nice guy who plays and will play on the Righteous Team, including God by the irresistible grace of God. ..that I turned out to be one of the good kids after all. So there we are. According to those warning about disbelief in free will causing criminal tendencies, and “climate change deniers being criminals”, I don’t exist.
By the grace of God, I’m definitely not one of these guys or their friend or accomplice:
Romans 1:28-32 And according as they did not think good to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up to a reprobate mind to practise unseemly things; being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, malice; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil dispositions; whisperers, back-biters, hateful to God, insolent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, void of understanding, faithless, without natural affection, unmerciful; who knowing the righteous judgment of God, that they who do such things are worthy of death, not only practise them, but have fellow delight in those who do them .
In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen