Anti-Christ in Marco Rubio and Lindsay Graham: 2 Rinos who hate their neighbors and love foreigners

Two so-called Republican leaders in the Replace-thy-Neighbor campaign are Marco Rubio and Lindsay Graham. Rubio redefines chain immigration as his parents immigrated from Cuba and now he wishes to include as many foreigners as possible in the American landscape: one immigrant family who specifically got involved in politics to bring in more immigrants.

His thoughts on DACA?


“In the meantime, and it’s not a long period of time, but it does give us the time to do border security, modernization, and then move to something very reasonable for people like those who came here as children, or those who have been here for a long time who are not criminals to allow them to attain some legal status through a legal way, not an unconstitutional way, which is what DACA is.”

Translation: Rubio wants all the chain migration children to stay: 800 million of them: Democrat voting, gang related, white people hating persons.

Other Rubio sentiments on unlimiting immigration for anybody from anywhere at any time:

“In a skills based economy,we can no longer decide who we allow to immigrate here primarily based on what country they are coming from.”

I.E. Rubio is not in the least interested in training Americans for jobs. He is solely interested in outsourcing labor to foreigners at the direct expense of American’s jobs in the U.S. And as these things usually go? It won’t even be the skilled labor that gets imported. It will the candidates for school in the U.S. under minority quotas to gain the skills instead of Americans so Americans get the double whammy/discrimination of not only being replaced in our own marketplace of jobs, but of even the opportunity to get the same job by being kept out school. He , as Lindsay Graham, is illegally and treasonously bartering against those who elected them who are citizens on behalf of those who are not citizens and thinks he can get away with it because he doesn’t know the target immigrant person or group personally so there can be no quid pro quo. After all, they are just an idea in his head complete with the catch phrases “they are suffering!”, “they are good people!”, etc.. while he is lobbying on their behalf against Americans.

And he does this while tweeting Bible verses about love and such. God is not mocked. God plainly says:

“1 John 4:20 If any one say, I love God, and hate his brother, he is a liar: for he that loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? ”

Rubio and Graham both hate their neighbors and seek to replace them. Is Lindsay Graham and Marco Rubio going to be personally responsible for every criminal act the “new improved immigrant” commits? And by that I mean they suffer the same consequences as the one who committed the acts, not just some vapid remark afterwards about how unfortunate the whole episode after episode was and the mere words “I take full responsibility” which means absolutely nothing.



His talking points are always about the poor soul in the foreign country and is never about being personally responsible for their behavior. He even hates his own states rules about DACA.

Some states, including South Carolina, have added tougher measures to limit the jobs and education opportunities DACA recipients can pursue.

The 7,061 immigrants enrolled in DACA in South Carolina can’t get permits for more than 40 occupations, including as licensed nurses, dental hygienists, optometrists, physical therapists, social workers, marriage counselors, veterinary technicians, plumbers, emergency medical technicians, real estate appraisers or cosmetologists.

South Carolina also doesn’t offer them in-state tuition at its colleges and universities, won’t allow them to receive state or federal grants and doesn’t allow them to participate in work-study programs.

also from that same article:

” They are no more connected with a foreign country than I am,” Graham said .


So Graham sends his earnings back to the old country? Takes money out of the US economy and props up every economy not-us? Doesn’t speak English? Actually Graham is connected more with foreign countries than his own state and seeks to circumvent the rules put in place to save South Carolina jobs for Americans by simply going federal with the rules.


“So here’s what I would suggest to you. In phase one, to expect my friends on the other side to go comprehensive for us and DACA for them, it’s not going to happen. I’m telling my friends on the other side, DACA and nothing else is not going to happen. The sweet spot is DACA plus more than the DACA kids and making down payments on border security, moving slowly but surely toward a merit-based immigration system, to be followed by phase two,” Graham said.

His numbers in that ariticle? It’s only 11 million. Riiiight. It’s not their kids and grandkids and ….making more Rubios to get into politics to get in more immigrants. It’s just this little slice we’re looking at right now. Sure.


this was back in September of 2017:

“The reason I think it will get done now is that the leadership of the Republican Party, including the president, realizes it’s good for the country economically and otherwise to give these kids the certainty they need in their lives,” he said at a news conference alongside Durbin.

Durbin cast the Trump administration’s announcement on DACA as the beginning of “a countdown toward deportation for 780,000” people protected under the program.

“Well today that was handed down, first by Attorney General Sessions and then by the president, tells us that the clock is ticking,” he said. “We are now in a countdown toward deportation for 780,000 protected by DACA today.

The numbers went from 780,000 to 11 million in five months. Can we expect 154,000,000 in another five months ( 14 times 780,000 is 11, 000,000  and 14 times 11,000,000 is 154,000,000 if we’re 14 timin’ it ). The numbers grow with the day and there is always the “not yet counted immigrants on the way and already here.” Does he actually have a number of the illegal immigrants here..with kids who have already had kids? Of course not and can’t get them. It’s all a big joke to let them all stay and take social security, jobs, neighborhoods, cities, to be used by one group of white people against and at the expense of another and laugh about it.

What they are doing in treason plain and simple. They are simply trying to legislate it.

Isaiah 2:6-9 For thou hast cast off thy people, the house of Jacob, because they are filled with what comes from the east, and use auguries like the Philistines, and ally themselves with the children of foreigners.  And their land is full of silver and gold, and there is no end of their treasures: their land also is full of horses, and there is no end of their chariots. And their land is full of idols; they bow themselves down to the work of their own hands, to that which their fingers have made. And the mean man shall be bowed down, and the great man shall be brought low: and do not thou forgive them!

And giving away what belongs to American children to people from shithole countries?

Matthew 15:26 But he answering said, It is not well to take the bread of the children and cast it to the dogs.


Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before the swine, lest they trample them with their feet, and turning round rend you.

God can call to himself through anybody in any place, to save elect individuals, even in shithole countries and save them where they are. They don’t have to be standing in America and it is arrogance not compassion to pretend they do.


In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen


Trump’s Treason against American citizens seems to be long in the making: How many more foreigners and Immi-Grants?

DACA is just another attempt by anti-Americans in congress in cooperation with anti-American lefitsts and RINOs to operate under the principle of “replace thy neighbor” rather than “love thy neighbor” and laugh about it.

Replace thy neighbor’s votes.

Replace thy neighbor’s jobs with foreign workers.

Replace thy neighbor’s expectation of going to a local college or university with quotas for foreigners and minorities.

Replace thy neighbor’s children from inheriting what their families have fought and died to protect for centuries.

Replace thy neighbor’s social security benefits and give them ..nothing, while giving immigrants social security and free medical. Make getting your benefits a rigorous process of interviews staffed by recent immigrants or minorities whom the government hired specifically to give you and your family a hard time.

Replace thy neighbor’s quality of medical care and access to medical services ESPECIALLY if they have insurance by making them wait longer and longer in the doctors offices and the hospitals, doctors and nurses having the attitude that they are gonna make the money no matter what quality of care they give so “be grateful we saw you”. All that money to Big Medicine.

Replace thy neighbor’s churches with ..whatever is not Christianity. As long as it hates Christ is the only criteria.

Replace thy neighbor’s businesses with foreign owned, tax payer funded businesses in the same industry and just “make them Americans” to hide it.


Ever wonder why immigrants from India suddenly own a lot of the mom and pop motels and gas stations? $100,00.00 business grants from the government. Russians getting into the trucking business? Illinois tags on their trucks? Business grants from the government to put them there. And this doesn’t count money from the old country to buy out business that didn’t know they were vulnerable in the markets they were in until all the new businesses showed up run by foreigners.

True, Trump’s executive orders have slowed illegal immigration and ICE is finally enforcing the law and deporting more and more. But those numbers don’t approach 800 million people that are slated to just be given amnesty AND citizenship for law breaking on the premise of theorizing about the numbers of people who might be kept out in the future because of a wall. So the plan seems to have been all along “make a lot of noise about slowing illegal immigration” but really seek to legitimize massive numbers of illegal immigrants and their children that dwarf the number of new illegal immigrants theoretically “stopped” from entering.”The Wall” can be said at any time to “keep out millions” and never have to prove it.

And this is coming from Trump himself who is going by the Council on Foreign Relations script via a “conservative” emotional matrix and matra. He had the opportunity to simply do away with DACA. Instead, he thinks it crafty to “put it on the Democrats” about a wall AND amnesty. Even of we get a wall ..what for? if we have 800 million job stealing, gang related, paid-to-protest, Democrat voting, foreigners still in the county who have a sense of entitlement something on the order of “touch me and get sued by billionaire backed attorneys in front of judges we put in place” and “where is my other social security benefits and business grant to run Americans out of business with”?

And this from a guy who actually looked at the camera and said “you should thank me for the privilege of giving you the opportunity to vote for me.” Perhaps his free willer spiritual guru could teach him at least some humility. God will have to teach him the fear of God: to learn it from men and especially women is  a lie.

Isaiah 29:9-13 Be astounded and astonished, blind yourselves and be blind! They are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. For Jehovah hath poured out upon you a spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes; the prophets and your chiefs, the seers, hath he covered. And the whole vision is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which they give to one that can read, saying, Read this, I pray thee; and he saith, I cannot, for it is sealed. And they give the book to him that cannot read, saying, Read this, I pray thee; and he saith, I cannot read.  And the Lord saith, Forasmuch as this people draw near with their mouth, and honour me with their lips, but their heart is removed far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment taught of men;


..of course those in non-creating speech will wonder stupidly about why God, as Creating Speech prefaced “they are drunken..” with “be astounded and astonished, blind yourselves and be blind!” and thus finds it necessary to later say:

John 12:39,40 On this account they could not believe, because Esaias said again,  He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, that they may not see with their eyes, and understand with their heart and be converted, and I should heal them.


Luke 10:23,24 And having turned to the disciples privately he said, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see.  For I say to you that many prophets and kings have desired to see the things which ye behold, and did not see them ; and to hear the things which ye hear, and did not hear them .

You can’t “hear what you want” and “see what you want to see” whenever you think you need to “consult God” in a “religious moment”.


Jeremiah 10:23-25 I know, Jehovah, that the way of man is not his own; it is not in a man that walketh to direct his steps.  Jehovah, correct me, but with judgment; not in thine anger, lest thou bring me to nothing.  Pour out thy fury upon the nations that know thee not, and upon the families that call not on thy name; for they have eaten up Jacob, yea, they have eaten him up and consumed him, and have laid waste his dwelling-place.

Trump has done a lot of good things and gotten a lot of good things done. Moving the Embassy to Jerusalem was excellent. The tax revamp was excellent. But 800 million plus their children plus their children? Not even close. That is a stab in the back. Sure the leftists continually lie about him and he bites back every now and then. But really?

1Timothy 5:8 But if any one does not provide for his own, and specially for those of his house, he has denied the faith, and is worse than the unbeliever.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, amen


Is Steve Bannon a Sodomite or Bisexual?

One wonders, as well as wondering about Fox new’s Hannity and the rest, because they insist on calling transgender icons “she” and constantly calling them by their female street/media names: Bradley Manning, the convicted traitor has, on those so-called conservative sites like Breitbart and Fox News, become routinely referred to as “Chelsea” Manning while Bruce Jenner-in-a-wig is called his street/media name “Caitlyn” Jenner.

What kind of person does that? Calls an obviously mentally disturbed individual by whatever-they-want-to-be-called? Granted, there is a little bit of mocking going on, the same way one would say perhaps, “Of course Gen. Washington. Your carriage awaits!” to a black man in a powdered wig claiming he is George-in-the-flesh to get him in the back of the ambulance. That assumes the guy REALLY thinks he is George Washington.

How easily the so-called “conservative sites” capitulated to the name changes was astounding. Even the soft-hearted, uber-caring, so-politically correct Fox News babes, if standing side by side with “Chelsea” and “Caitlyn” would naturally expect a man to pick them over the “trannies” when asked “who is the real woman”? Like in kindergarten? Two ducks and a goose? Which one is different?

Enemies all over the world laugh, with good reason and Christians all over the world are given an evil reputation among even those who wish to live normal lives as tolerating and promoting a false “hate” narrative if every evil is not included in American politics and media and everywhere the American military goes. The Obama Administrations obsession with gay-i-fying the world has stuck even in the so-called “conservative media” outlets. Steve Bannon’s embracing the sodomites makes one wonder if he is gay himself. He must think he will be loved by those who hate him if he continues shaking colloquial hands with “Caitlyn” and “Chelsea” or at least, less mocked. Then  that would make him a pussy, not a guy who “loves a gun fight”–politically speaking of course.

Jeremiah 38:19 And king Zedekiah said unto Jeremiah, I am afraid of the Jews that have deserted to the Chaldeans, lest they give me over into their hand, and they mock me.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Arminians have always been Satanists. Now on Patheos they are openly working together.

Roger Olson, a worshiper of Satan and a deceiver of young seminary students and as many others as he may has for some time now had his own column on Patheos, an anti-Christian site that also promotes and explains the supposed legitimacy of Satanism. In this anti-Christian piece, Roger complains about the “young Calvinists” and openly asks all others to do what they can to get the new Calvinists to essentially follow Satan’s emotional etiquette when supposedly interacting with ‘other Christians’ who hate the doctrines of grace and who do not at all compare the Word of God/Jesus Christ/Creating Speech on equal terms with anti-Christ/ speech in which lies are spoken / non-creating speech/ satan’s speech. He is of course simply one of many that seeks to defend the lie that there is no pure doctrine of Jesus Christ that can be known, no actual presence of God in us after new birth in Jesus Christ and so everyone just hopes as best he may that his own personal version of the Bible is “correct enough” and is to follow certain emotional rules in interacting with others who have ‘opinions’ they hope will save them one day without non-metaphorical new birth in Jesus Christ.

Would Someone Please Rein in Some of the “Young Calvinists?”

excerpt: “For those of you who do not know, I have been involved in a controversy with the American neo-Calvinists (“Young, Restless, Reformed”)—especially their leaders—for many years.

Please allow me to indulge in a bit of autobiography to help explain my frustration that led to my crusade to calm down the YRR crowd and get them to treat those of us who are non-Calvinist evangelicals fairly.

It all began…one day in (I think it was) 1985. I had begun teaching theology at evangelical Bethel College and Seminary in suburban St. Paul, Minnesota one year earlier. Very soon after joining that faculty I began to hear from both colleagues and students conflicting opinions about two former Bethel professors: John Piper and Wayne Grudem. Both had left Bethel and gone to teach at other positions before I arrived. (I had met Piper briefly and only in passing when I visited Bethel a couple years before I joined the faculty. He left Bethel to pastor Bethlehem Baptist Church in downtown Minneapolis.)….

….One day a very fine, eager, passionate theology student followed me from class to my office. (I still remember his name after all these years!) He sat next to my desk and said (I quote): “Dr. Olson, I am sorry to tell you this, but you are not a Christian.” Naturally, to say the least, I was taken aback. I asked him why he would say that. His answer was “Because you’re not a Calvinist.” I then asked him where he got the idea that a non-Calvinist could not be a Christian. His response: “From my pastor—John Piper.”

Here, Olsen has openly admitted he has been told diligently that he is in error. An actual Christian has gone to him, in his office by his own admission and told him the truth. Yet in the providence of God, Olsen’s heart is hardened and he is bragging how right he is and how wrong Calvinists are. It is then not surprising to find him on Patheos along with other Satanists.

Same site: on a page that says “for infernal use only” at the top..

Lucien Greaves Responds to Church of Satan “Fact Sheet”

excerpt: “In fact, we’ve been quite open in interviews regarding the origins of TST, and neither me nor TST’s other co-founder had the audacity to imagine in the beginning that TST could be what it is today. We wanted an active and relevant Satanism, one that would do exactly the things that TST are doing presently.

other ‘trending articles’ on the same page about the site?

by “friendly atheist”

Christians Bullied Shop Owner to Stay Closed on Sundays, But the Plan Backfired

by “laughing in disbelief”

Iceland Mandates Mental Health Warnings On All Bibles

by “removing the figleaf”

I Let My Husband Rape Me, and Here’s Why…

Arminians/Free Willers are not Christians and never been. At least now they are openly showing who they really are.

2 Corinthians 2:11 that we might not have Satan get an advantage against us, for we are not ignorant of *his* thoughts.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

The Lie of Human Free Will, the Nature of Propaganda and the Left Media

If you study propaganda at all, you know full and well that its cornerstone is the lie of human free will and that totalitarian regimes cannot survive without the lie of free will. The constant attacks by reinforcing lies on those deceived they have free will are always the same:

  1. you have free will ..God forced it on you
  2. but free will is also a commodity that has a shelf life..use it or lose it
  3. most people are content to live amiably and essentially save the implied power of having a free will for when it is necessary to use it against encroaching forces but you must not do so; don’t ‘save it for later’..use it NOW ( all ‘truth to action’ campaigns revolve around that premise..)
  4. what good are as a human being if you just “sit down” as opposed to ..doing whatever the ’cause’ needs..harness your power for good!

The Left Media / Communist / Nazi Media are simply using Anti-Christ’s methods he wrote through Hitler and Dietz:

Not what was, but what is, that must be the center of the propagandist’s work. The rapid pace of events forbids that we stay mired in the past.

It is therefore necessary that local group leaders make every effort to appoint the best activists to the post of propagandist. They must always be in the position to adjust to conditions, to find new ideas and methods that will attract and inspire the people. Not just any party member is suited to be a propaganda leader just because he has been given the task. Only the best is good enough to be a propaganda leader.


The task of propaganda is to communicate the nature and content of our will to the broad masses in the most simple and understandable way. “Propaganda acquaints the masses with particular facts, events, necessities, etc., whose significance thereby becomes clear to them.” (Hitler: Mein Kampf)

National Socialism cannot be understood only from the rational point of view. The propaganda leader has the task of finding the proper emotional form to appeal to the inner nature of the various groups within the population. One must avoid getting lost in details. Propaganda must always avoid the mistake of becoming cramped. Rather, it must be “popular and its intellectual level must be at a level so as to be understood even by the least intelligent of those to whom it is directed.” (Hitler: Mein Kampf)

We must once again hit the streets and go door-to-door, we must speak to people individually, just as we did when we were in the opposition. We must do everything in our power to show the laggards the infallible rightness of our will. Free yourself of the sentiment entirely out of character for a National Socialist: “It isn’t worth talking to him!”

In short, the Democratic Party’s platform and methods are taken right out of Hitler’s dreams. They are the modern Nazi Party: champions of the lie of human free will, Luciferian / occult, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, pro-euthanasia, abortion and homosexuality / sodomy…children of Belial. They blind all they may to the truth, then introduce new lies as supposed “supporting evidence” in order to keep the heart stumbling forward into a vipers pit of death and dismay while they teach their victims to laugh as it happens to them. 

Comey is the new hero? Really?

If you are deceived you have free will, you can look right at this photo and say “I don’t see anything” not because you don’t see anything, but because you know you can’t “prove” anything to the other free willers because their definition of what is real is never founded on anything honest or solid.  You might not be adding to their conversation. So rather than step outside the echo chamber of one lie bouncing off another in their circles, you just ..blink. It is obviously in and of the mountain so to say it is a rock formation as denial isn’t saying anything. In fact, that’s the point.

elongated skull on Mountain side, Mill City NV
Photo taken from parking lot of T/A truck stop

In the same vein, you can just toe the propaganda line of the Left and pretend not to see their lies and hypocrisy. What do you get for it? A world filled with sodomy, rape, murder, fear, bankruptcy and poverty..permission to use an idealized “free will” on a timer that isn’t constant or predictable or fair but mercurial and treacherous and undependable. Just like those that made that image above on the side of that mountain. They came and went and nobody remembers them in any good light at all. All that is left of their Big Deal moment is the very images they set up to control others and some ruins of their House of Lies that indict them as truth haters for all generations to see.

You can’t help but see what you see and hear what you hear. But no what what you see or hear, you still can’t say it free the way it is ..if and only if you believe you have free will. The notion of free will gets in the way of the truth every time because to learn truth, you have to reject some old notions held dear by those that lie. If you were looking right at a steak and lobster dinner and a Democratic propagandist made someone next to you feel ashamed for eating both, you would probably pretend not to see the steak or the lobster so as not to attract attention. 

Me? I’m chowin’ down, baby. I’m not afraid of what God teaches me in any given instant is going to conflict with what He said a while ago. 

..and now..a smidgen of poetry/song lyrics: sense of humor tends toward improper English.. 

it’s called Johnny on the spot ..working on the tune..:

Oh preacher!

Son, you have done lied to me 

when you said that my will

it was free..

You said I had the power

to do all that you said

But instead of any joy 

I was wishing I was dead

But now I’m layin’ right here

floooatin! in the grace of God

the one that saved me 

and did a complete job

Yeah I’m drinkin’ Jesus’ blood

eatin’ Jesus’ flesh

not worried about what happens next

Yeah I’m layin’ right here

flooatin! in the grace of God

Oh priest! Alll the families you sold

when they was doin’ what they was doin’

’cause they was told

wasn’t anybody comin’

no help in sight

and they had to save their own soul

yeah you had ’em workin’ it out hard! 

tryin’ to save their own soul

But now I’m sittin’ right here

flooatin! in the grace of God

the one that saved me 

and did a complete job

Yeah, I’m drinking’ Jesus’ blood

eatin’ Jesus’ flesh

ain’t worried about what happens next

Yeah I’m sittin’ right here..floatin’ in the grace of God.

Oh Father! You have rescued me!

From the net they had cast at my feet

You said you had the power to do all that you said

and by Your Word, Jesus Christ

you have raised me from their dead

and now I’m standin’ right here

flooatin! in the grace of God

the one that saved me and did a complete job

yeah I’m drinkin’ Jesus’ blood

eatin’ Jesus’ flesh

ain’t worried about what happens next 

yeah I’m standin’ right here

flooatin! in the grace of God

Heeey… Sweet Pea! 

Baby you get saved

you can be with me

and you will find there is plenty of room

and you don’t have to strike your womb

they will be condemned

when God steps us out as that sign among them

Don’t you worry about what it is

or what’s not

‘Cause God through me right here right now

is Johnny on the Spot

Yeah baby God through me right here right now

is Johnny on the spot


1Corinthians 6:3 Do ye not know that we shall judge angels? and not then matters of this life?

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Weird huh? Conehead skull mountain?

After God through me tells you that you do not have free will and you say something like: “That’s really weird, huh?” because, let’s face it..there is nothing you can do about it and you think there is “no point in knowing it?” But you only think that because the lie of free will itself comes with its own common sense that blocks out reality and makes you think it is the only Hope. In a similar vein, you probably think its “not worth knowing” that conehead skulls have now been proven to be not human by the same science you get other beliefs from.



wow. odd, huh?

odder still:

elongated skull on Mountain side, Mill City NV
Photo taken from parking lot of T/A truck stop



We have : ( photos not edited except for scaling the smaller ones up for can take these same pics yourself from the parking lot of the Travel Centers of America truckstop in Mill City, NV on I-80. The image overlooks a watershed and I-80.. if you are in the Lassens Meadows, ( the watershed ) then you would have to look at it if the meadows were a river as the meadows has a curve it that points to the skull..)

  1. one mountain side facing north
  2. one elongated skull carved/made in the side of the mountain. Even in different shadows you still have the nose and two evenly spaced, same sized eye sockets but two different mouth expressions..and you can see it plainly without the help of me coloring in the edges and such..
  3.  two different photos taken one in the afternoon ( 5/09/17 ) the other taken in the morning of ( 5/10/17 ) showing the same skull with different shadows cast by the sun
  4. two different expressions on the skulls mouth

ancient shadow art… combined with an in-your-face elongated skull…

Modern shadow art.. note the seemingly meaningless arrangement of stuff before the light is applied to make the shadows..the examples in the link are of still shadow art..but the art in the mountain depends on the sun and the sun to move as it always does to do the mojo.


Art imitates life: you could do an overnight camp in one of the inner, intricate lies of the lie of free will ( something like “depression is a treatable disease” instead of the truth of ‘depression is jealousy and envy’ ) and not know you were inside a much larger lie the same way you could literally pitch your tent having conquered the mountain from the other side and not know you were inside the eye socket or mouth of the elongated skull on the side of that mountain.


photo via ancient origins.. a non-Christian/Christ hating site…even they can see something is going on…

I can even see an eye socket with an eye in it on both sides. The photo taken in the afternoon looks like he is wearing a helmet with downward pointing horns. It is meant to be seen from a distance, ( from the well watered valley)  like the Nazca lines are made to be seen from above. Is that the remains of a ceremonial square enclosure I see beneath the face/skull? But that’s for a later time…


 I looked up Mill City NV and couldn’t find any reference to it. But I’m obviously not the first person to see this. It was made for a reason…

Christian common sense understands that when Jesus Christ spoke to the wind and commanded it to be fell silent ..because it was a living creature obeying God’s creating speech, not a “random, non-living conglomerate that was the result of heat exchange by the sun and ocean surface water..” or as Obama recently insinuated, the result of you enjoying too much steak.

Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Daniel 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen