The Lie of Human Free Will and Non-creating determinism forces Greed, Avarice, Immorality and Corruption as Common Sense: Part One

Plus first edit:

The Lie of Human Free Will and Non-creating determinism forces Greed, Avarice and Immorality as Common Sense

Psalm 35:19,20 Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause. 35:20 For they speak not peace: but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land.

The lie of free will is not spoken in a vacuum. It is non-creating speech/human speech through the mouths of human beings, the tongue set on fire by hell itself, as a device that is a lie predicated to be used as a precursor tool for the introduction of more lies. Even the newest newbie of the lie of free will is deceived that in the lie, which they think is true, they need ‘more’ words that bring a ‘deeper understanding’ of ‘what to do’ with a supposed ‘free’ will. Every false religion has its own ideal behaviors as religious rules, a forgiveness paradigm of some sort for the restoration of the one who supposedly breaks the rules ‘on purpose’ and a reward system for supposed ‘growth’ and ‘maturity’ on the path toward the ideal after-death destination.

It’s the in-between now and then that catches them in death.

In between the idealized what-is-happening-now and the ‘holy destination’ of false religions, an idealized free will must be demonstrated and continuously proven to exist in order to participate in the false religion: the deceived one must be seen ‘doing’ something and the something they must be seen doing must, at least as a large percentage of the number of behaviors, fall within the parameters of the groups ‘plan of earned salvation’. The non-creating speech of the false religion is never investigated as to its essence ( what is it?) but is always seen as another ‘special’ part of human speech that is necessary to read/hear for one’s supposed salvation. So while the adherent is told what to do and is developing a desire to do exactly as told with a ‘free’ will so as to earn a blame-proof life and end up, in the best free will theory of what to ‘be’, a righteous robot always ‘doing the behaviors’ perfectly, he/she is actually being filled with demons/spirits of destructive behaviors the more they hear the rules and rewards and admonitions of the false religion. The words of non-creating speech/lies are living creatures/spirits.

At this point, the false religion is easily seen as an economic attack on other false religions: it merely has new material items and behaviors with those material items as a part of its ‘plan of salvation’. New items must be purchased and old items rejected. The whole time the doing of specific behaviors that supposedly constitute ‘proof’ of having a free will at all is mandatory else the new adherent is condemned. Yet the most persuasive behaviors of supposedly having a free will to the deceived are specifically those that violate the rules of the false religion as they seem to demonstrate a total freedom from constraint and a ‘free-er’ free will on the one hand and a supposed proof of righteous intent as proving an inward religious struggle on the other. The ‘free-est’ free will in the mind of the deceived is then the most wicked, the biggest and most often transgressor of the ‘rules’.

The more false religions proliferate, each with its own ideal behaviors of both salvation and damnation, the more material items are necessary to have under one’s use in order to prove the ‘free will’ exists. The proofs of having a free will are universally accepted across all religions regardless of the competition between them for adherents and each violation of one false/free will based religion’s behavioral model versus another is met with condemnation with regard to idealized progress on a ‘journey to paradise’ but universal acceptance with regard to all shopping at the same stores, only each for his/her own necessary items with which to prove their own version of an ideal life lived with a ‘free will’.

The proliferation of false religions, to include false Christianities, is then well understood to be nothing more than a boon to mercantilism, as many more things are bought and sold than are necessary for life or even comfort, and trade, buying and selling is almost a universally accepted ‘behavioral proof’ of having a ‘free will’. Each false religion has its own proofs of behavior and material items the behaviors need in order to be exercised. Since one never knows, in the vagaries of life, when all such deceived persons are mixing and milling around in public ‘doing’ their respective ‘proofs of free will’ what one will encounter next, they all want to have on hand a way to prove free will –to anybody, at any time. A working definition of a wealthy person is then one who has lots of ways to prove they have a ‘free’ will and is ‘safer’ than a ‘poor’ person in that regard, and the poor is one who has relatively few ways to prove a ‘free’ will and is in ‘danger’ depending on whom they meet with their required proofs of life in their mind. The collection then of otherwise useless material objects as is commonly seen with both ‘rich’ and even homeless ‘shopping kart’ people is understood to be the proofs of fear of each other’s version of ‘proving ‘free’ will’, with the rich as the biggest suckers as they work only to collect more while God prevents the poor from doing so on a larger scale.

Proverbs 18:11,12 The rich man’s wealth is his strong city, and as a high wall in his own imagination.18:12 Before destruction the heart of man is haughty; and before honour goeth humility.

Those with the most stuff feel strong and safe in the lie of free will. Those with less feel weak and vulnerable in the lie of free will.

Proverbs 10:15,16 The rich man’s wealth is his strong city; the destruction of the poor is their poverty. 10:16 The labour of a righteous man tendeth to life; the revenue of a wicked man , to sin.

Each time a deceived person buys or sells, they want to be seen as ‘proving life’ because they well understand in that deception and across all social structures and ‘cultural differences’, that regardless of false religious affiliation, supposedly having a free will at all is required to be seen as human. The dogma that having a free will is intrinsic to human beings and that one couldn’t get rid of free will even were they to so desire it is a universal of all false religions, regardless of whether they mix in some non-creating determinism like Buddhism or other false reincarnation religions wherein the free willed actions of a supposed past life dictate what one is now and the various emotional opportunities one can possibly have. Without seeing some minimum ‘proof of free will’, the larger populace, no matter the particular false religion they adhere to, because they are deceived they have a free will as the default state of being human, will relegate those individuals to non-or-sub human status.

The perceived need for the material objects with which to prove one has a ‘free’ will in front of others who are equally deceived the free will exists leads to lust and panic as greed for the greatest variety of material objects for which one would have no other need.

The panic to obtain and the competition for those items, while there is an attempt to have an etiquette about it or rules of behavior as to how one ‘fairly’ obtains such items that provide the ability for such proofs, mandates its own illegality as to how those items and education and everything else that may be necessary in any given instant to prove your free will to the other guy are obtained.

Idealized models of behavior, whatever they may be, no matter how obvious the benefits to one’s life, must be trampled upon on the principle that the maximum idealized freedom of the lie of free will is best demonstrated and most persuasive as projecting power against one’s deceived neighbor who believes they have free will as well only and solely when behavior is demonstrated to be constantly outside those expected norms and rules. Young people are rebellious for exactly that reason: they are forced to ‘demonstrate’ power in the overall lie of free will else be excluded from a public perception of ‘sanity’ and inclusion. Competing brands of the lie of free will with their various proofs of life as equating having a free will as the default state of being human at all and thus needing to supposedly prove being alive as an idealized ability of doing the various proofs of having a free will force a panic in those deceived they have free will that is a fear of others who believe exactly the same things. Each one becomes the unspoken police state of the other and the totalitarian mindset of each other against his and her neighbor, even as they all seek to escape any boundaries which might even in theory limit an ability to demonstrate the maximum idealized freedom of the lie.

They all shop at the same stores or display what they have bought online for the same reasons: to be seen ‘proving’ they supposedly have free will to each other. The fact that they do not is part of their salvation if they are granted that God.

This is true regardless of one specific economic model as opposed to another: everywhere the lie of free will is believed, from false Christianity to more openly pagan religions, no matter the name or title, whatever method or material objects are used in trade, the purpose for most of the trade at all is simply to accumulate a critical quantity/mass and variety of items with which to be able to prove one is alive and powerful per the intricacies of any brand name of the lie of free will one might find oneself in at any given moment.

Ancient Israel lived that same existence and God destroyed them for it, as lifting up a nation and then abasing it:

1Samual 2:7-9 Jehovah maketh poor, and maketh rich, he bringeth low, also he lifteth up: 2:8 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust; from the dung-hill he lifteth up the needy, To set him among nobles; and he maketh them inherit a throne of glory; For the pillars of the earth are Jehovah’s, and he hath set the world upon them. 2:9 He keepeth the feet of his saints, but the wicked are silenced in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.

They had no end of treasures ( material items ) , new religions ( new behavioral models to free them from the old ones who already had established leadership, tyrannies, etc..) and what was seen as military strength of their day for the very reason to ‘prove’ personal strength/’free will’ to anybody anywhere at any time as their free willer common sense.

Isaiah 2:6-8 For thou hast cast off thy people, the house of Jacob, because they are filled with what comes from the east, and use auguries like the Philistines, and ally themselves with the children of foreigners. 2:7 And their land is full of silver and gold, and there is no end of their treasures: their land also is full of horses, and there is no end of their chariots. 2:8 And their land is full of idols; they bow themselves down to the work of their own hands, to that which their fingers have made.

Other than absolute and true new birth in Jesus Christ, wherein one’s being is changed to accommodate the new spirit and new Speech from God and to be a dwelling place for God Himself as a temple, so-called ‘changing religions’ or ‘mingling different faiths together’ is a farce when seen as the situation really is: they really worshiped human speech/non-creating speech all along and its lie of human free will. So-called ‘changing religions’ was/is nothing more than rotating to the easiest economic model of how to obtain the required items to ‘prove the free will’ with and remain ‘safe’ in a larger population of free willers.

(The thriftiest religion usually wins. True Christianity is free. You don’t need anything else but God in Jesus Christ. You can’t prove it in front of someone else because God has to be your witness –not men.)

The panic-to-prove free will in front of other deceived people who think free will is real is exacerbated by various propaganda/meta-theater news items put out in the pervasive non-creating/human speech of mankind such as euthanasia laws now permitting and even mandating the so-called ‘mercy killing’ of those deemed to have had more free will in the past but having been in an accident or merely gotten older now have less free will. Most particularly those news items on that subject with the inclusion of the phrase “no longer have free will” or “people with no free will”.

“The Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) has asked the Netherlands Ministry of Health to create an independent board to evaluate euthanasia cases for each category of people “with no free will.” ”

That was in 2004. One can only imagine the sheer number of undesirables that might be categorized as having “no free will” in comparison to the larger population of persons who are continuously and freshly deceived that free will exists at all on a constant basis by those paid to make them so deceived. It is very easy to see that such designations are intended to spark fear in the minds of the general populace over supposedly “losing” free will by some circumstance or even losing the material and variable wealth by which they could have traded in order to keep proving they had free will in front of such an “independent board”. What new category will be next? Might they merely start with the easy targets of children, those in the womb and those in coma’s or the very aged and then move on to such general groups as “the poor” or “the ignorant” who don’t share the ideology of ‘free will’, or who through ignorance don’t know to be greedy and immoral and so can’t prove their “own free will” as vigorously as those who are them most greedy and the most immoral?

Of course they will.

Because inside the lie it all makes sense for self-preservation: kill the other free willers before they kill you; before they ‘decide’ that you are a slight impediment to the expression and proof of them having a free will and are accumulating the material objects and ‘influence’ that should have gone to them were you not there or having done the flagrant immorality as supposedly proving their own will was supposedly ‘free-er’ than the moral. And of course another category would have to be those who object to the gross immorality and would seem to those inside the lie of free will or the non-creating ‘determinism’ that would constrain the idealized boundaries and absolute necessity of ‘doing the proofs’–at all. To a free willer, being moral is nothing more or less than helping a worship of the lie on behalf of someone else: if one has a flat tire, it helps out the overall lie of free will for another free willer to stop and help fix it accompanied by the usual expressions of gratitude one free willer must give another at the slightest favor. If there seems to be no recognition of having one’s free will aided by another, then that supposed lack of doing what to a free willer is mandatory behavior and speech patterns is slap in the face to the lie itself, an affront to the idealized dignity of the lie of free will as a living spirit.

Here, a 29 year old otherwise perfectly healthy adult drinks poison and dies after saying:

“I’m 29 years old and I’ve chosen to be voluntarily euthanised. I’ve chosen this because I have a lot of mental health issues. I suffer unbearably and hopelessly. Every breath I take is torture…”

By the numbers:

1. they constantly preached as dogma to her that “God forced free will on people! You can’t get out of it!”

2. she was deceived what they said was true: that all human beings have a free will as the default state of being human

3. she witnessed the lie constantly in the lips of the rich and successful yet she was unable to replicate what they had supposedly done in her life: she was deceived her “personal power” had a broken leg or a wing and so would never be able to compete, that all the ‘other people’ got to do as they pleased and so were successful while she was held back by some unknown ‘x’ that white, free willer witch doctors told her was ‘mental illness’. They never told her that free will was an outright lie, but that it was all true and in some strange way, she was different than everyone else; essentially that she was sub-human and that with this last act of a ‘free will’ she could make up her former lack of thankfulness, correct praise and glory for the deity of ‘free will’ everyone else had perfected …if she did it publicly and got in all the news outlets. That way they could make use of her as a tool to deceive others that they weren’t being murdered by trickery, but that it was ok to just say no to ‘freedom’ and be killed as supposedly admitting sub-human status.

4. She never noticed the glaring holes and open inconsistencies in the lie for what they were and if she did ask about a detail that bothered her was told it was her ‘mental illness’. Being constantly warned about the fake bogeyman of ‘determinism’ that was defined for the purpose of simply being an adversary to the glory of ‘freedom’ and being constantly ‘welcomed back into’ the fold of the lie of free will, from within the free will lie that she and her parents and her friends and everyone she met constantly spoke, “she had no choice” but to believe them. First they said she had free will and couldn’t get rid of it by the will of God or evolution or whatever; then they said it was on a timer and she could lose it or someone else ( or ‘determinism’) could steal it; then they told her she had peculiar fear –only her– that nothing was as they described it.

5. She never guessed that the opinion that she had free will by herself and others was not at a common sense natural to people, but was bought and paid for by such organizations as the John Templeton Foundation, who pump billions of dollars into funding everything from conferences to philosophical chairs in philosophy departments to changing seminary degree requirements to reflect a more free will friendly theology from the pulpit. Or that marketing campaigns in many versions of human speech who make out that to buy their product results in an expression of free will ( ‘thank you for choosing us!, etc..) and therefore ‘happiness’ ( after all, the people who ‘choose to buy’ their products are always smiling ..) never had the good of their customers in mind but had overt motives to enslave the populace with desires of constantly expressing a supposed free will by buying more stuff than they need. Women and children in particular fall for that lie, but by no means are men excluded.

6. she worshiped the lie of free will and the sorcerers who murdered her to her last breathe and died a saint in the pantheon of the lie of free will the exact same as the virgins of yesteryear’s false religions were tricked into volunteering to be killed to save the harvest or the tribe or bring back the buffalo: the merchants and false teachers needed an example for the rest of the herd to scare them into buying more and more material objects and buying more and more ‘education’ on how to use them to ‘prove free will’.

More from the same story:

“In many ways her story is uniquely Dutch. Euthanasia is against the law in most countries, but in the Netherlands it is allowed if a doctor is satisfied a patient’s suffering is “unbearable with no prospect of improvement” and if there is “no reasonable alternative in the patient’s situation”.

People who want to die because they are deceived they can’t keep up to everyone else’s supposed super-powers strangely don’t commit a quiet suicide under the new Dutch laws: they want to force the public to take part in their death as emotionally training the public that there is no alternative to the lie of free will or non-creating determinism and thus teach there is “no reasonable alternative in the patients situation” and so on to the next gaslighted ‘patient’. And of course, if the Dutch will do this to themselves, then the rest of the world has no hope if the Dutch have any say in the matter in the EU or the U.N.

It is much better in the eyes of public murderers and deceivers for a few at the time shown in newspapers and news outlets to get killed over deception than to give up the lie of free will. It is the very lie of free will that drives what merchants and teachers call the ‘economy’ that they love; not the actual economy of need but an economy of fear based purchasing and behaviors and speech patterns that mandates having every possible trade item, every different educational angle and understanding every possible emotional angle in order to prove free will in any given instance..just to stay alive, to defend oneself from one’s neighbors grasping at and demanding from others fake proofs all of the sudden. The demand of obtaining lies is always more validation of the lie; the more unique the validation, the more ‘powerful’ one supposedly is and the more one’s neighbor is jealous of that supposed ‘power’/uniqueness.

In addition to the accumulation of varieties of unnecessary material things with which one might be called upon to ‘use’ or trade in order to prove one is an actual human being by supposedly proving ‘free will’ in that use or trade, the lie of free will in every way seeks to portray that new life created out of life, such as pregnancy and birth of children –at all–, not just the “ones with no free will”, will be a constant impediment to both the accumulation of material things with which to prove one is worthy of life as being justly called a human being, but also to their use. Those who define what the “proof of having a free will” actually is, the priests and priestesses of the Lie of free will are seen as ‘the powerful’ by the deceived and their sole job in life is to scare others into frequent trade and accumulation of material items and to formulate laws to protect such accumulation as lifestyle no matter other consequences.

It simply does not matter how righteous or equitable some supposed economic model may actually be; once it falls under the umbrella of the lie of human free will or false/non-creating determinism it becomes the very instrument of destruction of all those within it. So appealing to one vs another is complete farce. It’s a nice sentence from an emotional point of view as virtue signaling to say something like “belief in free will drives economic inequality” or “belief in determinism drives economic inequality” yet there is no truth in either one as both are simply an appeal to keep the economic model that is the foundation of those studies no matter what they may be or in what religion they are as fostering panic trade for the same reasons. The sheer amount of unnecessary trade going on makes no sense without the lie of free will. Non-creating determinism is the standard model against which to judge ‘free will’, yet it is constantly simply called “determinism” as if that were the true creating determinism of God’s predestination and election. The whole point of such comparisons is to define God out of the human vocabulary so that men will just supposedly ‘pick’ a favorite paradigm and stick with it to increase trade. Philosophical ‘tests’ and ‘research’ on the economic impact of something like “free will vs determinism” ALWAYS focus on emotional manipulation and feelings as the proof of one side vs the other in those arguments and change nothing. The determinism to which they appeal or vilify is never actual creating determinism in which God creates new things all the time and makes sure His children get them on time exactly when they need them while making sure the pre-determined end of all things is exactly what He has already said, but the determinism that arises out a falsely idealized ‘necessary opposite’ against which to pit ‘free will’ and in such a way as to always make the opposition against a dogma of ‘free will’ out to be pointless at the least and detrimental at worst at the behest of merchants.

Here is an example of fake science being paid for by the John Templeton Foundation, a constant stalwart of Satan in Satan’s war against Christ, Christians and the human soul in general, of his war from within non-creating speech against Creating Speech/Jesus Christ. In the article is a good summation of how manipulative the ‘science’ has been and for what purpose: John Templeton Foundation pays its employees/grantees tens of millions of dollars to constantly shore up the failing reputation of the lie of free will and to supposedly find ‘fresh evidence’ of the existence of free will as a clever way to keep the Unnecessary Economy going. So evil are the hoards of Templeton employees/grantees that they are not content to merely claim free will for mankind, but go further and claim that to even think about determinism and that there might be no free will at all is detrimental to the economy, to workplace ethics, the ability to learn and moral behavior. On a certain level, at least they are honest in a small way as to why they lie: to keep a false, bloated economy going that encourages greed, avarice and jealousy as common sense. And they do this with ridiculous ‘tests’ they simply claim are ‘science’. Vohs, Schooler and Baumeister are all Templeton stooges as are most pro-free will writers of academic social science papers. If you believe in free will, your ‘opinion’ on that has been bought and paid for by the John Templeton Foundation, among others who have spent, by now, at least hundreds of millions of dollars all over the globe, but particularly in English speaking countries to promote that one lie. They are a principal agent being used by non-creating speech to spread itself and its common sense.

From: ‘Irresponsible and a Disservice’: The integrity of social psychology turns on the free will dilemma by J.B. Miles

“Over the last few years, a number of works have been published suggesting both the putative prosocial benefits of belief in free will and the possible dangers of disclosing to the public doubts about the existence of free will. The names turning up most regularly as lead authors include Roy Baumeister and Tyler Stillman at Florida State, Kathleen Vohs at the University of Minnesotta, Jonathan Schooler and Azim Shariff at the University of British Columbia, and Daniel Wegner at Harvard. Baumeister has suggested that belief in free will reduces aggression and promotes selflessness (Baumeister, Masicampo, & DeWall, 2009). Vohs, Schooler, and Shariff have argued that disbelief in free will encourages cheating and undermines moral behaviour (Shariff, Schooler, & Vohs, 2008;Vohs & Schooler, 2008). Stillman, Baumeister, and Vohs have asserted that believers in free will make better employees (Stillmanet al., 2010).Stillman and Baumeister (2010) argue that belief in free will facilitates learning from emotional experiences while disbelief in free will reduces learning. And Wegner (2002) claims belief in free will is necessary for the sense of responsibility that underlies all morality.

In addition to asserting the putative prosocial benefits of belief in free will, such studies have often suggested that it is dangerous to disclose growing reservations about the existence of free will, and John Bargh at Yale has expressed disquiet about social psychologists potentially seeking to restrict such information. In an exchange with Roy Baumeister in the online blogs of Psychology Today, Bargh described what he called the ‘Vohs–Schooler–Baumeister’ concern to stay silent on doubts about the existence of free will as ‘irresponsible and a disservice … to the general public’ (Bargh, 2009). Bargh has furthermore noted that promoting the putative existence of free will in the absence of any objective evidence risks linking social psychology with the mystical.

For example, the Vohs–Schooler–Baumeister studies all appear to be linked by a fundamental methodological error that suggests that – irrespective of the separate question of suppressing knowledge – their putative findings may be spurious. Furthermore, the psychological literature appears almost wholly unaware that the possible existence of free will has already been disproved by logical philosophers. And it has long been recognized by certain scientists, legal theorists, and philosophers that far from having prosocial benefits, belief in free will acts to discriminate against the poor and racial minorities, may make justice impossible and even encourages contempt for and violence towards the weak. For example, research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation has found that between 69% and 83% of Britons think that virtually everyone remains in poverty in Britain through choice, and that this belief in poverty-through-choice meant that respondents had become almost completely indifferent to the plight of the poor (Bamfield & Horton, 2009). 

It needs to be mentioned that those in that paper objecting to the manipulative fake science promoting ‘free will’ such as John Baugh are non-creating determinists, not believers in Jesus Christ and God’s predestination and election and who for the most part have probably never even heard of the difference between human speech/non-creating speech and the Creating Word/Speech of God and can’t believe it if they did except for the grace of God on them. No one is saved with ‘information’. Most all social ‘scientists’ are either agnostics or atheists, which is just as bad as the lie of free will. But at least even they see the blatant manipulation, greed, corruption and avarice and outright fabrications/lies that the other wicked persons of this world have to resort to in keeping the lie of free will alive and its economy of unnecessary trade alive even one more day.

Mystery Babylon is the source of the lie of free will and is non-creating speech. When the lie of free will is gone –in total, not just a supposed ‘weaponized version’ of it, – the false economy it created will collapse and merchants will then mourn over it.

Revelation 18:11-13 And the merchants of the earth weep and grieve over her, because no one buys their lading any more; 18:12 lading of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and pearl, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet dye, and all thyine wood, and every article in ivory, and every article in most precious wood, and in brass, and in iron, and in marble, 18:13 and cinnamon, and amomum, and incense, and unguent, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and cattle, and sheep, and of horses, and of chariots, and of bodies, and souls of men.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

More reddit censorship fun..

It is a badge of honor for every real Christian to be banned from or have posts and comments removed from reddit. I even had one post forcefully edited and shortened by two thirds to remove evidence of the John Templeton Foundations paying employees/’grantees’ to continually write ‘research papers’ in support of the lie of human free will. In the ‘Calvinist’ subreddit. My “karma” at reddit is presently -30. God truly loves me.

From post to removal of the post and a ban was a few hours.

So scared of being seen and understood is human speech/non-creating speech of being a living creature that to broach the subject is immediately at first treated as amusing, then anger comes, then suspension comes to cut off the truth from whoever would have seen it. The pretense of debate at reddit, of a ‘free willed exchange of a will-neutral speech for the purpose of choosing truth for oneself” is the only allowable debate on that site. It is a satanic platform, but granted, for the most part doesn’t know it.

I sympathize with the slaves of human speech/non-creating speech everywhere, not just at reddit. That is the point of God speaking through us. The offense comes when God verbatim says He is speaking through us, at which point the accusation is “that is preaching, no debating”. But if those in non-creating speech would prove their point, let’s see it. Instead, the inability to prove that human speech is not a living creature seemed to be the sticking point.

I understand: for a free willer, why waste time considering a question you can’t prove or disprove, with the speech you have? When your free will and the characteristics of your own speech are called into question, with what do you answer? It is not as if they can set human speech aside and use another non-creating speech. They always speak “as if” they have free will and speech is completely under their control. But when God through Christians Speaks and makes a point of distinguishing Himself as Creating Speech as His side of the debate, suddenly ‘that’s preaching’ not debating. Of course, non-creating speech through them are preaching an ideology of non-creation and idealized lack as a lifestyle.

Here is what you can expect once God through you posts outside-the-reddit-box posts and comments:

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The anti-Christian stalwarts over at reddit are busily censoring Christian content when God through us doesn’t toe the line of a debate idealized as will-neutral information parsed back and forth for no benefit but the entertainment of the audience.

The particular post?

God through Christianity explains reality: Non-creating speech vs Creating Speech/Jesus Christ

Human speech is a living creature that cannot create anything simply by speaking it into existence and that inability to create anything is fundamental to the lie of human free will. The lack of creating ability of human speech, to call anything into existence simply by speaking it into existence makes it appear that the experience of speech, of being in and around speech or human beings and animals validates the notion of having a free will because the non-creating character of the speech itself is mistaken for non-interference and therefore being will-neutral. Because the non-creating speech is a deceiver and anti-Christ, it seeks to remain anonymous, denying its own existence as such, and carefully defining its own speech by the use of its own words in a circle/prison: you have to get ‘meaning’ by adding up other words as a ‘definition’ but you are still in the same speech no matter what you define.

Human beings inside human speech are called by Christians, Fallen, Totally Depraved and in order to escape human speech, we had to be given a new mind and spirit as the Word/Speech of God, which creates all that is and actively creates more all the time. I could not even know this unless Christianity is real and God is actively in me now.

The Holy Bible as a record of the Word/Speech of God/Creating Speech, cannot be understood by human speech and all confusion about the Holiness of Bible is caused by thinking to read it and understand it inside a speech that God plainly shows He confounded at the attempt to build the tower at Babel. He made a point of distinguishing Himself as Word/Speech from ‘their language and speech’. In order to understand God, one has to be outside of human speech. This is part of what it is to be born again: to be translated out of non-creating speech and into the Christ, the Word/Speech of God.

Not only is the lie of free will totally dependent on an idealized will-neutral, non-creating and supposedly non-interfering-with-the-hearer medium of communication but so is it’s supposed opposite, non-creating determinism. Together they constitute an essential infinity loop, the loop itself being the non-creating speech and the two sides being the lie of free will and non-creating determinism. If one starts out in the lie of free will, as supposed ‘choices are made’, even idealized ‘freedom’ narrows to zero and one finds they are fatalistic ( “It was bound to happen anyway.” ) and deterministic. Tomorrow is another day ..they start out in the lie of free will afresh..only to end up in non-creating determinism again. Depression and feelings of oppression and powerlessness ( in the midst of non-creating speech saying through everyone else in the hearing of the victim how powerful and free they are and from that supposed freedom they are forced to encourage each other in the lie..) are the result. Even the charity of such fallen/totally depraved individuals is to deceive each one his neighbor more thoroughly with such ‘encouraging’ non-creating speech as the common sense of living in the non-creating speech mandates subservience to it and the thought that there is another speech, Creating Speech is simply foreign and alien and must go against all the common sense of those inside.

The non-creating speech even has a false Christianity, wherein the lie of free will is not simply accepted but exalted as its own god. So many are forced into that false Christianity, only to derive no benefit and then end up as atheists, whose ideal is the most free will possible. That there is no free will because God as Creating Speech exists continually escapes them and they have no ability to understand this. Thus man in non-creating speech, the natural man/fallen man/totally depraved man can not understand that others live outside human speech and its common sense. God plainly says this, both as a statement and as a creating act, making it so:

1Corinthians 2:12-16 But *we* have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we may know the things which have been freely given to us of God: 2:13 which also we speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, communicating spiritual things by spiritual means . 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him; and he cannot know them because they are spiritually discerned; 2:15 but the spiritual discerns all things, and *he* is discerned of no one. 2:16 For who has known the mind of the Lord, who shall instruct him? But *we* have the mind of Christ.

Jesus Christ/Creating Speech IS the Speech of God. God does not ‘use language’. He is His Own Speech, Own prayers, Own power, Own laughter, Own praise. The Word/Speech of God was made flesh in order that He die, thus fulfilling His Oath to some He had given power to as long as He was alive. Those to whom He gave such power must deny that He died or that ‘language’ can become flesh because they are the spirits and words of non-creating speech to which fallen man was subject. In resurrection, He has freed us from that prison and the coming wrath of God on that prison ( human speech/non-creating speech/anti-Word-of-God/anti-Creating Speech/Anti-Christ) .

Romans 8:26 And in like manner the Spirit joins also its help to our weakness; for we do not know what we should pray for as is fitting, but the Spirit itself makes intercession with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Act 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave to them to speak forth.

In all the back and forth between “free will” vs “determinism” and ‘atheism’ vs ‘theism’ the very speech spoken in such debates is always ignored, and there is a simple assumption without intention, but relying on the common sense instilled by the experience of living in a non-creating speech, that the conversation goes anywhere except further into that speech; each side simply wishes for more eloquence from the false god of human speech/non-creating speech and does what they can in private to wrench fresh words for the fight from human speech itself before they return.

In Christ Jesus, the Incarnate Word of God, those very false gods of non-creating speech are thrown down inside one’s own heart and mind as God in new creation, gives a new heart and a new mind with His spirit ( which is new to us at the time..).

Eze 36:25 And I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your uncleannesses and from all your idols will I cleanse you. 36:26 And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. 36:27 And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and keep mine ordinances, and ye shall do them.

The doing of those ordinances is the evidence we have heard God, have a new heart and new mind and new spirit. God does them through us. We confess we have heard him, repentance is simply saying we are no longer of the speech of this world nor have anything to do with it other than to fight against it and its influence on our oppressed neighbors who see themselves as clever and smart the more human words they speak.

All of reality, of human experience is easily explained in true Christianity. All of God’s Word in the Holy Bible makes perfect sense when you understand these things. Beware counterfeit/free will based/non-creating deterministic ‘Christianity’.

Matthew 12:36 But I say unto you, that every idle word which men shall say, they shall render an account of it in judgment-day: 12:37 for by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

Luke 8:17 For there is nothing hid which shall not become manifest, nor secret which shall not be known and come to light. 8:18 Take heed therefore how ye hear; for whosoever has, to him shall be given, and whosoever has not, even what he seems to have shall be taken from him.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Supposedly, there was no thesis and so no debate. The only comments I got was “where is your thesis?, or something on the order of “Christianity enables child rape, or “where did you get this?”.etc..” The usual comments you expect at reddit from teenagers or college students taking “comparative religion” and who are told they are geniuses from those who take their money to teach them lies.

Those comments were allowed of course.

Isaiah 6:9 And he said, Go; and thou shalt say unto this people, Hearing ye shall hear and shall not understand, and seeing ye shall see and shall not perceive.

Inside the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

A few differences between Calvinism vs Gnosticism and Stoicism

You will notice of course, note the distinct similarities between Gnosticism and Stoicism and the ‘free will’/’choose Jesus’ promulgators in many denominations and their leaderships memberships in Freemasonry and the like.

Psalm 101:6-8 Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me; he that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me.
101:7 He that practiseth deceit shall not dwell within my house; he that speaketh falsehoods shall not subsist in my sight. 101:8 Every morning will I destroy all the wicked of the land: to cut off all workers of iniquity from the city of Jehovah.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Having fun with the anti-Christ in free willers at Reddit

This was posted on the supposed Calvinist subreddit. We’ll see how long it lasts.. answer to an image of God saying “How dare you do what I already predetermined you to to?” and another that said “God: I am Love” Me: Didn’t you create people just to go to Hell?” followed by God: a picture of a black actor profusely sweating..

God: Ezekiel 16:6,7  And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live. 16:7  I have caused thee to multiply as the bud of the field, and thou hast increased and waxen great, and thou art come to excellent ornaments: thy breasts are fashioned, and thine hair is grown, whereas thou wast naked and bare. 

Now imagine for a moment a free willers version of all speech: 1. there is supposed to be really only one speech in total reality that is pronounced and spelled differently a bunch of ways and it certainly doesn’t/can’t become flesh. 2. it is supposed to be a will-neutral, non-interfering-with-the-will medium of exchange that that the hearer or reader is supposed to empower via a so-called “free will”.

So God just walking by and saying “Live” to someone wallowing in their own blood would be just a not-so-subtle form of mockery. Thus the fake, non-creating laughter of free willers on that point. Because, in freewillerville/natural man, all possible speech can’t do what it says, it takes a free will to empower it.

Another freewiller/anti-Christ version of that same language argument: If God told me to do something and I didn’t have the power to do it and yet He blamed me for not having done it that wouldn’t be fair. God is fair so we have free will. Notice the argument seems to compliment God and as such supposedly work an emotional positive in the mind of Christian who knows God and God’s voice and knows we don’t have free will and thus seems to be impossible to refute without taking away a so-called compliment from God. ( which is a standard tactic of Satan ..give God fake praise while blaspheming God and pretend that to refute the blasphemy is another type of blasphemy..) Except..

God IS His Word. He doesn’t ‘use language’. He is the Speech He Speaks. He is Creating Speech and Created all that exists by Speaking it into existence. He clearly expects His Own power to effect what He says in those He has given ears to hear Him. So that in fact , in the above Spirit and Life from Ezekiel, God is commanding the one laying there in their own blood to Live and that command creates obedience in the one to whom He spoke, as revealed by the next verse ..not only did they live, but were prospering Because God Spoke To Them.

So..God told the one laying there in their own blood to do something and yet the one laying there in their own blood ( who may very well have had a notion such as “invincibility of their own unbelief in God” or “God would never thwart my own choices or interfere with my “free will”..” ) had no power to do it and God’s Word in them did it on their behalf. Anyway. Without their permission or understanding of God’s power. They just ..woke up feeling better.

To wit: Eze16:7  I have caused thee to multiply as the bud of the field, and thou hast increased and waxen great, and thou art come to excellent ornaments: thy breasts are fashioned, and thine hair is grown, whereas thou wast naked and bare. 


Job 23:14  For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him. 


Philippian 2:13 for it is God who works in you both the willing and the working according to his good pleasure.

You know the funny part for free willers: they really haven’t noticed their own speech can create nothing because it seems to them that is a universal of all languages, so why notice something that you can’t do anything about? That’s “free will” proof so to speak.

For instance, If I was to say in human speech “let there be a stack of Benjamins 6 ft high next to me” I know and you know that it just isn’t going to happen. If I say “Let there be a stack of U.S. One hundred dollar bills next to me” it doesn’t make any difference. No matter how I put it, no matter how exact or general I am about it, my speech simply can’t bring that into existence just by speaking it.

It’s the speech –not me–that is the problem and free willers are deceived by the experience of living in a non-creating speech that they are deceived is the only speech there is to keep the lie of free will alive one more day ..because of that problem with the speech.

So: God speaks and expects His Word to be done in those given ears to hear Him because of His Own power–not theirs. Good thing for all sinners or we couldn’t be born again from non-creating speech into Creating Speech/God Himself. We can’t get out of human speech on our own. But that is exactly what happens in the new birth when God speaks to us. That is irresistible grace taking us out of Total Depravity and Persevering us.

1Peter 1:23 being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the living and abiding word of God.Jame 1:18 According to his own will begat he us by the word of truth, that we should be a certain first-fruits of *his* creatures.

It will be funny to see if this comment stays up on a so-called Calvinist reddit and isn’t removed for not having enough “charisma” or “karma”. Reddit in particular and up-or-downvote message bards in general ( Reddit, Stack Exchange, etc..) exists to put a one-sided narrative of anything and any other point so view is downvoted or not allowed at all ( on reddit that becomes “you don’t have enough community Charisma or karma to post what you said”..literally ) or simply removed to make it appear the lies by the liars have never been refuted. But you have already read it and its too late for you. You can’t un-know it. ‘Cause, you know, you don’t have free will. You never did.

Isa 41:21-24 Produce your cause, saith Jehovah; bring forward your arguments, saith the King of Jacob. 41:22 Let them bring them forward, and declare to us what shall happen: shew the former things, what they are, that we may give attention to them, and know the end of them; –or let us hear things to come: 41:23 declare the things that are to happen hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods; yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be astonished, and behold it together. 41:24 Behold, ye are less than nothing, and your work is of nought; an abomination is he that “chooseth” you.

Is God really getting on your last nerve yet? Maybe your still laying there in your own spiritual blood dreaming like a snowflake about all the powerful stuff your gonna do when you get up and then realize you are in fact dying.

Whatever. Free willers are always emotional snowflakes.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

There is no guilt or forgiveness except from God in Jesus Christ

You can’t be holy before God via ‘admitting’ to having done what is in fact a false accusation. Guilt voyeurism as hope of ‘getting hard’ is not of Christ. Do not be one of those who seek out and practice new guilts as a means of toughening up their conscience against future false accusations.

1Timothy 4:2  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 

“Admitting” to having done something that is in fact impossible for you to have done cannot bring forgiveness or holiness or peace. No matter the earnest character of the accuser and deceptions which have ensnared them and in which they stumble on, no amount of going along with their deceptions can replace the simple sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, the death and resurrection of the Speech/Word of God made flesh.

There are endless ways to ‘get guilty’ in Hinduism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, shamanism, Socialism, Communism, catastrophism/environmentalism, and all other -isms and false religions. When those deceived they should, as a lifestyle ‘get guilty’ often and thoroughly in order to continually self-check themselves so as to be, in idealized future years, accusation proof encounter a new paradigm within non-creating/human speech, their behavior is altered yet again their detriment. In the introduction to such systems of sentences in non-creating speech, the accuser, no matter the friendliness or soothing emotional manner, seeks to walk the accused through conversational hikes in which the mere doing of the non-creating speech itself and being in its presence is deceptively presented as a free-willed choice/action to participate on the notion that all speech is just an will-neutral medium of information exchange and that in ‘doing it on purpose’ the claims of the particular religion or -ism have already been demonstrated as true by the time there is a pause. The spirits of deception as individual words have already entered the victim, in whom, unless protected by Christ, those spirits set up housekeeping in the heart as emotions.

Isaiah 8:19-22  And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? 
8:20  To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. 
8:21  And they shall pass through it, hardly bestead and hungry: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their king and their God, and look upward. 
8:22  And they shall look unto the earth; and behold trouble and darkness, dimness of anguish; and they shall be driven to darkness. 

When an actual Christian is encountered and those tactics do not work and no false guilt works to deceive, suddenly there are questions like “where do you get your power?” or “how did you do that?” ( avoid being deceived you are guilty ) put in terms like “why don’t you agree with me?” or “why did you come if you don’t have an open mind?” The true born again Christian is protected by the Spirit of God and for the most part, is unaware of any “power” non-creating speech has ( because it doesn’t unless God wills it for a time for His Own purposes..) . Those types of tactics are a bit nonsensical to Christians. But not to fake Christians who are deceived they ‘chose Jesus’, remained exactly the creature they were and have exactly the same human speech they always had and can switch religions if they so chose by flexing a so-called ‘free will’.

If a person is obviously lost in a particular subset of Anti-Christ/non-creating speech/human speech, then going along is not only nonproductive as healing their deception but evil consequences ensue. You have essentially lied and must now keep up pretenses by keeping on lying to ‘get the smile’.

“Do you see that butterfly right there?” ( there is obviously no butterfly )

“Yep. Right there.”

“What kind do you think it is?” ( anti-Christ is leading you off into more lies….having already defiled your conscience because he said through you what you know to be a lie and supposedly in perfect ‘free’ will…)

Same conversation:

“What should we do with our free will?” ( there is no free will. )

“Uh..whatever we need to, I guess.”

“What about in the particular instance of …”

( same result. The false accusation from anti-Christ is that you ‘knowingly lied’ and now must cover up that lie with more. Now you ‘need’ anti-Christ as speech to keep going in the supposed emotional positive flow.. the idealized freedom of the will can only exist in an idealized non-interfering-with-the-will speech you actively don’t want God as Creating Word because He will expose that you lied and stop the supposed positive flow of emotions..and He will do that through your mouth in the presence of those who are fully deceived they have free will as a supposed absolute truth of total reality. You would no longer be included in human speech as a whole…all “the people” would turn against you because all they have is non-creating speech/anti-Christ to think and talk with.. )

But no matter how often or how supposedly thorough human speech/anti-Christ has deceived the people and you, you are not guilty until God says you are guilty. God keeping you not-guilty in front of those that are guilty in God’s eyes makes you an outsider to them. You cannot sin against your neighbor in ways that supposedly involve a free will because there is no free will. Anti-Christ/human speech can say what it is forced to through you and then, via the lie of free will, leave you standing there holding the bag in the sights of more human speech for condemnation, right after and between episodes of human speech false praise to you, false neutrality toward you and true hatred of you by human speech/anti-Christ.

When God destabilizes the balance between observance via grace ( forcing by God of doing what is pleasing to Him through you and others ) of His Creating Word/Speech and anti-Christ’s look-a-like in print and sound-a-like worthless mimics as churchy praise for having done so with a supposed ‘free’ will, then comes persecution by human speech/anti-Christ. According to all that human speech ‘interpreted God’ in the past, suddenly, via God’s destablilizing, disrupting intrusion on human speech’s supposed domain via actual and non-metaphorical new creation by God’s acts of Himself as Speech/Word of God in you and through you, you are supposedly in error and an accusation or admonishment outside of Christ but definitely within a non-creating speech comes from human speech: an accusation that only a non-creating common sense that depends on limitation and lack of ‘enough’ for a theoretical third party could have made. While/When human speech/Belial/anti-Christ thinks to have successfully covered over and obscured God’s acts of new creation in order to hide the fact that there are two speaks in total reality and only one of them is God Himself and He isn’t human speech and never will be a non-creating speech, the look-a-like words seem to walk forward in tandem with Truth so as to be indistinguishable. The false definitions of anti-Christ seem to fit perfectly with old, tried and true theology after human speech has been given time to twist definitions of how things were defined in the past to look identical with orthodoxy, but still don’t produce the same holy fruit as the Word of God.

The accusations of anti-Christ come swiftly when God is newly creating inside what appears to people, who are fallen and imprisoned in human speech/non-creating speech, to be inside an environment which cannot contain even what is already in it, much less have more coming in “from the outside” of what seems to be possible because anti-Christ has no explanation as to the origins of the new inside its current lies and is in danger of exposure as a liar to its prisoners. It can’t stretch or grow to accommodate the new. Though there can be no self-willed revolt from human speech ( salvation from anti-Christ’s/human speech’s grip and sole possession of your mind into another mind free from human speech outright and total ), paradigms shifts from one religion to another via old words of human speech newly packaged are common: same old mind, same old emotional candy and disappointment widgets re-felt with the new word orders.

No one inside human speech can jump out of human speech. Though that is obvious to the point of being obnoxious to actually state it, anti-Christ through the free willers would have us deceived that there is no point or need to get outside of human speech in order to be saved from the wrath of God. ( Anti-Christ through Billy Graham, etc. “Just as I am”..the standard song that was sung at all his “crusades” ..Joel Osteen “your best life now” ..wherein you don’t need to be a non-metaphorical new creature with a new mind and speech, but stay the same creature you are now but somehow “get better thoughts” ) It is a standard taunt of anti-Christ through free willers to say “I want God to accept me for who I am, not try to change me.” There is no where to go within what human speech has to use/contains other than simply another part of human speech wherein each word defines another in circles and nothing is ever created; there is only emotion and experience as distractions the whole while.

When you can no longer “admit” to false accusations of supposedly having used your ‘free’ will incorrectly—at all, not just in the secular/political realm, then you are closer to God and God has already blessed you with His grace. To live in God’s grace is to have a table for you prepared by God in the presence of your enemies.

God judges us at all times, but in His mercy and grace. Part of that judgment is the protection from thinking that false accusations by whatever is not-God are real issues “we need to work on in our lives” and should ideally defile our consciences. God, in His judgment will not allow us to pretend, even in a moment of deception-as-best-honesty that we are guilty in a way He does not prescribe.

There is no honest guilt but from God.

Thus there is no honest salvation but from God. God will never save you or cleanse you from things you never did or conditions you were never in. To demand of Him that He do so is anti-Christ as prayer, which God abhors.

For many decades now, part of the public/pretend body of Christ in America has done all anti-Christ can do through them to make it a lifestyle as best piety for all individuals to seek out an accuser for the purpose of testing whether or not whatever accusation can be made up is true as part of so-called self-testing whether or not one is in Christ. The result has been poison to the soul because in order to keep doing that, you have to keep being in the presence of anti-Christ as speech and the deception of having a free will with which to discern the false from the true has been nurtured and the deception that God, Lucifer/Satan and demons and Man all share a common speech.

Jeremiah 6:10 To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the LORD is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it.

They mistook the Creating Word of God sent to them as God extending Himself to them as Spirit and Life as merely yet another non-creating testing/accusing voice with a whole other set of requirements once guilt had been established. “..the Word of the LORD is unto them a reproach.” God’s Creating Word/Speech to them only represented another set of behaviors they had not done or feelings they had in the past that they should undo.

Today, they just watch the news to get the freshest false accusation and are proud to either pass a test or fail it and do different behaviors based on their own emotional response to the freshest false accusations. Thus they are led into absolute destruction.

God told many prophets to go and tell His people their sins. Of course, inside non-creating human speech/anti-Christ, and being well used to hunting for new accusations to feel religious to simultaneously fuel their pride in supposedly having and ‘using the ‘free’ will’ correctly’, and to find out ‘what to do and feel next’ in that non-creating, idealization of limitation and limited resources, all they can hear when God speaks, instead of receiving the gift of life, they just hear a regular old non-creating accusation asking them to do impossible things, such as regret doing and feeling what they have in the past been mandated to do and feel to get past the false accusations and feel good about themselves. Everything would be turned upside down. They are deceived they must reverse engineer their old feelings and in fact, their whole emotional paradigm and economy of trade among feelings and the supposed proper etiquette and in doing so be a disappointment to the very speech from which they constantly seek accolades and praise: they would be, in their own deceptions and being held in non-creating speech/anti-Christ “universally” condemned because they are deceived that anti-Christ/non-creating speech/human speech is the only speech there is and that Christ as the Word of God is just an abhorrent subset of the speech they already have ..that Christ is subject to anti-Christ. So God has become to them, not a Savior, but just another accusing voice with the exception of not providing a behavior as an ideal which they can successfully mimic as going along with ‘how to cleanse your conscience’ ; God has become to them the Test that they always fail and wish then, to constantly avoid. “the Word of the LORD is unto them a reproach.”

They cannot of course articulate that and never would if they knew what is really going on. But that is what they are forced to do and feel as their best piety in a non-creating ‘version’ of Christianity. It starts with anti-Christ through them re-directing their ear and eyes over and over to itself in the deception of passionate piety in seeking out all possible rebukes and accusations and ends in a total rejection of God as Word as abhorrent.

But God is merciful and says as Himself as Creating Speech to you:

Hebrews 13:8-10 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. 13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein. 13:10 We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Libertarian or Arminian support of free will from the Bible?

Question on Stack Exchange regarding how Arminians and Libertarians find support for assertions of free will in the Bible. My type of answers as God does it through me are usually marked as span, downvoted, etc. So I thought I would post my answer here.

“The question here is what case can be made for this view from the Bible.”

My apology for the long answer, but I reiterate through out. God through me also speaks Christ to you, not human speech and He and I like to be thorough. I have personal experience in these matters for a long time. The free willers who have responded will of course not like God’s answers. Expect it to be downvoted.

Libertarian free will is the universal standard of all free willers, even those who say such things as “free will in every thing except salvation”: a total freedom to do anything that is desired at any time, even against perceived self-interest to include choosing who is and is not God and new emotional or intellectual paradigms for oneself. You can find more or less eloquent definitions but total freedom or partial freedom makes no difference. Marx, etc.. “inevitable destruction” of the west is based on starting out in free will and manufacturing destructive determinism via choice over time. If you cry “Partial free will!” then you are supposed to be moving slow. But if you go whole hog and “Libertarian free will” then you are moving fast. The west is supposed to implode based on bad choice over time. It’s also a theatrical plot device over and over: somewhere in the movie somebody says in human speech, “We’ve all got a choice” ( the “good” guy” ) and later someone says “I’ve got/I had no choice!” ( the “bad” guy ).

There is no Biblical support for free will. There never was. There is no free will.

Two answers:

  1. as regards those who point their lie of free will at you ..their source of “power” ? ..from the Bible?
  2. as regards their hope that they can take advantage of the total depravity of man but relabel that very depravity as an emotional positive and hope someone else has already instilled in you a sense that to be guilty of constantly “using a free will incorrectly” is a type of holiness so that when questions like you asked show up, they will just appeal ( without mentioning it) to your own sense of supposed best piety, ( i.e. is it correct to want to be holy that way? ) and the deception that you have a free will and your own experience of speech, which you probably haven’t noticed because it seems that it isn’t worth noticing within the context of their arguments. The more sources they quote, the more learned they seem to be, the more -isms they quote, or tell you to avoid or embrace, ( to put a point on it ..the more human speech they use..) the more they make it seem you are actually doing freedom with a free will in order to come to a conclusion and they are manufacturing in you, before you ever think it outright, the façade of a ‘decision’ having already been made simply by being in the presence of lots of thought and speech at all. Theologically, scientifically, politically ..makes no difference.

What support do Arminians/free willers and libertarians see in the Bible for free will? The whole thing. They are like a magician who can blindfold themselves, open the Bible anywhere and put a finger down at random and use that verse as a supposed proof. Pick a card/verse. Any card/verse.

Wait. They use the whole Holy Bible for support and yet there is no free will? The use of individual verses and long winded exposition gives the false impression of not having made a pre-supposition and having an agenda but of honest, particularized research, prayerfully made with fear and trembling after years of “struggling” to win the truth for themselves and being able to quote others who supposedly did the same.

2Timothy 3:7 … Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Why go verse by verse in the farce that they are going proof by proof and that it was a conclusion reached after long, intense study and prayer in human speech ? They presume free will and then start reading into… They have favorite verses but it is always the same argument for each verse, but put in such a way as to hide the agenda: the accusation against God that God as Word Himself /itself can’t/isn’t-supposed-to interfere with the reader because the speech/mind the reader already has is powerless and that powerless character of the speech is turned to an emotional positive because it supposedly leaves room for and necessitates a free will based on a supposed universality of non-interfering language. ..that God, Satan/demons and Man supposedly all share a common speech. They don’t realize what they are doing. But they are forced to do it zealously as their best piety. It comes out as a kind of hysterical statement of “SEE! There is free will again!” They are simply afraid of human speech itself if it were always looking over their shoulder in their mind and they might not honor its powerlessness for an instant.

Because it is.

That is why Arminains and free willers in general think they find support. And I am not saying they are doing it on purpose: they are locked inside a speech not-God. Arminians/free willers in general ( all totally depraved individuals, ..being inside human speech IS the depravity) pre-suppose a language argument that is never mentioned, but always implied that for the most part, they themselves never realize they are making: That God, Satan/Demons/Etc and Man all share a common speech and specifically that language ( they always ask “what is language?” with a singular noun for that reason ) cannot create anything simply by being spoken. I.E. That “we” all live inside a non-creating speech, and in addition, a non-interfering-with-the-will-of-the-hearer-reader-sayer-writer ‘abstract’ that no one can really put their finger on as to its essence, but heck, its really useful the theory of free will ..because of its assumed non-interfering and universal nature. Everyone is supposedly stuck in human speech and can’t get out, ( exactly as they say we are “stuck in freedom and can’t get out” ) so they would say why talk about it? They just go on as if that’s a given. They always speak “as if” you have free will.

A common free willer/human speech argument is: “if God told me to do something, knowing in advance that I have no power to do it, and yet blamed me for not doing it, that wouldn’t be fair. And we know God is fair, so therefore we must have free will…the power to do or not do that command and therefore earn God’s wrath or praise.” Different versions abound, but that is the core argument. Essentially, every time God gives a command, there is an automatic assumption that God merely speaking at all is proof of the hearer’s free will. Any stimulus will do as a supposed proof. “Free willer: Or what’s He saying anything for?! There would be no point, no purpose of speech in His talking if the hearer didn’t have free will. And that would be blasphemous to say that God talks for nothing!”.

The presumption when they say those things is that everyone who hears them is inside human speech and therefore can have no answer ..because their lie does ( I didn’t accidentally leave out the world “not” ) make sense in human speech, but is found to be a liar when you are in Christ. Suddenly they are breaking out the Greek and Hebrew, gettin’ all scholarly/emotionally manipulative when it is brought to their attention.

They don’t want to hear: God is His Word, Is Creating Speech and so when He speaks He expects His Word in us to do His bidding as creating obedience in us by speaking to us

Isaiah 55:11 ..So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

..He gives us more of Himself with each Speaking event in order to grow us in Him. His Word performs what He said in us because His Word is a living spirit. So, yes, He expects to be obeyed and those who don’t are marked as not-His, else He as Word would be in them hearing Himself and performing what He wants.

So when they don’t do what God commands, that is indicative of being unable to hear God, ( God is not in them ) because God has not allowed them to hear. They keep wanting a universal “power to do God’s will” so “anybody at any time” can do what they hear God say. A kind of “God has to accept all drive-by believers and give them what they ask for in human speech” argument.

Here is the Incarnate Speech/Word of God speaking to human beings but not to human speech itself:

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
John 8:42-49 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth ( as speech/Word ..note mine) and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?
47 He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
48 Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil?

The problem with the single-speechism argument is that it assumes a universal non-interfering with the will language –that God Himself must supposedly use. Essentially human speech is claiming that you have to go through it to get to God and that it, not Jesus Christ/Incarnate Word/Speech of God rules heaven. It hides that claim in an argument that sounds positive ( you’ve got the power! / free will! ) for you but is actually blaspheming God.

God IS His Word. He doesn’t “use language”. It is a standard of all Christianity throughout history that Jesus Christ is the Incarnate ( made flesh ) Word of God. –and even before in Pre-Incarnate form in the old testament. ( The phrase “ word of the lord came unto me, saying”, personifying pre-Incarnate Christ is in the Old Testament 42 times in the KJV ) Human language’s definition of speech is not something that becomes flesh. It ( always implied singular) is supposedly an ‘abstract’ “people use in free will”.
Every possible definition has been tweaked in human speech to supposedly make having a free will and being inside a non-creating speech normal and logical and desirable. Is sin a living creature that kills people and has its own desires? Of course not, says human speech/anti-Christ through the libertarian/free willer: Its an act that displeases God we all supposedly do with a free will and if there was not a free will then “by definition” we couldn’t sin! Grace? Free willer: power from God to aid the free will.
Forgiveness? Free willer: that’s when the free will took a wrong turn and God restores us on the right path again but preserves our free will and the speech we’re already in.

You think they are brethren when they say “The Bible is our only Word of faith!” and say great human-heart emotionally positive things about Jesus. Yet the fruit of their speech is death. But it always makes sense to those in human speech because they, like you, are used to an experience of speech ( unless you are in Christ ) in which you can’t just create what you want by speaking it. You can’t just say “Peace, safety and prosperity appear!” and it happens. You can’t just say “steak and potato” appear and boom! there it is. That intuition of that experience of lack of power is what they are taking advantage of and you having noticed everyone else is living in that same situation ..even the animals. You intuitively know that if the so-called ufo’s landed their speech can’t do that either. So you suppose, without thinking about it, as a foundation of daily navigation, that that experience is normal and universal and never suspect that you were made to live, as a soul and spirit and mind in a speech that can create what it says: Jesus Christ. But because of that experience it seems logical and emotionally comforting that you should have a free will..and that you NEED a language that cannot create anything in order to accomplish a successful ‘use’ of a free will. “need” a non-interfering, powerless “medium of communication” to talk “about” rather than speak into existence. The very powerlessness that they cling to in order to make the argument they assume you cling to as well because you got human speech at birth. ( The child is born innocent, but as soon as the human speech enters it it is sinful on account of the not-God speech it has acquired and become totally depraved/total inability to reach God with speech or deed. It’s common sense is now your common sense and its experience of speech is like everyone else’s.)

Psalm 58:3 The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.

Psalm 12:2-4 They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak.
3 The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things:
4 Who have said, With our tongue will we prevail; our lips are our own: who is lord over us?

Pro 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

John 1:1-5 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things received being through him, and without him not one thing received being which has received being. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light appears in darkness, and the darkness apprehended it not.

The Bible is not written in human speech. The claim that it is is the source code for all the so-called “proofs” Arminians and Libertarians find in the Bible. It is a dogma of the Roman Catholic Church that it is written in human speech. Every false religion has a definition of speech in which the god supposedly gave language to human beings so they would be able to communicate with that god and visa versa. But it turns out, every single false religion assumes free will or a determinism that essentially runs off free will while claiming to be deterministic, but has a different break-rule-do-some-penance-get-forgiveness paradigm peculiar to each. The key is that you stay in the speech in which you were physically born ( Billy Graham “Just as I am”? ..arch free willer/heretic “Salvation is an act of human will!” ) –you never even think there may be another speech into which YOU, as a spiritual soul must be translated into/born again. As in:

Col 1:13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

From Wikipedia: ( which, yeah..its wikipedia, but to think that one source is better than another to push a free will agenda is farce ..its all human speech with the same common sense, even if I were to include a German reference, or a Chinese reference or a Russian reference, etc…they were all confounded at Babel.. ),denotes%20this%20acquired%20freedom%20for

The Eastern (or Chalcedonian) Orthodox Church espouses a belief different from the Lutheran, Calvinist, and Arminian Protestant views. The difference is in the interpretation of original sin, alternatively known as “ancestral sin,” where the Orthodox do not believe in total depravity. The Orthodox reject the Pelagian view that the original sin did not damage human nature; they accept that the human nature is depraved, but despite man’s fallenness the divine image he bears has not been destroyed.

The Orthodox Church holds to the teaching of synergy (συνεργός, meaning working together), which says that man has the freedom to, and must if he wants to be saved, choose to accept and work with the grace of God. St. John Cassian, a 4th-century Church Father and pupil of St. John Chrysostom, articulated this view and all the Eastern Fathers embraced it. He taught that “Divine grace is necessary to enable a sinner to return unto God and live, yet man must first, of himself, desire and attempt to choose and obey God”, and that “Divine grace is indispensable for salvation, but it does not necessarily need to precede a free human choice, because, despite the weakness of human volition, the will can take the initiative toward God.”.

..couldn’t “help God save yourself” if you don’t have free will, right?”. ( note mine )

end quote

So, again, put another way: how can Arminians/free willers in general get/support free will out of the Bible ..anywhere? Everywhere?

Easy, by the simple fact of not being born again in a new speech that IS God Himself ( the precious gift, God is our exceeding great reward, etc..) and by not noticing they are assuming that God is speaking the same language He Himself confounded at Babel ( when of course, He did not confound Himself..) and that essentially there is no other speech that has creating power simply by being spoken. At that point, everywhere they read someone did anything after God spoke or had been revealed to be with the people, they can do nothing else but assume free will and every act of anybody in the Bible thereafter becomes to them a supposed proof of that person having a “free” will.

Free willer classic: Gen 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

Free willer: See there –that proves it! There’s a thought process, a choice and an act all rolled into the same verse! They did something! Ha ha ha!

Here is another: Ezekiel 1:3 The word of the LORD came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and the hand of the LORD was there upon him.  And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.

Free willer classic: See there! That great prophet could have closed his eyes! But he chose to look and to tell us later what he saw! My friends, are we looking? Are we seeing what God is showing us or are we choosing, with the great gift of free will God gave us to close our eyes in fear and timidity to preserve our status quo? ” That type of “sermon lesson” can be heard from any verse they read in all their meetings. thought that the Word of God is personified in that verse ( pre-Incarnate Christ) and that God forced him to see by opening his eyes and having his hand on him…just the presumption of a universal non-interfering/non-creating speech giving the prophet permission to do whatever with “information”…that by inference “anybody with a free will” could have seen had they been standing there with him.

Isaiah 63:17 O LORD, why hast thou made us to err from thy ways, and hardened our heart from thy fear? Return for thy servants’ sake, the tribes of thine inheritance.

Human speech/free willer: uh..I don’t think that verse is in the Bible. I much prefer the Good News Translation: 17Why do you let us stray from your ways? Why do you make us so stubborn that we turn away from you? Come back, for the sake of those who serve you, for the sake of the people who have always been yours. See! That’s a proof of free will …the “let us”, the “we turn away” part..

They can go through the Holy Bible endlessly and keep seeing the same thing, ( and if not, simply change translations, which as each new one comes out, the verses that they think Calvinists use to prove no free will simply get changed..) always appealing to your own experience of human speech as the basis for what they say even after being directly told that is exactly what they are doing. They can’t stop. They don’t have free will. They are all literal, abject slaves to human speech.

And most of their audience will be in human speech. It will make sense to them too, simply because they are in human speech. They are so used to being accused of “not using their free will properly” that if they DON’T find an “instance of Biblical obedience” followed by an immediate accusation that their audience isn’t doing that same obedience, the audience won’t recognize being “preached to” or getting their daily dose of religious spanking. It has become their best piety to expect to get accused of improper use of the free will as proof that “God loves them”.

here is a classic “scholarly” approach in which human speech again says that it is the equivalent with God as Word, thus reinforcing the implied argument that there is only one universal speech and human beings already have it (–so no point in looking for another one right?):

from: ( from the National Center for BioTechnology Information )

The possibility that voices might be revelatory of God is considered first from an evidentialist perspective, evaluating critically the rational content of what is heard, and then from an incarnational theological perspective of human receptivity to God. Whilst both approaches have their place, the latter is found to better affirm both a Christian theological anthropology and the possibility of revelation as an experience of something that “God does”. Voice hearing of diverse phenomenological kinds may – sometimes – be an experience of spiritual hearing. Whether the voice is heard out loud, as a perception-like phenomenon in external space, or as an inner voice with more thought-like qualities, it is potentially an experience of God within – akin to the quest for God in Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle. Voices may sometimes be at the same time both human thoughts and divine speech.

Hearing a voice is not like hearing a waterfall, touching a stone, or seeing a flower. The presence of a voice implies the presence of a speaker, and a voice heard in the absence of any visible speaker immediately invites questions. Who spoke? Where did the voice come from? What does it mean? A voice is not just a perception, not merely a hallucination; it is an act of communication. It is therefore not surprising that we have discovered that “voices” (AVHs)1 are not just voices. They are associated with a sense of agency and, at least sometimes, if not often, a sense of presence. They are characterful. They have identities. They have meaning.”

end quote

It must be true? Human speech said it through a “scientist” and admitted “spiritual stuff” is real?

Again. With Scripture: Without meaning to, they are being forced by human speech/Belial, to claim that God and the demons have a common language, and that claim is their default piety ..which happens to be the unforgivable sin. The only time in the Holy Bible an unforgivable sin is mentioned is when human speech through the free willers of their day accuse the Incarnate Word of God/Jesus Christ of having an unclean spirit and by that means was able to command the spirits to depart, etc.:

3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
3:23 And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?
3:24 And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
3:25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
3:26 And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.
3:27 No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.
3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:
3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:
3:30 Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.

Specifically, what is being pointed out is the speech they are speaking and accusing Christ/Word of God of using. They are essentially saying that He as Word of God is demonic speech; that the Word of God Incarnate that Jesus Christ IS can lie, can speak non-creating speech and empower it. They can be forgiven, but the speech itself that made the accusation is not. There is more craft/sorcery in human speech non-creating essence than you realize even now: all free willers in the Bible and today say “What is truth?”, not Who is Truth? ( Jesus Christ ). All languages and words/spirits within them are abstracted to be idealized as powerless and thus supposedly able to be analyzed outside of themselves as supposed non-living entities inside human speech.

If God were to hold them to their own standard, no one would be saved…they say its all their own fault–according to their speech. But there is no such thing as invincibility of unbelief ( because there is no free will ) because God is His Word and has mercy and is not their speech. Their speech will never say “In order to be saved you have to live outside of me.” It’s too busy trying to remain anonymous and keep the whole lie going that it doesn’t exist as such and people are “responsible” for what they say inside of it so as to become catastrophically guilty before God. It is the one going through the Holy Bible making out people have free will and leaving those through whom it acts as the patsy. Blessing for them, God is not deceived.

God confounded their speech before, just when they never suspected they were being used to almost destroy themselves with the mind they had. God saved them, but confused the non-creating speech itself in them. What is common sense in that confused speech is a lie.

Gen 11:5-9 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
11:8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
11:9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
But we have a new speech..the Word of God.

1Cor 2:12-16 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. ( he can’t understand them at all, no matter how often or with what vigor he claims to understand and defend them with..note mine)
2:15But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 
2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

The entire Bible is made of Creating speech/God that has its creating effect in each individual as that particular individuals destiny / election God has already written. Free willers go through and see themselves as staying the way they are, in the speech they already have and God’s Word as powerless by necessity. Christians hear God and live.

Ezekiel 16:6  And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live.

If you expect your speech to create what you say, that verse makes perfect sense and is an act of love, of life-saving by God. God gives Himself as Life as Word in Speech. If you depend on the “free will” and a notion of non-interfering speech as a medium of communicating will-neutral information of the one welting in their own blood, it doesn’t; it sounds like a harsh mockery. 

Matthew 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. ( anti-Christ/human speech through a free willer replies: See there!” )

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen