The Dallas murders of police officers by blacks plainly demonstrates the use of protesters as cover for violence. The license and or the “right”/”freedom” to protest was knowingly used in the commission of a felony.
Essentially, Dallas police officers were assassinated because an event happened somewhere other than in Texas, and someone who as a profession, stirs up trouble as best they can, quietly sponsored protests around the whole country ..and the city of Dallas thought it was their responsibility and duty ( according to Hillary Clinton, their “sacred duty” ) to protect..the public from the demonstrators? No. …the public from the violence that always accompanies the such black demonstrations? No…but to protect the demonstrators, those causing all the trouble, because they supposedly just ..must do so as an automatic response of their “free will”, as a supposed religious dictate of helping and protecting the enemy and ideal governance.
Note what just happened: somebody got shot somewhere else other than Dallas and then yet another black guy assassinates police officers in a location that is far removed from the source of the idealized anger as a standard procedure of civil rights/black activists/minority rights groups..who immediately pretend they are against violence. It is past time to start asking why, if something happens in Alabama, some guys arm needs to get twisted in Michigan or Minnesota? Why is it, as an automatic response and expected event, that when a grievance occurs, the place where the grievance occurred needs to be the automatic source of nationwide protests so that people far removed from the grievance need to suffer?
Because that is the tactic being used by civil rights and minority activists: They are saying “if anything happens we don’t like, we’ll strike randomly to terrorize innocent people somewhere else.” The economic disruption by these professional protesters such as the sodomite and black community as a whole is not minor, but is the low end of the constant warfare of these groups against the rest of the populace. Ismaaiyl Brinsley, a black man, assassinated two NY police officers who had done no harm to him in a sense of anger while boasting he would be putting “Pigs in a blanket”, an open reference to police officers in body bags, which “Black lives matter” picked up as a mocking slogan., a fact not reported by those who see themselves as “main stream” media.
Yet the ACLU has on their website: “You can’t be held responsible for the way that counter-demonstrators or your own supporters react, as long as your words don’t directly incite violence or law-breaking. It’s the responsibility of the police to control the crowd.” Their whole website is an anarchist map of how to endanger the police and manipulate police officers into reacting to whatever you want to do …as a “your right”.
In other words, even though “the crowd” wouldn’t be there if you as a protester weren’t there, whatever happens is “the responsibility of the police”. You are just there to instigate it. You start the problem and then run away, leaving the officers to protect their own lives and the lives and property of others as best they can. The ACLU is absolutely antagonistic against police officers and public order and has another series of pages devoted to detailing “what to do if your rights are violated at a demonstration or protest.” In the ACLU’s eyes, the officers have a “sacred duty” to: protect the protesters, ensure everyone’s “rights” are upheld, then protect local property and lives, and lastly protect themselves.
And Hillary Clinton, in clear support of the protesters and their violence, not police officers, tweets mockingly “I mourn for the officers shot while doing their sacred duty to protect peaceful protesters, for their families & all who serve with them.” clear reference to the supposed forgone conclusion that the police are there to protect whatever radical protests there are, even against themselves and their own jobs, rather than the public. She clearly intends to portray police officers as a tool of her political agenda and the servant of protesters. She throws an emotional dog bone at the officers while overtly “reminding” them of their “sacred duty” to protect the exact persons who disrespect police officers, kill them at any opportunity and then laugh at the loss of the officers lives.
Obama’s only reaction to former outrages? Sign into law a bill that restricts protesters from areas where the secrets service has to protect government officials or business.
From wikipedia:
“H.R. 347 is a revision to section 1752 of title 18 US code.[1] Introduced by representative Thomas Rooney (FL-16), it makes punishable by up to 10 years jail time or fine any person who does “or conspires” enter any “restricted building or grounds” or within certain “proximity” without lawful authority to do so, attempts to disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business.
It defines restricted building or grounds as the “(A) of the White House or its grounds, or the Vice President’s official residence or its grounds; (B) of a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting; or (C) of a building or grounds so restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance.”
Exactly how is Hillary Clinton or Obama “mourning”? Really..what are they doing that would signify any remorse at all for the actions of the movements they have fostered and to which they constantly appeal as portraying themselves as supposed saviors against the police and the laws the police represent? She is by her own “admission” incompetent to handle national security matters..but she’s an expert on “mourning” and the “sacred duty” of law enforcement officials? Without such protests she and Obama and the whole evil, Democratic show is out of business.
Rather than gun control, we need a constitutional amendment that prohibits:
- traveling to another state for the purpose of or participating in protests, marches or any public demonstrations. If the locals want to demonstrate, then good for them. But no one needs to be allowed to cause trouble in Kansas because somebody got mad in Louisiana.
- funding protests at which one is not personally present. No under the table money. Make your own sign.
- protesting locally for something that happened in another state. Locals need to be for local issues. Why is it my concern to tell someone in another state how they should conduct their affairs? I can write. I can make a movie. I can do lots of things to tell them what God Says and how I feel ( which are sometimes different ), but it is their state..their God given state. Why should I bother my neighbors, or as is most often the case in these demonstrations, blame my neighbors about something that happened far away and doesn’t really effect their lives and about which they don’t really know anything?
God Says:
Exodus 23:1-3 Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment: Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause.
The only people demonstrating “nationally” and pushing false guilt on locals who have nothing to do with what happened elsewhere are communists, radicals, minorities and those that use them to disrupt quiet people who have no interest in that cause. The whole purpose of such protests and demonstrations is to force people who would rather be left alone to pay attention to the ravings of those who are paid in some fashion to cause trouble.
For police officers to feel they are in some way heroes for protecting those that hate them and seek to kill them is a type of behavior they have been twisted into as a response to political torture. If the demonstrations were controlled, rather than the guns, the whole country would be in much more peace than it is now. Protesting in Texas for something that happened in Louisiana or Minnesota is a political tactic that has gone on for the better part of 50 years in many guises that always ends in violence. Even the Orlando shooter, who was most likely a sodomite himself ,hung out at the club he assaulted, sent naked pics of himself to other men, watched tv and was deceived that he could “act locally” to cover his own evil by being part of “struggle” elsewhere that had a fake hero (ISIS), was constantly encouraged by mass media portrayals of traveling demonstrators, non-localized causes and those that instigate them as the good guys and as the implied righteous.
Being a loud person, being poor, or being rich, being a winner or a loser in no way makes anyone automatically righteous or evil.
Instead of just getting angry and “protesting” locally for something that happened elsewhere, perhaps black people, just for once, could think and pray about who taught you to get upset at what stimulus and what agenda they might have for “helping you out” with what has become your best honesty. Who keeps poking you and whipping your back to “protest more! faster! louder!”? Who keeps telling you to be jealous of others no matter what you have? Its not the police. Its not God.
I have told you all explicitly the path of the lie of free will can only end in disaster for you all. You have laughed as if it were a joke. Now who will mourn your passing? Your only remembrance will be of a people who loved to make trouble, hire a lawyer and dress up in a suit in order to deny it, proclaim your own self-righteousness from your own best honesty and never wonder who you were really working for.
Psalm 120:2-7 Deliver my soul, O LORD, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue. What shall be given unto thee? or what shall be done unto thee, thou false tongue? Sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals of juniper. Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar! My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace. I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen