Anti-Christ through his liars: the Iranians missed killing American troops on purpose (?!)

Classic anti-Christ: have a murderer and murdering regime claim to have shown mercy a warmongering way. Note that the Americans who are floating the lie that the Iranians “missed on purpose” show complete disregard for the grace Jesus Christ has shown them by sheltering American troops from the unprovoked cruise missile attack launched from within Iran at innocent Iraqi and American troops whose presence is required to keep the Iranians from killing more people faster. The fact that the murdering regime of Iran merely says they had a reason doesn’t equate to the truth. But the moral equivalency lie of the American left is deaf to such truths. They and the Iranians are always the provocateurs that murder and destroy homes and lives and when ..finally… there is a response to their lies and destruction, they and their supporters in the American press claim they had “a reason” to continue to murder and kill and destroy lives and homes and that we owe them gratitude for not killing our troops that God has placed there.

Those who are saying those things are of those that God hates:

Jeremiah 23:16,17 Thus saith Jehovah of hosts: Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they lead you to vanity; they speak a vision of their own heart, not out of the mouth of Jehovah. They say constantly unto them that despise me, Jehovah hath said, Ye shall have peace. And they say unto every one that walketh in the stubbornness of his heart, No evil shall come upon you.

They say it constantly. That means all the time in every instance of evil-doing. NO matter how egregious the wickedness or who gets hurt or how often, it’s always “going to be okay with God and your still going to heaven”. Ha ha ha ha ah…

In so saying, the supposed “Christians” who are now solidly pro-Iranian and pro-terrorists denigrate their own grace that Jesus Christ has shown them and yet claim to do so in the “name of peace.” Supposedly, we don’t live in the grace of Jesus Christ, we live at the whim of Iran and we should be ever so thankful they “missed on purpose”, ( while their cyber attacks go on at last count about 10,000/minute over the last 48 hours.) even supposing they have legendary, actual and factual pin-point accuracy with their cruise missiles. The cowards and pro-Iranians want to claim to be peace makers while all the while they are the warmongers and seek every opportunity to weaken the resolve of the United States and particularly to weaken any and all faith in Jesus Christ and have the nation throw itself at the mercy of any foreigners supposed free will at any given instant not only as being factual ( they supposedly actually have free will and can start and stop actions when “motivated to do so”) AND that the foreign free will by definition of being foreign is necessarily wiser and better than anything in the U.S.A. They constantly denigrate Christ to make money and even at the cost of other people’s lives so they can be on television. The Iraqis that were killed–they are our allies. They are now chopped liver..they are worthless? And while the liars talk about it on tv, to hear them talk, its all about “perception”. How does it look to the Iraqis if they are killed and there is no response? The Iraqis will obviously think despite all the brotherly talk, Americans just use them for a shield for the ‘really important’ people.

For decades now, ever since the weakness of the Carter Administration in the 70’s encouraged the Islamic Extremists Revolution in Iran to butcher thousands of its own people to overthrow the Shah ( in 1979 ) and has since made Iran into a paradigm of wickedness infamous for its sponsorship of secret attacks against innocent persons for nothing they did and for no other reason than to spread fear of a silent boogeyman ( aka “terrorism” ) whose bidding when revealed was to be strictly followed “or else”, Iran has been an enemy of life, an enemy of Christians and an enemy of Christ. While calling other nations “Satans” it is itself the greatest war monger in the Middle East.

Everyone knows this.


Meaning: there is no one who does not know this.

After four decades of killing Americans secretly and in the open and openly bragging about it, after lying about covert programs to build nuclear weapons and threatening basically everyone but themselves with annihilation ( who has in their own eyes, committed the sin of having more and better stuff and having gained that more and better stuff at the grace of the very Jesus Christ they despise ) , anti-Christ through them is always found to be a false accuser and through jealousy and shame at not being able to build a prosperous society themselves and furious at not being allowed to merely copy the nation-state model they see in the west in Christianity, after constantly attacking their neighbors who have called out repeatedly for aid for protection against the Iranians, after openly stating as a national goal the annihilation of Israel and rejoicing gleefully when Jews are murdered, after murdering lives and destroying Saudi oil fields, now they have fired ballistic missiles against our/U.S. troops in Iraq from within Iran as an open declaration of war and disdain for both American lives and Iraqi lives. And yet said, “it’s not a declaration of war”. ” Its all in your imagination. Have another beer or a shot from a $300 bottle of scotch or smoke a joint or snort some coke, or whatever.” Their stooges in the US press dutifully believe them, propagate that lie and await further statements by the murderers-for-decades to feed to the public. And completely ignore the danger next time might be a nuclear weapon on those same missiles.

What amazes me, disappoints me and every servant of Jesus Christ even though I have seen it many times in my life, is that people with plain knowledge of these things and openly admitting these things have sought to paint sympathy for the Iranians in the guise of respect for a nation-state as if they had some legitimate grievance against the United States and themselves were wholly and unequivocally innocent or were reacting to a provocation in the only and ideal manner a supposed free willed Islamic could react and is thus legitimate. Criminals are not and never will be justified in “defending themselves” against just retribution from God through whomsoever He may send it as if they were a homesteader fighting for his family on legally obtained land. Yet that is what we are to believe by the sodomite trained media. Even to use the term “hollow moralizing” about killing Soleimani , an operative in Iran’s terror networks ( as was used on Tucker Carlson’s show in Fox news) of the rank of General and revered in Iran as a terrorists who killed thousands of Americans over the course of his murder career, is to insult the murdered, and worse, to keep saying that if the Iranians “missed American troops on purpose” when they sent over a dozen cruise missiles from within one nation-state to another without a declaration of war, ( like Pearl Harbor) not even bothering to hide the doing of it as they have done all along for over 40 years, then no response is called for.

And those guys on tv get paid millions of dollars to be liars themselves and denigrate the Lord Jesus Christ that died for them. On a certain level, one should not be surprised, I understand that: their best honesty about God has been taught to them by homosexuals and other child predators, sodomites. So what they know of God is purely all about a supposed free willed “Choice” they made that guarantees them heaven so they can keep making their “faith” a purely personal never-public issue so they can keep making money lying for murderers and spinning fantastic scenarios to make themselves look “emotionally pure” on all matters and in their own eyes then, “moral”.

Do not be deceived. God is not mocked and it is definitely not the same thing morally for the just in Christ to defend the poor and oppressed against further aggression by a murderer and that same murderer to keep murdering “in retaliation” or so-called “self-defense”. Yet the Democrats and the other Iranian stooges in the media such as Tucker Carlson want you to be deceived exactly that way: that Jesus Christ and Islam’s god are equivalent and therefore everybody is equally guilty before them for doing similar actions and the only rule is the action itself not who does it and why. They deny Christ, deceive the simple, give false hope to whomsoever they can, destroy the faith of whomsoever they can, they do so continually and think they are going to be saved and rich.

It not going to happen.

God is not mocked.

Revelation 3:16-19  So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.  Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:  I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.  As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. 

Obviously, the Iranians are the provocateurs, the attackers, the murderers and the warmongers. Any hesitance to destroy them is not wisdom it is cowardice. But you never know, maybe the policy has become, “Well, heck , they missed; that’s the same as not doing it. Ha ha ha ha ah. Let’s do nothing and encourage them to kill us next time while lying to their people and telling them what great warriors they are so that their people never hesitate to follow them over a cliff.”

You would think the Iranian people would need a demonstration that their government is lying to them as compassion on them. Telling the truth is in fact the Christian thing to do, not letting the liars get away with more lies so they can murder some more.

Proverbs 6:16-19  These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:  A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,  An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,  A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. 

It is the ultimate deception to think that saying you have free will “makes you stronger” because human speech wants to hear it in others. All it does is reinforce feelings of isolation that are lies. The true fact is Christians have all of heaven behind them because the Spirit of Jesus Christ dwells in us and is always in the field working through us His pleasure, which includes killing wicked men and their supporters in war.

Isaiah 26:11-13 Jehovah, thy hand is lifted up, but they do not see: yet they shall see thy jealousy for the people, and be ashamed; yea, the fire which is for thine adversaries shall devour them. Jehovah, thou wilt ordain peace for us; for thou also hast wrought all our works for us. Jehovah our God, other lords than thee have had dominion over us; by thee only will we make mention of thy name.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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