Yet another article by free willer atheists at the National Geographic: Bonobo “Baby Talk” Reveals Roots of Human Language . Note that implicitly, the title of the article implies a long kept secret has been brought to light by concerned persons doing ‘research’ into what they had to have entitled a mystery in former times in order to say at this time that anything has been revealed. The supposed mystery in question is the origin of “human language”. Not just, say for instance, English or Russian, German or Chinese…all human language.
The article is essentially a force multiplier for the article in the “peer reviewed” pseudo-scientific journal PeerJ published by Tim O’Reilly’s O’Reilly Media, aimed at the not-really-paying-attention crowd called National Geographic readers who accept as truth any new article that a ‘journalist’ has written and in which a ‘scientist’ is quoted.
Some gems in the article:
“Peeping, which is very similar to the burbling of human infants before they form words, may tell us more about the evolution of human speech.
That’s because while most animal sounds have a more narrow meaning, bonobos use peeping in several contexts, including eating, communicating danger, and resting, according to a study published this week in the journal PeerJ.”
“Such vocal flexibility is “an important transition toward what we see in human speech,” says study leader Zanna Clay, a psychologist at the University of Birmingham in the U.K. (See more bonobo pictures.)
It also “suggests that this ability was already present in our common ancestor, before humans diverged from the rest of the great apes,” about seven to eight million years ago, says Clay, who received funding from National Geographic.”
O’Reilly himself has plainly stated himself to be in the “meme creation” and “meme- engineering” business. From Wikipedia’s page on Tim O’Reilly:
“O’Reilly has worked as an activist for a number of causes[15] and prides himself on his company’s “long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.”[16] As a strategy of persuasion, he has evolved a technique of “meme engineering,” which seeks to modify the terminology that people use.[17][4] ”
Did he get that “strategy of persuasion” from Bonobo’s? Is this article a strategic ‘peep’ , designed as an experiment to gently “modify the terminology people use”? You know, like Hydra operatives saying “we got another article in National Geographic this week!”
Now that would be some devious dudes. Right? Who would think to make people, whom God has created in His Own image, think that both their bodies and their minds came to them via Bonobo’s and that there is no God and no such thing as good and evil? For what purpose? Don’t they realize they are making fun of themselves and are the enemy of their own souls too? Why would someone even think to make masses of other people be deceived that all people are basically worthless sacks of chemical goo …with a free will…that ‘evolved’ ..somehow..and yet can be manipulated by tweaking “the terminology that people use”? How, for instance, would they answer such questions as why a supposed ape’s descendant would use incense ceremonially? Or specifically trick other ape’s descendants into behavioral changes of subservience by the subtle manipulation of languages? One of such changes being the stealing of their time by making them think they ought to use incense ceremonially…
The answer, of course is contained in the Holy Bible: God as Word in written form.
What evil people do makes sense to evil people because they are inside human language and yet are deceived that human language is all there is and there is no other language and can be no other language than one with the characteristics of human language. They would in fact not really understand the concept of being ‘inside’ human speech because in their theory of everything, there is no other language to which to escape. That’s besides the fact that even if they admitted the theoretical possibility of such a language existing, then they have to answer where it came from and its differences from human speech.
But God answers all of that in His Word.
Essentially, human speech, animal speech, the sounds nature makes in every way and even the often spoken about but never seen “aliens” who have their own unique speech, telepathic or not, all have the same speech: non-creating speech. The simple fact is that it is a speech that is incapable of creating anything. Thus the incredulity of those inside it to understand that God doesn’t “use language”; He IS His Word and IS Creating Speech. Not only do human beings disbelieve they are inside an essential prison of language that is a living creature that has itself been confounded ( at the attempt to build the tower at Babel ) but further cannot understand God as Word distinct from human language as Creating Speech. Further still, they do not understand that because their language is a living creature that cannot create anything, that fact gives them a non-creating mentality and a false, but real sense of panic over what they are forced to idealize as limited resources. That God Speaks and literally creates what He Spoke, as is specifically demonstrated in the Holy Bible as unique to all religions in the world, is to one in non-creating speech, ‘aliens’ included, impossible given their own experience of language and the witness of all the others in that same, non-creating language. It isn’t that they won’t believe, it is that they can’t.
For instance, the reaction of the Pharisees to Jesus Christ/Creating Speech/ the Incarnate Word/Speech of God, to one in non-creating speech is justified; even though to one who has born again in Jesus Christ/Word/Speech of God and has been translated out of human speech and into Christ as Speech/Truth it is not justified at all but God is made plainly Truthful in His Sayings.
John 8:25 They said therefore to him, Who art thou? And Jesus said to them, Altogether that which I also say to you.
In Christ as speech, that makes sense: God IS His Word.
John 1:1-5 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Since God is His Word/Speech, it makes sense that the Incarnate Word of God would identify Himself in answer to a question of “Who are you?” with “Altogether that which I also say to you.” It also makes sense that they, being in a non-creating language, would not understand what He had so plainly stated as a constraint of their language, not their supposed “free willed ability to understand everything”.
It is a constant talking point of free willers of all stripes to say that if God tells you to do something, and you don’t have the ability to do it, then God’s command is foolish and thus His commanding it is foolish and to avoid making God out to do and say foolish things you are forced to ‘admit’ you have free will and the blame is on you for not doing rather than God for commanding it. They honor God in a false way to imprison you in false guilt rather than admit that when God tells you to do something, because He is Creating Speech and IS His Word/Speech, He will cause you to do it in oneness with Him if He has chosen you to be with Him. What theose in the non-creating speech do is called work-ing “as an activist for a number of causes[15] and prides himself on his company’s “long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.”[16] As a strategy of persuasion, he has evolved a technique of “meme engineering,” which seeks to modify the terminology that people use.[17][4] ” Not fundamentally change their speech from non-creating speech to Christ, but to pretend that non-creating speech came of of a chemical goo, went through a Bonobo ape and ended up as your mind.
God, by contrast, plainly Says He is the Speech/Word by which He created the Heavens and the Earth and you as a new creature in Jesus Christ/Speech of God:
1Peter 1:23-25 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.
James 1:18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.
God as Word has plainly manifested Who He IS to you and everyone else. What He has not done is give everyone the power to believe what He has Said. Those whom He has not given that power to –as a rule– make plain who they are and what their desires are as an extention of their imprisonment in a speech that can create nothing: to manipulate their nieghbors into enslavement and death based on false fears of limited resources and false guilt based on falsely honoring God in false religions that always claim free will for man only because their own speech can create nothing. Rather than plainly say, “our speech can create nothing.” their speech seeks to hide that fact while shifting blame for the lack of creation onto human beings in a deception that human beings ‘have the power to empower a free will’, but just won’t out of laziness or evil intent.
Anti-Christ, Lucifer and the Satan always hide their own activities in order to blame the results on you. The Anti-Christ isn’t called by God the Anti-Christ for nothing: the Anti-Christ is the non-creating speech that can create nothing. Anti-Christ is the Anti-Incarnate Word of God, against the Word of God, futily in war against the Word of God, the speech of the serpent to Eve whose first words were an accusation against God as Word.
The Anti-Christ is also the word of most of the world, to include the Pope, Islam, Hinduism, Mormonism, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, all those who advocate for what God as Word specifically forbids: homosexuality, abortion and who seek to make out that children are not children, they are ‘fetuses’ and simply raw material for ‘scientific’ study. They overtly claim that God as Word is a liar and that what He has Said cannot be depended on and still have enough to live by their advocacy of the exact opposite. And under the tuteledge of their teachers and the Roman Catholics on the Supreme Court, America has turned into a ceasepool of evil while they deny God as Word with their own non-creating speech with non-creating results.
As “a strategy of persuasion,” they have “evolved a technique of “meme engineering,” which seeks to modify the terminology that people use.” Pre-born children are not pre-born children in their minds/speech, but ‘fetuses’ to be sold as parts for investigation and the health of older persons who have supposed won the right to be called ‘human beings’ because they have theoritically done ‘the proofs’ that the lie of free will demands of its slaves to prove they are ‘being alive’. In short, everyone who can do the speech they do is deemed by them to be alive and everyone not doing that same non-creating speech and imprisoned in human speech is not-alive, or is a threat or is ‘crazy’. First they lay down evil laws that force behavior to be included in their paradigm, then they say, even to those already in the paradigm/speech that in order to be included, the proofs of loyalty are the defact proofs of life. Once you are deceived you have free will, from there on your life is downhill in a race to keep up with the theoriteical freedom everyone else is said to possess. They never have to prove other people have free will because they can’t. If you are deceived you have free will, the rest of your life is a fear you’ll ‘lose it’. If you are not living in God’s grace, you’ll actually be deceived by them that you have no right to your own homes and nation, but that other people who hate you actually have the ‘real’ moral authority to take it by the illegal actions of your own government.
Journalism is simply the force multiplier of the terms and words that is Anti-Christ and its lie of human free will in this age. The lie of free will is the fundamental backdrop against which the other lies play, with the theme of constantly ‘losing freedom’ or ‘not gaining as much freedom as everyone else is supposedly getting’ being the second layer and the present ‘stories’ and ‘investigations’ being only presented as supposed proofs of those lies being truth. Stories like a sudden revelation of the origins of human speech being found in an ape “peeping” are simply part of the constant work on the infrastructure of the overall lie that denies there can be any other speech than human speech and an attemtp to squash any dissent by supposedly already having answered all potential questions on the theory.
Be encouraged in Christ, not anti-Christ; in new creation and the expectation of plenty, not ‘the sky is falling and its your fault because you have a generic free will we can blame for everything’. Christ Jesus, in His pre-Incarnate form has plainly said as an act of creation in you:
Proverbs 23:15-18 My son, if thy heart be wise, my heart shall rejoice, even mine; and my reins shall exult, when thy lips speak right things. Let not thy heart envy sinners, but be thou in the fear of Jehovah all the day; for surely there is a result, and thine expectation shall not be cut off.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen