Ideology of Emergency : Part Two

The Definition of Money all the time

We have already seen more than a few actors seek to take advantage of any and every understanding or misunderstanding of the CCP Coronavirus to sow dissatisfaction and anger and fear at ..something, anything and blame the Trump Administration. We have seen a lot of Satanic actors and actresses very publicly doing whatever will grab a headline now or under the radar so someone else in their network of evil can point them out later as supposed points of light in the present darkness of CCP Coronavirus so they can be labeled “influencers” later.

But what can God do through you to be free of all the evil surrounding you? What will God do for you during this crisis, because of this crisis?

For one, of all the things you would never have thought of, but which your enemies constantly think on, is the definition of money you. They have worked day and night to hopefully ensure that to you, money equals freedom and loss of money equals slavery because you have formerly been deceived you have free will and money is a necessary material you absolutely need to prove you have choice in public. ..and without doing that so-called choice in public, how would anybody else know you were really “free”? They might mistake you for a weakling and take whatever “free will” you had away from you with “theirs”. Anti-Christ has worked day and night to deceive you that you have free will, both with positive reinforcement boasting of your supposed personal power ( the raised fist stuff ) and with negative reinforcement about how you messed up its implementation ( the thumbs down stuff, the disappointed look, the false accusations, etc..) hoping to instill jealousy over nothing when always compared to your contemporaries.

So there you are, continually hearing about somebody else got a stimulus check, but you haven’t got one or won’t get one, your being advertised to on how to “invest your stimulus check in the stock market”, etc short, you are being reminded that fiat money can simply be printed and given out to ..whom and for what success to you? Small businesses are supposedly getting loans that will be forgiven if they have employees and keep those employees on the payroll. Big businesses are getting the same. Individuals are supposedly getting free money too. Where is yours and what should you do with it?

What is really happening..if you quailfy? Its the “if you qualify” part that, to use anti-Christ through Henry Kissinger’s word “inochate”: we’re talkin’ about it but nobody can really put their finger on what it is. Somewhere in hundreds of pages of legislation, there is a payout with your name on it if you play the game of “somebody else gets to define what money is, how it is distributed and how it can be used and how to pay it back”. Right?

First of all, money is made up. Like math. Its useful here and there. But what is really happening is that the American taxpayer is NOT borrowing via the face of the government from “somebody who has money”. Money is being printed at government facilities that the tax payer owns and the IDEA that you owe if you get it or future generations will owe is the whole lie you are being deceived with. No one is borrowing from anybody. It’s just pieces of paper being printed and you don’t pay anyone for “making or keeping it valuable”. You can’t. It’s not possible. God makes it valuable in men’s minds and Satan makes it valuable in men’s minds: each with their own speech.

In Satan’s speech, money is a limited resource that somewhere non-understandable someone “has lots of it” and loans it out to those who have less with interest. The whole thing is a lie.

God forbids interest. The only reason interest exists in any legitimacy is to stop the runaway printing of money ( to put a cost on using money to slow down its use to keep its reputation intact as limited ) and thus its devaluation in the minds of those deceived they have free will and who must compete with their neighbors for goods and for the privilege of proving they have free will in public by the act of supposedly “choosing something” to buy: there are only so many different products to buy and so many of those products. The more money floating around and the more the people are deceived they have free will, the more they will seek to outbid their neighbor simply to prove they have the strongest free will. It has nothing to do with need. It has everything to do with you being scared to not prove in public you supposedly have a free will that is just a little bit stronger than the other guy. Cost of everything goes up..inflation.

God always provides for your needs and on time. There may not be a lot left over to compete with in the lie of free will economy, but you will have enough. In Satan’s speech, the more you spend the more powerful you some “inchoate” way, yet you supposedly need to automatically pay interest or you are not legit. So in proving you have “free will” and are powerful with all the emotional stuff to go with that, you actually become a slave. See how that works? “If you qualify”.

So, here is how God will help you in this crisis: you will learn you never had free will, God was taking care of you all along and you don’t qualify for Satan’s help. I’m not saying don’t take the gov’t free money. I’m telling you its all free money you have been deceived in the past must be paid for with the time of your life doing others bidding on the presumption of saving what “free will” you supposedly had left over after their use of you.

God is giving you a new definition of money.

The old definition of money is what was empowering the drive for a new world order in which everyone is afraid not to prove their will powerful in public, some people stood up and anti-Christ said through them that they were in charge of the material representation of free will-in-public-stuff and would give some to you for a small price that keeps getting bigger and bigger. And you fell for it because they had already paid some of themselves to go to seminary and become priests and pastors of false Christianity and to say “God forced free will on you” so that you would need all the things they specifically could provide that the lie of free will you.

Let’s put this another way:

Somewhere, someone has a file on you. It has your name, various statistics that are important to their ideology and such. They are completely deceived as to how reality works. But they have put a lot of time and effort into studying you, have lots of words that supposedly describe you down to some excruciatingly exact detail and think they are smarter than you because they have these things that they completely made up in a speech not-God. Because only the Word/Speech of God knows the truth of you.

Now in this file, they think they have completely figured you out and want to control you. “Subject responds thusly to such and such stimulus”, etc. There are checks in boxes, qualifying remarks, pictures of you and your stuff. Your emotional response system is totally mapped out according to their complete nonsense. Some sort of official letterhead and stamps are seen.

Nothing in reality has anything to do with you other than your name. But they think it has everything to do with you.

Or..they want you to think it has everything to do with you. You have committed sins “because you have a free will” they simply made up in their free willer ideology ( like climate change ) that God does not recognize as sins. So little by little they leak out their accusations against you. You hear them but cannot defend yourself against a deceived person’s mind and heart. Part of those accusations is simply that you owe them money because they supposedly define what makes it valuable and for this service you should be their slave.

Hey! You qualify! You made it! You win again!

They supposedly know everything about you and so are “powerful” because God is powerful and knows all, they know “all” about you do they must be mini-gods, right? So with fake authority and real lies about what money is and can be used for, you are in debt!

And at the present juncture, they are afraid you are going to walk away because it is breaking down and so will just give you real money for now that they have defined in a false way to keep you hooked on their lie of what money is.

As long as you are not deceived, take the money and use it as God des it through you. If you think you will owe them later or that “future generations of Americans will have to foot the bill” don’t take the money. Why lie against those who haven’t even been born yet?

The love of money is the same as the fear of not having money and is the deception that spending proves you are free and have free will. That is why the LOVE of money is a sin and the root of all evil: it becomes a love of your own deception and slavery which is an abomination in God’s eyes.

Ecc 7:11-14 Wisdom is as good as an inheritance, and profitable to them that see the sun. For wisdom is a defence as money is a defence; but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom maketh them that possess it to live. Consider the work of God; for who can make straight what he hath made crooked? In the day of prosperity enjoy good, and in the day of adversity consider: God hath also set the one beside the other, to the end that man should find out nothing of what shall be after him.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, amen

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