Emotional Economics of Sort-of Belief in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us on the Cross and having “at least a little” free will

Pagan religions in particular despise the two truths of no free will ( the truth of no works based salvation..the truth that you CANNOT earn your salvation, salvation is by Faith alone and that faith a gift of God itself ) and the truth of the atonement for our sins by Jesus Christ dying on the cross for one reason: it makes falling into the trap of false guilt via false accusation impossible because our conscience is clear, not because of anything we did or can do or fail to do, but solely because of the price that God Himself as Son and Incarnate Word/Speech of God paid for our sins and because of His constant witness in us to that fact on our behalf AS our conscience. Substitutionary atonement: Christ Jesus was the substitute for us so that we might die to sin on the cross and live in Him forever in His/Our Resurrection. Our “will” had nothing to do with His act on our behalf and cannot add to the efficacy of His actions.

John 1:11-13 He came to his own, and his own received him not; but as many as received him, to them gave he the right to be children of God, to those that believe on his name; who have been born, not of blood, nor of flesh’s will, nor of man’s will, but of God.

Ecclesiastes 3:14 I know that whatever God doeth, it shall be for ever; there is nothing to be added to it, nor anything to be taken from it; and God doeth it , that men should fear before him.

Having no free will AND Christ having died for our sins makes impossible to toil in doubt as to our eternal state and makes impossible false scenarios in which we are mysteriously guilty and must constantly pay prices to superstitions and false religions whose lies and deceptions of what sin actually is in ever changing definitions.

If you are deceived “a little bit” that you must work out “a little bit” of your salvation and that God did not wholly and completely wipe out your sin before Him by bearing the burden Himself then you will give away everything in a vain attempt to wipe clean that last bit of guilt and fear before Him. Because when a false religion attacks with its lies of its own version of what sin is ( and those lies always revolve around you supposedly having a free will and sin is falsely defined to be “an act done in free will that God hates” ) then you will be deceived, which means to be attacked from within by lying spirits that you have to spend “what’s left of your free will/freedom” undoing whatever that false religion says you have done that is evil.


The false accusation of “Racism”: just keep giving stuff to minorities because …they and the non-minority false priests of that false free will religion just say you are guilty of something and they specifically say it in non-creating speech as they define sin as “something you do with a free will that God doesn’t like” and “something your ancestors did that you have to pay for” so they can just make up “sins” that you supposedly have to “atone for”.

Exactly what is the difference between telling Mom that Dad is screaming in a made up realm called purgatory, that actually does not exist but in the religious pretense/dogma that it does and that unless she pays the price for her husbands sins by deeding the house to the Roman Catholic Church he will continue to scream in agony –and it will be her fault– ( the notion of substitutionary atonement except person for person, not God-for-His-children ) and telling white people 3 generations removed that they need to pay for a supposed ancestor that was a meany to its slaves 150 years ago that they need to pay cash-olla, land and whatever other stuff their political enemies can think of ( generational debt/substitutionary atonement except people for dead people instead of Living God for His children ) or they will be somehow, mysteriously, guilty and black people will have hurt feelings. Again. What is the difference between that and telling young white people they are guilty for the technological advancements of their ancestors that have supposedly caused an ever changing definition of “climate change” and that they must “pay the price” ( that exact price still in the works you understand..the liars expect to exact untold billions to be divided up between the priest of the false religion of “climate change” as well as “racism” as well as “whatever they think of next” and are just working out the false forgiveness paradigm and penance mechanism as you read this )?

Are you beginning to see a pattern here? They hate the truth of the actual substitutionary atonement of God for His children that He performed in the Person of Jesus Christ without the consent, input or understanding of those children and they seek to place a false notion of a free will based/human works based substitionary atonement between people such that one generation supposedly has to pay a price of the last one to keep the false religions teachers in the latest styles and steaks and oppresses the people targeted to “feel guilty”…that actually has zero value before God and provides no benefit for those who actually are the intended recipients of the largess of their progeny, because they are already dead and cleans the conscience of no one.

They are liars..their lies do not work because they are lies, not because you haven’t done “the ceremony” correctly or enough; you don’t have free will and cannot be guilty of what they say AND cannot bear the sin of nor save even yourself, much less someone else. That’s why God killed His Own son on your behalf.

Do you think God is going to nullify killing His Own Son on the cross to bear our sins because Satan/anti-Christ/Belial had a new idea about “making people pay” to keep their priests of their false religions employed or to satisfy one portion of the population’s jealousy against another?

The less you are certain of the truth that God paid the price for your sins on the cross the more maybe-guilty you are in a false religion. Since you don’t really understand the intricacies of the false religions and are commanded by God not to but to only listen to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Father in the Word/Speech of God that is NOT human speech, the less certain you are in Christ, the more susceptible you are to false accusations that are phrased and polished arguments made to be confusing and sort-of look like a free willed version of Christianity that was never really Christianity. The false religions are widget of non-creating speech and the lie of human free will. That means they are all liars. But you will be deceived and give up everything trying to cleanse yourselves except for the grace of Jesus Christ in you to prevent it.

If its not of Christ, you don’t need to investigate the latest accusation against you just to make sure a false religion in new garb isn’t doing you a favor by pointing out some flaw you actually have as conduct toward some group, person, planet, environment or god. If its not in Christ, its a lie about everything it says. And its purpose is to steal everything you have: to make you “pay”.

But if you are not mature in Christ and still think “the other religions have something to offer that’s good” you will end up giving everything you have away just to try and obtain a sense of purity that only Christ in you can give and still will not have that clean conscience because you have offended God by claiming His Son’s/ Christ’s substitutionary atonement for you on the cross was insufficient and by demonstrating you think human speech has something to add to the conversation between you and God instead of relying on God’s witness on your behalf in His Own Word/Speech/Son. Instead of actually obtaining the purity that human speech claims you lack but can obtain if you “do what it says”, you will offend God instead of please Him.

Why do you think it is that the Democratic Party in America is for bringing in vast populations of non-Christians to these shores? Because as each new false religion appears, and the numbers of its adherents grows, the more false accusations are possible as the collection of false sins grows with the aggregate of them all, the more the deceived and deceiving voices affirm the accusations are supposedly the truth, the more off-balance they can keep the immature or non-Christian about what it takes to get a perfectly clean conscience: the more they can take from you and abuse you.

The Democrats in particular are following the classic Soviet style/Communist method of false accusation in unclear terms they repeat as if real and especially through their organ the press and by which they claim and affirm guilt on a broad array of subjects against a multitude of persons in the hope that any uncertainty you have in Christ will translate to maybe-guilty of what they say and capitulation by you to whatever they say is the required price to pay in the forgiveness paradigm that always accompanies false religion. And they wish for this to be your perpetual state of mind..to always be micro-analyzing yourself while they murder millions of children in the womb and others full grown to keep their evil unseen and unexposed.

From the Gulag Archipelago: by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, a victim of Soviet Communism/Socialism:

"If you are arrested, can anything else remain unshattered by  this cataclysm?  
But the darkened mind is incapable of embracing these dis- placements in our universe, and both the most sophisticated and the veriest simpleton among us, drawing on all life’s experience,  can gasp out only: “Me? What for?”  And this is a question which, though repeated millions and  millions of times before, has yet to receive an answer.  
Arrest is an instantaneous, shattering thrust, expulsion, somer-sault from one state into another. "


 “You don’t need anything. They’ll feed you there. It’s warm  there.” (It’s all lies. They keep hurrying you to frighten you.) 


 For several decades political arrests were distinguished in our  country precisely by the fact that people were arrested who were  guilty of nothing and were therefore unprepared to put up any  resistance whatsoever. There was a general feeling of being  destined for destruction, a sense of having nowhere to escape  from the GPU-NKVD (which, incidentally, given our internal  passport system, was quite accurate). And even in the fever of  epidemic arrests, when people leaving for work said farewell to  their families every day, because they could not be certain they  would return at night, even then almost no one tried to run away  and only in rare cases did people commit suicide. And that was  exactly what was required. A submissive sheep is a find for a wolf.  

..a sense of having nowhere to escape the false accusations..is what they wish to instill. Yet they are the cursed children of lies.

Why do you think the priests of the lie of free will are now saying ( on behalf of the lie of free will as cleverness) “we don’t have a free will, but its the emotionally smart thing to do to keep pretending we do” ( article in Atlantic, woman on Fox News saying that almost word for word in a “chat” with another female anchor, etc..) ? Because while seeking to paint the understanding that you don’t have free will as a negative, ( instead of the positive that saves you from false accusation, and forces you to fear God alone instead of having a bunch of false fears based on the supposed power of other people, aliens, animals, false gods, etc.) they seek to make you keep pretending that you do SO THAT they can keep the False Accusation Industry against you alive and well. They are actually suggesting that you believe in what they are now openly saying is false so that you can be constantly harassed and robbed of everything you have via their never ending false accusation based on lying against Christ and lying against God’s wisdom in sending His Own Son to die for our sins.

As far as racism and global warming and even deed the farm to the child abusing Roman Catholic Church go, on the contrary, you have shown yourselves pure in all the matters in that you wanted there to be no offense between you and God..you are already pure and God has of course noted and understood your zeal for Him and misguided attempt to “make sure” there was no spot in you that He did not like. But it is part of your inheritance in Jesus Christ to live in the Word/Speech of God/Christ as Truth and be free from all lies and in being free from all lies, having and possessing already that perfectly clean conscience that He says is clean and that it is His witness in you is perfect before Him which cannot be bought at any price except the blood of Jesus Christ, much less the permission of those who are very obviously not of the household of faith in Jesus Christ or those who are not but seek to disguise themselves as if they were.

Philippians 1:27-29 Only conduct yourselves worthily of the glad tidings of the Christ, in order that whether coming and seeing you, or absent, I may hear of what concerns you, that ye stand firm in one spirit, with one soul, labouring together in the same conflict with the faith of the glad tidings; and not frightened in anything by the opposers, which is to them a demonstration of destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God; because to you has been given, as regards Christ, not only the believing on him but the suffering for him also,

Gal 2:4,5 and it was on account of the false brethren brought in surreptitiously, who came in surreptitiously to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage; to whom we yielded in subjection not even for an hour, that the truth of the glad tidings might remain with you.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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