Month: April 2020

Ideology of Emergency : Part Two

First of all, money is made up. Like math. Its useful here and there. But what is really happening is that the American taxpayer is NOT borrowing via the face of the government from “somebody who has money”. Money is being printed at government facilities that the tax payer owns and the IDEA that you owe if you get it or future generations will owe is the whole lie you are being deceived with. No one is borrowing from anybody. It’s just pieces of paper being printed and you don’t pay anyone for “making or keeping it valuable”. You can’t. It’s not possible. God makes it valuable in men’s minds and Satan makes it valuable in men’s minds: each with their own speech.

Ideology of Emergency

It is an open ended appeal to idealized personal judgment subject to the manipulative devices of persuasion-as-we-go that hopes to persuade a failure in self-judgment no matter what success are plainly manifested by constantly resetting the goal posts, even as it posits that that self-judging ‘thing’ can never stop given the lie of human free will as the default definition of being a son of Adam. It is just another in a long line of lies that wants to force the lie of free will as the logical default of life and yet at the same time prove the supposed and much praised-as-if free will of Man as insufficient for his welfare and that Man must appeal to a higher temporal authority than his own mind and heart. Anti-Christ wishes that Man must at all times be deceived that he can do no other than decide for himself what he must do in any given instant, and it must be at all times thrown up in his face that no matter what he “chooses” he ultimately fails.