It is a badge of honor for every real Christian to be banned from or have posts and comments removed from reddit. I even had one post forcefully edited and shortened by two thirds to remove evidence of the John Templeton Foundations paying employees/’grantees’ to continually write ‘research papers’ in support of the lie of human free will. In the ‘Calvinist’ subreddit. My “karma” at reddit is presently -30. God truly loves me.
From post to removal of the post and a ban was a few hours.
So scared of being seen and understood is human speech/non-creating speech of being a living creature that to broach the subject is immediately at first treated as amusing, then anger comes, then suspension comes to cut off the truth from whoever would have seen it. The pretense of debate at reddit, of a ‘free willed exchange of a will-neutral speech for the purpose of choosing truth for oneself” is the only allowable debate on that site. It is a satanic platform, but granted, for the most part doesn’t know it.
I sympathize with the slaves of human speech/non-creating speech everywhere, not just at reddit. That is the point of God speaking through us. The offense comes when God verbatim says He is speaking through us, at which point the accusation is “that is preaching, no debating”. But if those in non-creating speech would prove their point, let’s see it. Instead, the inability to prove that human speech is not a living creature seemed to be the sticking point.
I understand: for a free willer, why waste time considering a question you can’t prove or disprove, with the speech you have? When your free will and the characteristics of your own speech are called into question, with what do you answer? It is not as if they can set human speech aside and use another non-creating speech. They always speak “as if” they have free will and speech is completely under their control. But when God through Christians Speaks and makes a point of distinguishing Himself as Creating Speech as His side of the debate, suddenly ‘that’s preaching’ not debating. Of course, non-creating speech through them are preaching an ideology of non-creation and idealized lack as a lifestyle.
Here is what you can expect once God through you posts outside-the-reddit-box posts and comments:
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The anti-Christian stalwarts over at reddit are busily censoring Christian content when God through us doesn’t toe the line of a debate idealized as will-neutral information parsed back and forth for no benefit but the entertainment of the audience.
The particular post?
God through Christianity explains reality: Non-creating speech vs Creating Speech/Jesus Christ
Human speech is a living creature that cannot create anything simply by speaking it into existence and that inability to create anything is fundamental to the lie of human free will. The lack of creating ability of human speech, to call anything into existence simply by speaking it into existence makes it appear that the experience of speech, of being in and around speech or human beings and animals validates the notion of having a free will because the non-creating character of the speech itself is mistaken for non-interference and therefore being will-neutral. Because the non-creating speech is a deceiver and anti-Christ, it seeks to remain anonymous, denying its own existence as such, and carefully defining its own speech by the use of its own words in a circle/prison: you have to get ‘meaning’ by adding up other words as a ‘definition’ but you are still in the same speech no matter what you define.
Human beings inside human speech are called by Christians, Fallen, Totally Depraved and in order to escape human speech, we had to be given a new mind and spirit as the Word/Speech of God, which creates all that is and actively creates more all the time. I could not even know this unless Christianity is real and God is actively in me now.
The Holy Bible as a record of the Word/Speech of God/Creating Speech, cannot be understood by human speech and all confusion about the Holiness of Bible is caused by thinking to read it and understand it inside a speech that God plainly shows He confounded at the attempt to build the tower at Babel. He made a point of distinguishing Himself as Word/Speech from ‘their language and speech’. In order to understand God, one has to be outside of human speech. This is part of what it is to be born again: to be translated out of non-creating speech and into the Christ, the Word/Speech of God.
Not only is the lie of free will totally dependent on an idealized will-neutral, non-creating and supposedly non-interfering-with-the-hearer medium of communication but so is it’s supposed opposite, non-creating determinism. Together they constitute an essential infinity loop, the loop itself being the non-creating speech and the two sides being the lie of free will and non-creating determinism. If one starts out in the lie of free will, as supposed ‘choices are made’, even idealized ‘freedom’ narrows to zero and one finds they are fatalistic ( “It was bound to happen anyway.” ) and deterministic. Tomorrow is another day ..they start out in the lie of free will afresh..only to end up in non-creating determinism again. Depression and feelings of oppression and powerlessness ( in the midst of non-creating speech saying through everyone else in the hearing of the victim how powerful and free they are and from that supposed freedom they are forced to encourage each other in the lie..) are the result. Even the charity of such fallen/totally depraved individuals is to deceive each one his neighbor more thoroughly with such ‘encouraging’ non-creating speech as the common sense of living in the non-creating speech mandates subservience to it and the thought that there is another speech, Creating Speech is simply foreign and alien and must go against all the common sense of those inside.
The non-creating speech even has a false Christianity, wherein the lie of free will is not simply accepted but exalted as its own god. So many are forced into that false Christianity, only to derive no benefit and then end up as atheists, whose ideal is the most free will possible. That there is no free will because God as Creating Speech exists continually escapes them and they have no ability to understand this. Thus man in non-creating speech, the natural man/fallen man/totally depraved man can not understand that others live outside human speech and its common sense. God plainly says this, both as a statement and as a creating act, making it so:
1Corinthians 2:12-16 But *we* have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we may know the things which have been freely given to us of God: 2:13 which also we speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, communicating spiritual things by spiritual means . 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him; and he cannot know them because they are spiritually discerned; 2:15 but the spiritual discerns all things, and *he* is discerned of no one. 2:16 For who has known the mind of the Lord, who shall instruct him? But *we* have the mind of Christ.
Jesus Christ/Creating Speech IS the Speech of God. God does not ‘use language’. He is His Own Speech, Own prayers, Own power, Own laughter, Own praise. The Word/Speech of God was made flesh in order that He die, thus fulfilling His Oath to some He had given power to as long as He was alive. Those to whom He gave such power must deny that He died or that ‘language’ can become flesh because they are the spirits and words of non-creating speech to which fallen man was subject. In resurrection, He has freed us from that prison and the coming wrath of God on that prison ( human speech/non-creating speech/anti-Word-of-God/anti-Creating Speech/Anti-Christ) .
Romans 8:26 And in like manner the Spirit joins also its help to our weakness; for we do not know what we should pray for as is fitting, but the Spirit itself makes intercession with groanings which cannot be uttered.
Act 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave to them to speak forth.
In all the back and forth between “free will” vs “determinism” and ‘atheism’ vs ‘theism’ the very speech spoken in such debates is always ignored, and there is a simple assumption without intention, but relying on the common sense instilled by the experience of living in a non-creating speech, that the conversation goes anywhere except further into that speech; each side simply wishes for more eloquence from the false god of human speech/non-creating speech and does what they can in private to wrench fresh words for the fight from human speech itself before they return.
In Christ Jesus, the Incarnate Word of God, those very false gods of non-creating speech are thrown down inside one’s own heart and mind as God in new creation, gives a new heart and a new mind with His spirit ( which is new to us at the time..).
Eze 36:25 And I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your uncleannesses and from all your idols will I cleanse you. 36:26 And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. 36:27 And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and keep mine ordinances, and ye shall do them.
The doing of those ordinances is the evidence we have heard God, have a new heart and new mind and new spirit. God does them through us. We confess we have heard him, repentance is simply saying we are no longer of the speech of this world nor have anything to do with it other than to fight against it and its influence on our oppressed neighbors who see themselves as clever and smart the more human words they speak.
All of reality, of human experience is easily explained in true Christianity. All of God’s Word in the Holy Bible makes perfect sense when you understand these things. Beware counterfeit/free will based/non-creating deterministic ‘Christianity’.
Matthew 12:36 But I say unto you, that every idle word which men shall say, they shall render an account of it in judgment-day: 12:37 for by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
Luke 8:17 For there is nothing hid which shall not become manifest, nor secret which shall not be known and come to light. 8:18 Take heed therefore how ye hear; for whosoever has, to him shall be given, and whosoever has not, even what he seems to have shall be taken from him.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Supposedly, there was no thesis and so no debate. The only comments I got was “where is your thesis?, or something on the order of “Christianity enables child rape, or “where did you get this?”.etc..” The usual comments you expect at reddit from teenagers or college students taking “comparative religion” and who are told they are geniuses from those who take their money to teach them lies.
Those comments were allowed of course.
Isaiah 6:9 And he said, Go; and thou shalt say unto this people, Hearing ye shall hear and shall not understand, and seeing ye shall see and shall not perceive.
Inside the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen