Because of the difference between the Word/Speech of God and what is now human speech, despite its difference in pronunciation since the attempt to build the tower at Babel, there is no free will. Period.
At all.
God IS His Word. He doesn’t “use language”.
Even human speech is a living spirit ..that can’t create anything with itself as speech. It is simply pre-made-flesh anti-Christ that won’t be born of a virgin except maybe by artificial insemination.
In every so-called controversy between “justification by faith alone that is 100% granted by God alone in God’s timing alone” vs “justification by a lot of faith granted by God and a small amount of works by the target of that grace on one’s own, without the “interference of God” in the so-called “choice to do or not do God’s commands ” ( only one example of which would be to supposedly “choose Jesus’ “gospel offer” ( which in fact does not exist) or “a little faith granted by God and a lot of works by the target of that grace on its own, without the “interference of God” in the so-called “choice to do or not do God’s commands”, ( only one example of which would be to supposedly “choose Jesus’ “Gospel offer” ( which in point of fact cannot exist because God IS His Word and IS Creating Speech that creates what He speaks and thus to those He gives ears to hear Him with the constant command to “hear Him” and therefore be re-created/born again as non-metaphorical new creatures in Jesus Christ, ( as in “Peter 1:23 being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the living and abiding word of God.” and “1 John 5:1 Every one that believes that Jesus is the Christ is begotten of God; and every one that loves him that has begotten loves also him that is begotten of him” and “James 1:18 According to his own will begat he us by the word of truth, that we should be a certain first-fruits of his creatures” ) ..not remain the same creature with a different religious paradigm of “get”-law-then-break-law-then-get–in-on-a-forgiveness-restoration paradigm/ shampoo, rinse, repeat) the presumption of having at least some free will is ALWAYS there among those who argue over such things.
The presumption of free will is the starting point of all human speech and is the smaller of the deceptions that humans live under as bondage. The larger is that of an implied single-speechism in which without knowing it, their fundamental outlook on life and common sense is founded on the deception that a speech like their own, sharing exact characteristics, most importantly that it cannot create anything just by speaking it and that it is a falsely idealized will-neutral medium in which to pass information to another free willed entity who supposedly “does something” with the “information”, cannot interfere with anyone’s idealized free will. In fact, words are spirit and manipulates their mind, spirit and soul and human speech in particular is anti-Christ from which they cannot escape unless literally translated in the Christ/Word/Speech of God via non-metaphorical new birth in Jesus Christ.
You will have noticed by now God through me does not use small chunky sentences broken into mental rest breaks in this piece of writing, as is necessary for one still inside non-creating speech. Their stamina of learning is always very short given that they really look for an emotional content rather than Truth. This writing is spirit and life and gives power and life in Christ if you are elect rather than sucking you dry again with a futile effort “to learn something” by “applying it to yourself” somewhere, somehow as would be expected if you actually had a free will and has been the implied universal “purpose of speech” of human speech since the Fall of Man. Nor is it a linear progression. It is going to make you grow in many areas at once.
The fundamental arguing point in debates, particularly theological debates/(exchange of words/spirits) is not the point they make such a big deal of in the arguments themselves, but really, “why have they ( the other guy) used their free will some particular way when they should have used it God’s way”. The whole point of the treatise/process has been to talk someone into or out of a supposedly free willed action. The lie of at-least-some human free will is always on both sides of those theological discussions. The assumptions made universally among even the most conservative and even the most honest arguers of such things is that the words and speech they have is not-God as Word but that they are themselves in a zone of non-creating and non-interfering-with-the-will speech which they “use” to make a point in a will-neutral way, with no power whatsoever so as to leave pristine the power of the reader or hearers free will to “decide for themselves” what is truth. They are at best one of Job’s three friends of whom God said:
Job 42:7 And it came to pass after Jehovah had spoken these words to Job, that Jehovah said to Eliphaz the Temanite, Mine anger is kindled against thee, and against thy two friends; for ye have not spoken rightly of me, like my servant Job.
And Elihu..And what said Satan in his guise through Elihu, who honored God in the fashion of a non-creating speech doing its best as flattery to God and Man:
Job 34:2,3 Hear my words, ye wise men ; and give ear unto me, ye that have knowledge. For the ear trieth words, as the palate tasteth food.
Job 34:4 Let us choose for ourselves what is right; let us know among ourselves what is good!
(and there was no sacrifice for Elihu because there is no sacrifice for Satan )
The sitution with current and most historical debate is exactly like the so-called anti-abortion groups who jump up and down about having a free will: they want in every way to indoctrinate everyone they can that “God ( or “nature” or “evolution” if they more overtly pagan/Christs-hating) forced free will on everyone.. that we can’t get rid of it even if we wanted! ..and then just try to oversee some one else’s “freedom” so that that target person leads the most successful and satisfying life possible and call that being kind. But they fully understand the whole time what they are really doing is supporting abortion because the root argument of abortion is that the woman is supposedly defending/”keeping” her freedom to do great and fun stuff and the child/soul in her womb is an unwanted interference with that pursuit of the ideal of the lie of human free will. Those anti-abortion groups are simply controlled opposition/false flag operations of Lucifer ..exactly like the “capital outrage” that supposedly changed the mind of the Republican stalwarts who were going to be honest about the stolen election prior to the “riot” by so-called Trump supporters. They had planned to betray the American people all along and only waited until the event happened to supposedly “justify” their treason.
The anti-abortionists, just like the so-called “justification by faith ( as a gift of God ) alone” stalwarts always insist on human free will everything but salvation, knowing full and well the opponents simply want the lie of free will as a universal to give the impression that there is only one speech in total reality, it can’t create anything and their foundation of limited everything, given the ideal of no new creation ( especially children ) ( given the idealized lack of new creation inherit in the lie of free will ) is a perfect base on which to run governments and sell merchandise.
The whole premise by all concerned in those so-called “issues” is that God, Lucifer/Satan and Man all share the same language that has the same fundamental characteristic that it does not create anything new and therefore man lives in an environment in which new things are not being created around him and thus is ideally a zone in which non-interference with the desires of man is the rule ..because of a false/lying theologically defined non-interference policy “God” supposedly must abide by ( given He only supposedly has the same non-creating speech as fallen man).
They constantly assume free-will-in-everything-but-salvation as a starting point because they want the availability of a supposed will-neutral, non-creating gospel-of-information-rather-than-Word/Life Itself that goes around claiming to be an “offer” from God and that God is essentially a beggar who goes around asking for adherents. The fact is that God must give permission to the one who worships Him before He can be worshiped and He must be worshiped and spoken to in Himself as Word/Speech of God ..NOT human speech.
The Incarnate Word/Speech of God asks human beings who are in human speech directly:
John 8:43 Why do ye not know my speech? Because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of the devil, as your father, and ye desire to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks falsehood, he speaks of what is his own; for he is a liar and its father: and because I speak the truth, ye do not believe me.
Plainly those in human speech cannot hear Him and therefore cannot know Him and are obviously at that point not born again because of not having heard Him. Yet they wish to appear to perfectly understand theology and what better way to prove supposed goodness than fighting what is genuinely evil-er lies than what they say themselves.
The youngest babe in Christ knows Christ. Knows power. Knows the unique, non-worldly power. Knows the Voice of God. It takes a while to differentiate the lies “about” God versus the Truth that IS God ..they go through a phase of arguing “what is truth?!” to finally acknowledging that Truth is a Who, not a what and that His Name is Jesus Christ, which of course makes perfect sense if God IS His Word/Speech ..not only what He says is Truth and factual and reality, He IS that speech that He spoke and our new speech becomes Christ/Word of God in the non-metaphorical new birth.
But those who give lies platforms in which to speak by merely arguing with them as if they were “distinguished colleagues with bad theology” instead of outright liars in an outright different speech that can create nothing and who never admit that God is a separate and Holy Other Speech, don’t want to know such things: they constantly wish for obscurity so that they may supposedly enlighten ( by which they mean confuse) the babes with faux scholarship about something someone said in “early church days” or the 500’s or 1800’s or 1900’s prove their own “point” while supporting the lie of human free will and obscuring the difference between Christ and anti-Christ, Living/Actively-Creating Word/Speech and non-creating speech.
Perfect example:
From The Trinity Review, Nov/Dec. 2020.
Writer is Robert L. Raymond
“It is indeed true, as Sanders demonstrates from his in-depth examination of the Qumran literature, the Apocryphal literature and the Pseudepigraphal literature, and the Rabbinic literature of the first two hundred years after Christ that one can find many references to the election of Israel and to His grace and mercy toward the nation. “
( wow. what’s wrong with that? He is supposed to be arguing, obviously in a speech that he firmly understands will not create anything and therefore is not in Christ, that justification is by faith alone, not by works ..which is true, but it doesn’t help anyone to know that who is outside of Christ. But then sentence in the same paragraph..)
“And, of course, if Sanders is right about the non-legalistic nature of Palestinian Judaism in Paul’s day, then Douglas J. Moo is correct when he asserts the traditional Reformation view of Paul’s polemic “is left hanging in mid-air and it is necessary either to accuse Paul of misunderstanding ( or misinterpreting) his opponents, or to find new opponents for him to be criticizing.”
Amidst the goo of faux scholar speak the writer goes on to make the point that justification is by grace alone, that Sanders and Dunn and Moo are all full of false doctrine and even parses such a fine point in the rest of the piece of writing as accurately distinguishing between use of terms that are meant to confuse that ‘staying saved’ is by the works of law but “getting saved” is by grace alone and comes down firmly on the correct understanding that both ‘getting’ and ‘staying’ are by grace alone. Without ever once mentioning free will or the difference between the Creating Word of God and the non-creating speech of Sanders, Dunn and Moo other than to mention what they wrote to attack the Truth instead of support the Truth in the mildest non-creating writing construct he could find.
No mention of the simple fact you can’t be reverse engineered and un-born again because God lives in you and maintains you and so the simple truths of “once saved always saved” and “once in the Christ/Speech of God you are outside of human speech as a whole and can’t go back in” and that human speech was and never will be your friend and human speech is a liar for claiming you can’t get to God except through itself as an “offer”.
But always the insinuation that to do anything churchy, you must speak human speech, you “need” the ability to un-deceive by will-neutral means the target of YOUR idealized non-interfering “grace” and that human speech still has a function at all in the Body of Christ, despite the very plain creating declaration of God Almighty as His Word/Speech:
John 14:30 I will no longer speak much with you, for the ruler of the world comes, and in me he has nothing;
..but always taking the part of Satan and saying “Let us choose truth ( an idealized what instead of a Who ) for ourselves!” the lie of free will.
But even Satan, called out on his lies, has churcheological tricks:
In this video by Greg Braden, a deceiver of non-born again persons par excellence, The Creators Code
(starting at 6:24) Satan’s speech, non-creating speech, through Gregg Braden who seems to be honoring the Bible in this particular instant ( “he spoke like a dragon” speak with the full insinuation that what is spoken cannot create anything but reveals “creational stuff” while maintaining the lie of human free will and a will neutral environment in which to add up facts into power to choose ..whatever ), claims some unknown ancient Hebrew texts have “revealed” that human beings were spoken into existence ..that we are made of a mysterized “word” ..encoded in our dna. Not that God is His Own Speech/Word in Jesus Christ, but that “we” as all human beings are made of God-Word without knowing whom that God is and that we are getting messages from our ancestors, but not God and we’re doing so on the supposition that the lie of free will is sacrosanct. The supposition is that we must breathlessly await the revelation of who God is and fall down before the human speech/non-creating speech pretender at some unspecified future date.
edit 1: In fact it is a well known cabalist text.
But they, the wicked and servants of Satan, feel compelled at this point for reasons unknown to themselves, to say they are made of word ..but an unknown word that never mentions the Blessed Name of Jesus Christ as the Incarnate Word of God, but only Jah ( edit ) . Nowhere in that document does it say God IS His Own Speech, but claims that God made up a separate vocabulary of letters other than Himself and built the universe on those letters. By doing so of course they get to later say the Word/Speech of God hasn’t come yet so when anti-Christ shows up in the flesh ( the Man of Sin) the coast is clear to claim to be God. They want to take the Holy Bible and make it not-true-yet-but-will-be-true-later-with-different-individuals-with-the-same-names in a classic, tried and true manner of false Christianity whereby they think they are oh so clever to use their non-creating notions of Christianity against true non-metaphorical new creatures in Jesus Christ.
It is more than obvious at this point that, how shall we say, a “new para-dig-em” of churchy/theological speech encounters is on the horizon of arguments between competing claims to be Creating Speech. Articles like were commonly written in the past to un-deceive one’s neighbor by a supposed will-neutral medium of language to leave one’s neighbor’s idealized free will intact as a type of etiquette/honor will be gone. ( something like “Oh I would never presume to overpower your free will. I’m just giving you information to process and reach your own conclusion.” If not-yet born again persons heard that and actually knew the wisdom they receive after the non-metaphorical new birth in Christ/Creating Speech they would reply “Then what good are you and what good is your “information”?!” But of course they CANNOT know it beforehand.)
1 Corinthians 2:12-16 And we the spirit of the world did not receive, but the Spirit that is of God, that we may know the things conferred by God on us,
which things also we speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Holy Spirit, with spiritual things spiritual things comparing, and the natural man doth not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for to him they are foolishness, and he is not able to know them , because spiritually they are discerned; and he who is spiritual, doth discern indeed all things, and he himself is by no one discerned; for who did know the mind of the Lord that he shall instruct Him? and we–we have the mind of Christ.
The lie of free will will be suspended and it will be who can fake talking-like-you-have-creating speech the best to grab the most slaves. Who can fake having power the best ..true back-in-the-day paganism instead of the paganism lite of the conservative and liberal churchy arguments. Speaking like dragons ..with more passion, shall we say. But then even so-called conservatives who depended on an idealized non-creating speech to politely bless their neighbor into “factual Christianity” have always spoken like dragons. They will have to learn the trick-speak, to “speak like God” ..with an idealized free will of course to stay up with all the latest dragon speak.
That’s because you can’t keep up with Satan in his own speech can’t beat him in his own speech. To learn his rhetorical tricks is to live the depths of Satan. It’s not as if he could get out of his own speech any more than a fallen human being can get out of anti-Christ as speech. You can only beat Satan if you are in Christ/Word of God. If Satan/Lucifer could, he would escape the wrath of God on that speech and on himself. He never understood why he could say the EXACT SAME WORDS as sound-a-likes or look-a-likes in print copying what God says word for word yet God and God’s people always know the difference: there is no power in it. In fact, there is only accusation in it 24/7 with the same accusation over and over: “why did you use your free will the wrong way ..again?!”
Maybe they will have movies and great painted faces as they pretend to Escape from Human Speech on Planet Nine! Great visual effects will be the metaphors for transcendence into the fake-creating-speech. They already have such movies, for a long time now with the caveat that no one seems to know what they were transcending from or into: only the notion of “having escaped” from at best, physical harm. Just a bunch of music and fascinated expressions with soft smiles, like right after drinking the kool-aid.
When I was younger ..a lot younger, I worked in the forest near my home making roads. Laborer, throwing roots out of newly pushed roads. There was some competition for the comparatively cushy job of running the dozer. It showed initiative, etc. The owner liked that. I remember distinctly on such an occasion an older man and young man who wanted to play with the dozer saying nonsensical words in my direction, and the older man trying to get the younger to say more. Not so much a foreign language of human beings but an assumption of precisely arranged, intelligent sound none the less. The point I distinctly remember to this day is the young man saying in a hushed voice to the older man ( white people ..I’m white but a lot of people tend to think for whatever reason that this is a black phenomenon ) “I’m afraid he’ll hear me!” and the older man saying “It doesn’t matter what you say. They can’t hear it. You can say it right in front of them!” At that point ( as my Dad used to say ) I felt in my spirit they were evil and I wanted nothing to do with them–and now, years later, that God had no intention of saving them, so God didn’t reply to them at all. So there was no point in me debating with them. I walked away and threw roots while they smiled and played with the dozer. I know that they thought their words “worked” to create some weird obedience in me to throw roots while they, comparatively, sat.
It didn’t work on me. But it did on them. So desperate to get the dozer job they sold their soul and God gave them no grace. God showed me something that, being me at the time, I forgot in a day. But God bringeth back again that which is past.
I have been directly told by a witch that witches have a universal speech that they speak that no one else can understand that brings them what they want. Spells and such. It’s got its own grammar, way of say, etc. There are stories on blogs and such that back that up. Knowing how anti-Christ works backs that up. He actually believed it when a shaman told him the earth would never let him die.
Every now and then anti-Christ will break cover and approach me in some strange situation and say things like “You know who I am!” through someone I’ve never met and want to talk about speech itself. Truck drivers, homeless people, wealthy people, .. It wants to see how much I know, what God is going to do it through me investigate. It’s obvious they don’t know what is happening but are engaged and thoughtful and wondering where their own words are coming from ..but glad for them. They think its witty stuff.
But for all that, they can’t get out of it. So, what do you think would happen if that speech and its grammar became the new ( long ago) “way” to debate theology? The constant etiquette and “bearing in mind” never to overcome anyone’s supposed “free will” as a “rule”; that you have to un-deceive your neighbor inside of it as a subset of non-creating speech and if it doesn’t work, you’re left with the lie that you just suck at using your free will correctly and that there is nothing wrong with the speech itself.
That is exactly what Satan wants make you think its all for nothing ..because debating in non-creating speech is worthless to create new creatures in Jesus Christ.
Speaking non-creating speech is like getting amnesia, even from a medical point of view. Beliefs impact Alzhiemers in a physical way. The oh-so-eloquent debater this year in non-creating speech upholding the lie of free will as a common platform with the enemies of Christ is next years Alzhimers case.
Corinthians 11:27-30 So that whosoever shall eat the bread, or drink the cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty in respect of the body and of the blood of the Lord. But let a man prove himself, and thus eat of the bread, and drink of the cup. For the eater and drinker eats and drinks judgment to himself, not distinguishing the body. On this account many among you are weak and infirm, and a good many are fallen asleep.
John 6:63 It is the Spirit which quickens, the flesh profits nothing: the words which I have spoken unto you are spirit and are life.
KJV Isaiah 44:8,9 Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any. They that make a graven image are all of them vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed.
It is bad enough when Satan speaks against the Holy Bible, but worse when he speaks through a “new translation”, even in ancient times. Then the type of Christian scholar above takes one of those heretical Bibles and his opinion of the situation is that he has to depend on his own best honesty to undeceive his neighbor in a speech that creates nothing and is not-God as Speech. He has to undeceive his neighbor out of something he himself does not understand other than a falsely idealized will-neutral piece of knowledge and into something he himself does not understand and no better argument than any other pagan who depends on his own witness. He is just a pagan mouthing Christian words to other pagans who are as deceived as he is.
Genesis 11:1
Genesis 11:1 And the wholeH3605 earthH776 wasH1961 of oneH259 language,H8193 and of oneH259 speech.H1697 ( with Strongs numbers)
The point of contention and to the topic at hand? Those are two different words with two different creating effects in the mind of the new creature in Jesus Christ in whom dwells the Word/Speech of God. One means lip/mouth and the other essentially what is being said ..Doctrine/matters, reports.. ( this an edit from earlier ). When all you can see is non-creating speech in print, that means that that is all you will ever look for and the common sense of it is all the wisdom you will ever have until you hear God.
It appears, if you read it and you are yourself in non-creating language, ( and of course don’t know that you are inside anything but imagine your language to be the universal language ) then Genesis 11: 1 appears to make God out to be saying the same thing twice:
KJV: ( without Strongs numbers )
Genesis 11:1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
..not just one lip/pronunciation but the same speech as a whole living spirit ..non-creating speech/anti-Christ. We know it was non-creating speech because the definition of the Fall of Man was the switching of Speaks in Eve and the subsequent “hearkening to the voice of his wife” by Adam ..not simply because she said something but because she was speaking in dragon-speak/non-creating/Word-of-God-hating speech, ..and she didn’t even know it. The serpents speaking event was sorcery by which he implanted in her flesh his own non-creating speech in her mind word for word for the pre-incarnate Word of God which was our native speech in Adam. She went from fluent in pre-Incarnate-Christ to fluent in anti-Christ and never saw it coming or thought anything had happened except her “opinion” of what to do with the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and what to do with speech itself suddenly altered. She never thought about her former speech in that instant, but only former supposedly evil restraint.
1Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
So by the time our ancestors got to the Plain of Shinar, they were ONLY fluent in anti-Christ. And that spirit was in all the people, (Romans 8:20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, ). What God confounded was NOT Himself as Creating Word/Speech but the non-creating speech/anti-Christ. He confounded it by mixing up how it is pronounced, the grammar, the thought patterns ..not just a substitution cypher. God confounded their speech so that their lip/language would be changed and that spirit itself could no longer take advantage of all the people, at least not at the same time. He gave their souls a safe haven even inside anti-Christ for those whom He intended to save, even as He did later in the Babylonian captivity of Israel and even later when He made a place for them in the foreign countries. He stuck some good in the evil, but only for His people and did not empower the evil thereby.
But the points here is that they most decidedly did NOT speak pre-Incarnate Christ and God is not saying the same thing twice in Genesis11:1.
God differentiates the Word that He IS by prefacing what happened with the vital truth that their language and speech was one and He subsequently divided their language ( way of pronouncing and thinking language ) and thus confounded their language so that they could not understand the spirit of the anti-Christ whom IS their speech in their former compatriots in pronunciation. God most certainly did not confound Himself as Speech but by His Creating Speech that He IS confounded anti-Christ to protect the people.
Genesis 11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
“Language” and “speech” are very plainly here two different words with two different creating effects in Christ. Only those outside of Christ would think “God is saying essentially the same thing twice in a will-neutral medium by which we process information so that our free will remains intact at all times.”
from ( I don’t know Mr. Kukis ) and even he claims essentially God is simply saying the same thing twice on that same page in so many words. But his site is an excellent reference for this article : link here.
Outright lies in Ancient texts of anti-Christ masquerading as Holy Script:
Targum of Onkelos: “In the holy language spake they, that by which the world had been created at the beginning. And it was while they were journeying from the east that they found a plain in the land of Bavel, and dwelt there.”
Jerusalem targum: ” …for they spake the holy language by which the world was created at the beginning: while their hearts erred afterwards from the Word of Him who spake, and the world was, at the beginning; and they found a plain in the land of Pontos and dwelt there.”
end quote..
You see that? A direct claim that God confounded His Own Self as Speech. “for they spoke the holy language by which the world was created”.. given that in John 1:1 God plainly declares as an act of His creating Word/Speech that He IS His Own Speech/Word:
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Below is a reference on the two different words God Speaks in Genesis 11:1.
Note sâphâh (שָׂפָה) ( language) is feminine singular, while debârîym (דְּבָרִים) ( speech) is masculine plural ( as in “Mark 5:9 and he was questioning him, What is thy name?' and he answered, saying,
Legion is my name, because we are many;’)
Again from : link here.
sâphâh (שָׂפָה) [pronounced saw-FAWH] | lip, tongue; words, speech; dialect, language; edge, border [or, lip] [of something], shore | feminine singular noun | Strong’s #8193 BDB #973 |
This is the first occurrence of this word in Scripture; this was not the word used in the previous chapter. |
debârîym (דְּבָרִים) [pronounced dawb-vawr-EEM] | words, sayings, doctrines, commands; things, matters, reports | masculine plural noun | Strong’s #1697 BDB #182 |
Although this seems nearly impossible to me, this appears to be the first occurrence of this word in Scripture. |
and to see the various translations …
Targum of Onkelos (only the first part of Gen 11:1, comment mine) And all the earth was (of) one language, and one speech, and one counsel.
Jerusalem targum ( only the first part of Gen 11:1..minus the heresy; comment mine) And all the inhabiters of the earth were (of) one language, and of one speech, and one counsel:…
Latin Vulgate And the earth was of one tongue, and of the same speech.
Masoretic Text (Hebrew) And so is all the earth a lip one [or, one speech, language] and words [the] same.
Peshitta (Syriac) NOW the whole earth spoke one language and with one manner of speech.
Septuagint (Greek) And all the earth had one language, and one speech.
Significant differences:
Thought-for-thought translations; paraphrases:
Common English Bible Origin of languages and cultures
All people [Heb lacks people.] on the earth had one language and the same words.
Contemporary English V. At first everyone spoke the same language,… ( they took the word “speech” out on the presumption that God used two different words for no reason ..over and over they do the same thing in other new translations or make it out that what is being said by God is just the idea of pronunciation rather than both pronunciation and spirit ..comment mine)
Easy English All the people on the earth had one language and they had one set of words.
Easy-to-Read Version {After the flood,} the whole world spoke one language. All people used the same words.
Good News Bible (TEV) At first, the people of the whole world had only one language and used the same words.
The Message At one time, the whole Earth spoke the same language.
New Berkeley Version It came about when the whole earth used one language and the same words 2that in moving in the East they came upon a plain in the Shinar territory and there they settled. V. 2 was included for context.
New Century Version At this time the whole world spoke one language, and everyone used the same words.
New Living Translation At one time all the people of the world spoke the same language and used the same words.
Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations:
( same thing ..they make it seem only pronunciation is what God changed and only what He was letting you know He did. a classic “nothing to see here. Let’s move on to the juicy details that supposedly prove free will somewhere else”. It is beyond obvious to be unavoidably clear there is no free will when God can simply change your pronunciation in an instant and stop an oppressing spirit to give you rest at the same time. ..comment mine)
American English Bible [At the time], the whole earth shared the same lips, because they all spoke the same language.
Beck’s American Translation The Confusion of Languages
The whole world talked one language with the same words.
God’s Word™ The whole world had one language with a common vocabulary.
New American Bible The whole world spoke the same language, using the same words.
New American Bible (R.E.) Tower of Babel.
The whole world had the same language and the same words. [11:1-9] This story illustrates increasing human wickedness, shown here in the sinful pride that human beings take in their own achievements apart from God. Secondarily, the story explains the diversity of languages among the peoples of the earth.
NIRV The Tower of Babel
The whole world had only one language. All people spoke it.
New Jerusalem Bible The whole world spoke the same language, with the same vocabulary.
New Simplified Bible The entire world had one language and common words.
Revised English Bible THERE was a time when all the world spoke a single language and used the same words.
Today’s NIV The Tower of Babel
Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.
Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing):
Ancient Roots Translinear All the land was of one lip and of one word.
Complete Jewish Bible The whole earth used the same language, the same words.
The Expanded Bible The Languages Confused
At this time the whole world spoke one language, and everyone used the same words.
Ferar-Fenton Bible All the country was agreed for settled objects. ( what?! Comment mine)
HCSB At one time the whole earth had the same language and vocabulary.
Judaica Press Complete T. Now the entire earth was of one language and uniform words.
New Advent Bible And the earth was of one tongue, and of the same speech.
NET Bible® The Dispersion of the Nations at Babel
The whole earth [The whole earth. Here “earth” is a metonymy of subject, referring to the people who lived in the earth. Genesis 11 begins with everyone speaking a common language, but chap. 10 has the nations arranged by languages. It is part of the narrative art of Genesis to give the explanation of the event after the narration of the event. On this passage see A. P. Ross, “The Dispersion of the Nations in Genesis 11:1-9,” BSac 138 (1981): 119-38.] had a common language and a common vocabulary [Heb “one lip and one [set of] words.” The term “lip” is a metonymy of cause, putting the instrument for the intended effect. They had one language. The term “words” refers to the content of their speech. They had the same vocabulary.]. When it comes to making an actual material change to the text, the NET Bible® is pretty good about indicating this. Since most of these corrections will be clear in the more literal translations below and within the Hebrew exegesis itself, I will not continue to list every NET Bible® footnote. ( the same deception more in-depth. comment mine.)
Literal, almost word-for-word, renderings: ( ! Literal?!” No. Just the most obvious change to accommodate the thought that God is just saying the same thing twice with two different words specifically in a speech that creates nothing and leaves an idealized “free will” intact. The word “language” is treated as the central point everywhere the word “speech” is left out. Comment mine )
The Amplified Bible And the whole earth was of one language and of one accent and mode of expression.
Concordant Literal Version Now coming is the entire earth to be of one lip, all of one speech.
Context Group Version And the entire land { or earth } was of one language { lit., one lip } and of one speech.
Emphasized Bible So it came to pass that, all the earth, was of one manner of speech,—and of one stock of words.
English Standard Version The Tower of Babel
Now the whole earth had one language and the same words.
LTHB And the whole earth was of one lip and of one speech.
NASB Universal Language, Babel, Confusion
Now the whole earth used the same language [Lit was one lip] and the same words [Or few or one set of words].
New RSV Now the whole earth had one language and the same words.
Syndein/Thieme {The Tower of Babel; the Generations from Shem to Abram}
{Verses 1:9: Story of Internationalism}
And the whole earth {‘erets} was of one language {saphah}, and of one speech {dabar – means to ‘communicate categorically’}. {Note: In Hebrew style, a story is laid out and then later the details are given. So ‘one language and one speech’ tells us that now we have moved back before the separation of the earth into Nationalism laid out in Chapters 10:5.} {Note: Human viewpoint says that one language would be so ‘good for the human race’. God protects the human race by keeping the peoples separate so everyone can have maximum freedom. The power lust of the Old Sin Nature is just to great too handle one world government. And, Satan is the ruler of this world. So if one world government did take control, we can be sure its policies would be those of Satan. ‘The greatest good for the greatest number’ is a Satanic policy that sounds very good to those who are NOT in power. It tickles their power lusts. And, false ‘religions’ are authored by the great deceiver – the devil. In these he has two basic campaigns -smear and fear. First he attacks and reference to the grace of God – building up ‘salvation by some form of human works’ instead – circumcism, baptism, ‘living a good life’, not eating pork, cows, whatever. Next, fear – Satan uses religion to ‘beat’ people over the heads so they are in a constant state of fear. Then they are distracted from seeing how God’s plan of Grace is one of love, and happiness, and inner peace – here on earth and for eternity.}. ( Good points but put in a way as to obscure that the people had a different spirit than the Speech/Word of God. comment mine.)
World English Bible The whole earth was of one language and of one speech.
Young’s Literal Translation And the whole earth is of one pronunciation, and of the same words,…
Note mine: Mr. Kukis falls for it too: His comment? ” The gist of this verse: At one time, everyone on earth spoke the same language.”
Gen 11: 7 when God says:
( KJV) Gen 11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
Note mine: still the use of two different words for two different understanding effects of creation in the mind of the new creature in Jesus Christ.
Ancient texts ( of anti-Christ, insertion mine ) :
Targum of Onkelos And the Lord said to the seventy angels which stand before Him, Come, we will descend and will there commingle their language, that a man shall not understand the speech of his neighbour.
More ancient texts, some from which the Holy Bible is comprised:
Latin Vulgate Come ye, therefore, let us go down, and there confound their tongue, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
Masoretic Text (Hebrew) Come, let us go down and let us confuse there their lip that they not listen a man to a lip of his neighbor.”
Peshitta (Syriac) Come, let us go down, and there divide their language so that they may not understand one another’s speech.
Septuagint (Greek) Come, let Us go down and confound their language, that they may not understand each the voice of his neighbor.
(note mine: “voice” is somewhat acceptable, but is not the word used ..and only if you already know “the voice of thy wife” in Gen 3 means a different speech than God as Word)
( Note mine: voiceH6963 ( from Blue Letter Bible The KJV translates Strong’s H6963 in the following manner: voice (383x), noise (49x), sound (39x), thunder (10x), proclamation (with H5674) (4x), send out (with H5414) (2x), thunderings (2x), fame (1x), miscellaneous (16x).
קוֹל qôwl, kole; or קֹל qôl; from an unused root meaning to call aloud; a voice or sound:—+ aloud, bleating, crackling, cry (+ out), fame, lightness, lowing, noise, + hold peace, (pro-) claim, proclamation, + sing, sound, + spark, thunder(-ing), voice, + yell.
end note..)
Newer versions that plainly seek to pass over what is really going on:
Significant differences:
Thought-for-thought translations; paraphrases: ( really?! ..they are doing it again !)
Contemporary English V. Come on! Let’s go down and confuse them by making them speak different languages–then they won’t be able to understand each other.
Easy-to-Read Version So let’s go down and confuse their language. Then they will not understand each other.”
The Message ( a famous anti-Christ ‘version” ..comment mine) Come, we’ll go down and garble their speech so they won’t understand each other.”
New Berkeley Version Come, let us go down and so confuse their speech that they cannot make out each other’s words.
New Life Bible Come, let Us go down and mix up their language so they will not understand what each other says.”
New Living Translation Come, let’s go down and confuse the people with different languages. Then they won’t be able to understand each other.”
Partially literal and partially paraphrased translations: anti-Christ is parsing out what translations ideally ought to say while simply leaving out the Truth
American English Bible So, let’s go down there and change their language so none of them will be able to understand the voice of his neighbor.’
New American Bible (R.E.) Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that no one will understand the speech of another.
NIRV Come. Let us go down and mix up their language. Then they will not understand each other.”
Mostly literal renderings (with some occasional paraphrasing): ( ! “most literal?!” No. Just most literal change to accommodate the thought that God is just saying the same thing twice with two different words specifically in a speech that creates nothing and leaves an idealized “free will” intact. The word “language” is treated as the central point everywhere “speech” is left out. Comment mine )
Ancient Roots Translinear Descend and mingle their lips there. Grant that no man hears his neighbor.”
Bible in Basic English Come, let us go down and take away the sense of their language, so that they will not be able to make themselves clear to one another.
The Expanded Bible Come, let us go down and confuse their language [Lthere] so they will not be able to understand each other.”
Ferar-Fenton Bible I will go down and frustrate their designs, so that one will not listen to another’s proposals.”
Judaica Press Complete T. Come, let us descend and confuse their language, so that one will not understand the language of his companion.”
New Advent Bible Come, therefore, let us go down, and there confound their tongue, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
NET Bible® Come, let’s go down and confuse their language so they won’t be able to understand each other [Heb “they will not hear, a man the lip of his neighbor.”].” ( Hebrew? where? comment mine. Faux authentication, gives it that smell of scholarship.)
NIV – UK Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
end quote..
The non-creating language was confused to slow the progress of anti-Christ in the people, and when anti-Christ writes a new translation, he always makes it seem that that he was never there, is not in the new translation and that “language” itself ( with the singular noun) is really only one large non-creating paradigm in which the lie of human free will is perfectly safe in perpetuity, there simply can’t be another Speech and the only thing that happened at Babel was a mix up of pronunciation and that God simply wanted to make it hard on people to understand each other. In particular, every time anti-Christ is exposed in Scripture, he seeks to confuse the next translation so he won’t be seen. Anti-Christ, by God’s command, has swindled the human soul and cursed God-as-Word with such antics from the beginning.
Even, “conservatively” while debating “truth” ( as an idealized “what” instead of a Who ( Jesus Christ ) and “sound doctrine”.
I am under no deception that what God says through me is non-creating or non-interfering with anti-Christs lies.
He who has ears to hear let him hear.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen