Supposedly, we don’t live in the grace of Jesus Christ, we live at the whim of Iran and we should be ever so thankful they “missed on purpose”, ( while their cyber attacks go on at last count about 10,000/minute over the last 48 hours.) even supposing they have legendary, actual and factual pin-point accuracy with their cruise missiles. The cowards and pro-Iranians want to claim to be peace makers while all the while they are the warmongers and seek every opportunity to weaken the resolve of the United States and particularly to weaken any and all faith in Jesus Christ and have the nation throw itself at the mercy of any foreigners supposed free will at any given instant not only as being factual ( they supposedly actually have free will and can start and stop actions when “motivated to do so”) AND that the foreign free will by definition of being foreign is necessarily wiser and better than anything in the U.S.A. They constantly denigrate Christ to make money and even at the cost of other people’s lives so they can be on television.
Tag: Jesus Christ
God is a male. God has a beard. I mean ..really? This is even a question?
Jesus Christ is not a lesser God than the Father or the Holy Spirit. John 14:8-9 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
Sin is a living creature, not an ‘act’ done with a ‘free’ will
From 2010, revised..still needs some revision. What is sin? How does disobedience to God actually occur? Exactly how is the Word of God not heard in instances and obeyed in others even by new creatures in Jesus Christ? Obviously, God…