Two so-called Republican leaders in the Replace-thy-Neighbor campaign are Marco Rubio and Lindsay Graham. Rubio redefines chain immigration as his parents immigrated from Cuba and now he wishes to include as many foreigners as possible in the American landscape: one immigrant family who specifically got involved in politics to bring in more immigrants.
His thoughts on DACA?
“In the meantime, and it’s not a long period of time, but it does give us the time to do border security, modernization, and then move to something very reasonable for people like those who came here as children, or those who have been here for a long time who are not criminals to allow them to attain some legal status through a legal way, not an unconstitutional way, which is what DACA is.”
Translation: Rubio wants all the chain migration children to stay: 800 million of them: Democrat voting, gang related, white people hating persons.
Other Rubio sentiments on unlimiting immigration for anybody from anywhere at any time:
“In a skills based economy,we can no longer decide who we allow to immigrate here primarily based on what country they are coming from.”
I.E. Rubio is not in the least interested in training Americans for jobs. He is solely interested in outsourcing labor to foreigners at the direct expense of American’s jobs in the U.S. And as these things usually go? It won’t even be the skilled labor that gets imported. It will the candidates for school in the U.S. under minority quotas to gain the skills instead of Americans so Americans get the double whammy/discrimination of not only being replaced in our own marketplace of jobs, but of even the opportunity to get the same job by being kept out school. He , as Lindsay Graham, is illegally and treasonously bartering against those who elected them who are citizens on behalf of those who are not citizens and thinks he can get away with it because he doesn’t know the target immigrant person or group personally so there can be no quid pro quo. After all, they are just an idea in his head complete with the catch phrases “they are suffering!”, “they are good people!”, etc.. while he is lobbying on their behalf against Americans.
And he does this while tweeting Bible verses about love and such. God is not mocked. God plainly says:
“1 John 4:20 If any one say, I love God, and hate his brother, he is a liar: for he that loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? ”
Rubio and Graham both hate their neighbors and seek to replace them. Is Lindsay Graham and Marco Rubio going to be personally responsible for every criminal act the “new improved immigrant” commits? And by that I mean they suffer the same consequences as the one who committed the acts, not just some vapid remark afterwards about how unfortunate the whole episode after episode was and the mere words “I take full responsibility” which means absolutely nothing.
His talking points are always about the poor soul in the foreign country and is never about being personally responsible for their behavior. He even hates his own states rules about DACA.
“Some states, including South Carolina, have added tougher measures to limit the jobs and education opportunities DACA recipients can pursue.
The 7,061 immigrants enrolled in DACA in South Carolina can’t get permits for more than 40 occupations, including as licensed nurses, dental hygienists, optometrists, physical therapists, social workers, marriage counselors, veterinary technicians, plumbers, emergency medical technicians, real estate appraisers or cosmetologists.
South Carolina also doesn’t offer them in-state tuition at its colleges and universities, won’t allow them to receive state or federal grants and doesn’t allow them to participate in work-study programs.“
also from that same article:
” They are no more connected with a foreign country than I am,” Graham said .
So Graham sends his earnings back to the old country? Takes money out of the US economy and props up every economy not-us? Doesn’t speak English? Actually Graham is connected more with foreign countries than his own state and seeks to circumvent the rules put in place to save South Carolina jobs for Americans by simply going federal with the rules.
“So here’s what I would suggest to you. In phase one, to expect my friends on the other side to go comprehensive for us and DACA for them, it’s not going to happen. I’m telling my friends on the other side, DACA and nothing else is not going to happen. The sweet spot is DACA plus more than the DACA kids and making down payments on border security, moving slowly but surely toward a merit-based immigration system, to be followed by phase two,” Graham said.
His numbers in that ariticle? It’s only 11 million. Riiiight. It’s not their kids and grandkids and ….making more Rubios to get into politics to get in more immigrants. It’s just this little slice we’re looking at right now. Sure.
this was back in September of 2017:
“The reason I think it will get done now is that the leadership of the Republican Party, including the president, realizes it’s good for the country economically and otherwise to give these kids the certainty they need in their lives,” he said at a news conference alongside Durbin.
Durbin cast the Trump administration’s announcement on DACA as the beginning of “a countdown toward deportation for 780,000” people protected under the program.
“Well today that was handed down, first by Attorney General Sessions and then by the president, tells us that the clock is ticking,” he said. “We are now in a countdown toward deportation for 780,000 protected by DACA today.
The numbers went from 780,000 to 11 million in five months. Can we expect 154,000,000 in another five months ( 14 times 780,000 is 11, 000,000 and 14 times 11,000,000 is 154,000,000 if we’re 14 timin’ it ). The numbers grow with the day and there is always the “not yet counted immigrants on the way and already here.” Does he actually have a number of the illegal immigrants here..with kids who have already had kids? Of course not and can’t get them. It’s all a big joke to let them all stay and take social security, jobs, neighborhoods, cities, to be used by one group of white people against and at the expense of another and laugh about it.
What they are doing in treason plain and simple. They are simply trying to legislate it.
Isaiah 2:6-9 For thou hast cast off thy people, the house of Jacob, because they are filled with what comes from the east, and use auguries like the Philistines, and ally themselves with the children of foreigners. And their land is full of silver and gold, and there is no end of their treasures: their land also is full of horses, and there is no end of their chariots. And their land is full of idols; they bow themselves down to the work of their own hands, to that which their fingers have made. And the mean man shall be bowed down, and the great man shall be brought low: and do not thou forgive them!
And giving away what belongs to American children to people from shithole countries?
Matthew 15:26 But he answering said, It is not well to take the bread of the children and cast it to the dogs.
Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before the swine, lest they trample them with their feet, and turning round rend you.
God can call to himself through anybody in any place, to save elect individuals, even in shithole countries and save them where they are. They don’t have to be standing in America and it is arrogance not compassion to pretend they do.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen