Anti-Christ slanders everyone, not just Christ, but always with the same tactics

Followers of Billy Graham have never been famous for their discernment: he was a liar, they are liars. They are all free willers whose notion of who Jesus Christ is, is a beggar who goes around asking everyone to “chose Me!” as god so I can then save you, but I must bow down to your will first!” AND he supposedly asks all that in human speech, that God confounded at the attempt to build the tower at Babel. They have preached a false gospel/human speech gospel from their founding, a saved-today-but-maybe-not-tomorrow-unless-you-do-the-forgiveness-paradigm-they-make-up-on-the-fly heresy while they mock and curse those whom God has truly sent and that have not at all been made Christians by the lies of heretics but by the Word of God, Himself.

Now, a not-so famous and yet chief heretic among them in their infamous liberal, god-hating magazine whose title mocks Jesus Christ as “Christianity Today” and in whose pages have consistently and constantly appeared consent to every vice and wickedness, goes so far as to attack the President for doing His job. Seeing the corruptness of the FBI and all major law enforcement and intelligence agencies during the reign of socialist dogs and communist pigs who have filled the ranks of government and knowing full and well the lack of eagerness such have to actually do any justice at all, but delight in being the perpetrators of injustice themselves, especially the so-called “Justice” Department that is infamous for letting major criminals get away unscathed for as long as possible while making tumultuous shows of minor court proceedings against minor parties as supposed public proof of their upholding their oaths, anyone who truly wanted to get to the bottom of injustice and uphold his own oath of office would ask a foreign leader for assistance in tracking down and denouncing the criminals when given the opportunity in the appropriate setting. That is common sense.

But socialists dogs and communist pigs have to be what they are. The leopard cannot change its spots and liars cannot stop lying though they tell themselves they just temporarily choose to for a while to gain an advantage for themselves.

So when it appears the plot to smear the name of President Trump is drawing to a very bad end for those who perpetrated it and have made a public mockery of themselves in their arrogance to abuse their own power at tax payer expense in order to make themselves look good to those they have deceived into voting for them, namely the cursed Democratic Party, here comes fake-Christianity Today writer Mark Galli to say he is outraged mind you, at the so-called moral decline of Donald Trump. While admitting the Democrats have “had it out for him since day one”, he immediately pretends he is a Christian and after having been supposedly “fair” with that comment, then does the best hatchet job he can with the sole purpose, by his opening statement, to supposedly guide Christians “on how to interpret the news according to their faith” and have opposite emotions to “liking” the President.

The whole article is just bait of course for more honest and open sodomites to cry “Even the Presidents base, those damned Christians think he should be removed”. The funny part is that they think Christianity Today is thought of as an Christian organization or the “voice of God” by any true Christian. They always seek to instill the lie of free will as if it were truth in non-political times to take advantage of it during the political days. The article is made-to-order boilerplate that the social media little liars that think they are warriors that will save the world into Satan will dutifully call “from that influential Christian magazine” and say “even the Christians see Trump is a criminal now! Hurray!”.

Proverbs 4:14-17 Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men : avoid it, pass not by it; turn from it, and pass away. For they sleep not except they have done mischief, and their sleep is taken away unless they have caused some to fall. For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence.

After all, the whole pagan, fake free willed ethos is to supposedly scare someone into doing something because “lots of other people are using their free will that way and you should too if you want to protect and grow that free will and get the best use out of your free will! Other people feel its the best way to preserve their free will too!” The lie of free will always speaks “as if” free will is real, under attack and demands action Now! in a variety of ways. But there is in fact, there is no free will and no such thing as influence and therefore no such thing as an “influenc-er” despite the handing out of titles of that exact label. There is only those through whom the Truth is spoken and those through whom lies are spoken.

Mark Galli is nothing but another in a long list of liars trying to use fake Christianity against actual Christians. The morality he says has supposedly been broken is all about free willed justice , as if anyone had free will and could be accused on those grounds alone by anyone anywhere who took exception to anyone else’s actions. Not only does he have complete disregard for actual justice while pretending to be a defender of the mere word “justice”, but seeks to legitimize the lies, deceit and law breaking of the Democrats while sort-of wringing his hands over the implied but fake emotions of “his conscience just couldn’t take it any more and he had to be honest” that he was really with the liars all along while pretending to hate to have had to say anything against the President.

It is a perfect example of that particular mix of emotional venom fake Christian ( actual pagan ) liars are so good at: “gosh, I prayed about it, uh, I humbly..blah blah blahed, but dang it, I just have to say even though I like the guy, I have to be honest and side with his worst enemies, who I just said a few paragraphs ago had it in for him. They have been honest, outstanding citizens who have born hardship but through sheer free will and character, have, uh, persevered to, uh…get to justice…and I know I’ll be unpopular by saying these things, but that mere fact proves the veracity of what I am saying.” ( fake stand on principle + fake “be a leader” humility-phrasing + appeal to fake Christian phrasing + fake appeal to God + real appeal to readers emotional history of being manipulated by all the foregoing ingredients = (he’s hoping to produce in the reader and the “interpretation of the news” ) small, but actual sympathy for the President + downplaying the wickedness of the Presidents enemies + sowing of feelings of trust for the Presidents enemies as past, present and ( most importantly ) future stalwarts that protect public morals to equal /= prayerful righteous anger at the President mingled with small amounts of regret and that regret a supposed sign of the righteousness of all the lies he just told them.

The whole article is Satan’s version of justice as an emotional balancing act that tips in favor whoever emotionally manipulates the best as long as a journey is implied in heart that was interspersed with awe, boredom, excitement, fear, humility, ignorance, realization, and finally free willed “decision time, baby!” as just putting a period or an exclamation mark on the implied life cycle of the latest “choice”. Code words for Democrats and all liars are just what they think will “do the trick” in that satanic process and in America its usually in the form of Christian-esque words. My Dad used to laugh and call that “churchianity”. People deceived by those tactics base their salvation of soul on those same tactics, a trust-the-messenger-not-God and ever changing definitions of the code words every time they “choose” a religion or to be an atheists. They try to use human speech code words as a flash light to guide “how to feel” and think God “has to accept that process” to communicate with people or for them to know “what to do next” with the “free will” the liars keep saying they have. The deceiver and deceived are all feeling great to be on their way to the lake of fire.

Then the remark of remarks of a base liar: after he has appealed to a mix of emotions he hopes he himself has instilled, with those implied confusing effects, an appeal to absolute clarity and sudden light at the end of his tortured tunnel to supposedly “force choice”:

From the article:

“But the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.

The reason many are not shocked about this is that this president has dumbed down the idea of morality in his administration. He has hired and fired a number of people who are now convicted criminals. He himself has admitted to immoral actions in business and his relationship with women, about which he remains proud. His Twitter feed alone—with its habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders—is a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused.”

The facts of the case are plain:

1. the President of the United States was in the midst of dispensing largess to a country in need.

2. Despite all of history and even their own people in office in the past to include their current political hacks of not giving away American goods or services for free, the lie of Mark Galli, the Democrats and all their fellow liars, is that the President should have given away what God has given the citizens of United States of America for free, simply for the opportunity to have done so and kept in place a cover-up instituted by the Democrats for their own “quid-pro-quo” arrangements ( one of many: Biden for his unqualified son to head an office created for the purpose of funneling money out of Ukraine: to extort the Ukrainians for cash money to get aid )

3. A principle trying to be held forth by the lying Democrats and fake Christian allies as ideal virtue is of forcing foreign countries to be extorted of the few resources they have by “diplomacy”, but as long as the perpetrators are running for office later, their crimes can’t be found out or if they can, only through narrow lanes of approved bureaucracy that will obstruct any actual justice in perpetuity

4. The President was in fact doing his job and upholding his oath in pressing the matter with the Ukrainian official. Period.

5. Another principal the Democrats are holding forth is that if they can get laws passed that effectively prevent justice against one of their own, they will and not uphold those laws when they are not in their political favor, BUT that a moral man must be supposedly caught by his own conscience when he tries to effect justice when navigating a mine field of laws made to prevent that exact justice. Yet another is to make everyone “feel” that a law has been broken if they merely feel bad about something that has happened

6. The President broke no laws that can be proved and that is why the fake “impeachment” movement is on because the Democrats don’t have to prove anything in those proceedings, they can just “vote how they feel” to pervert justice yet again by their means and hope someone is deceived that their mere vote equals the Presidents actual guilt.

7. The Democratic party and their allies in the lying press are trying to effect the very crime they falsely accuse the president of : abusing their office to attack a political opponent, namely the President, a fact alluded to but never actually mentioned by Mr. Fake High and Mighty, Mark Galli in his off-hand comment “the Democrats have had it in for him”. By the same standard he seeks to force on the President, the Democrats ought not to be able to investigate any member of an opposing political party, yet we know they did exactly that many times over illegally.

All the Democrats, their voters and their mouth pieces in the press are beyond saving spiritually other than the young. They read the Bible and sit in fake churches like they were pious, ( even that less and less ) but only to deceive and pay liars to wear robes to deceive them even more. God Himself has hardened their hearts and made them feel very clever. They have publicly abandoned Christ, upheld every evil as a high moral and only seek to talk Christians out of Christ and Christian morals as if that was possible with exactly the tactics of Mark Galli’s article. To write an article like that you have to have long ago thrown away Christ and cast your hope on Satan.

They live in a famine of hearing the Word of the Lord but look at the reactions of those whom God has caused to hear Him as Speech and seek to mimic them for political purposes. Their best defense against the truth is a weak “that’s not influential and doesn’t fit in with our free willed code words!” ..that they are deceived actually works. They work hand in glove with liars just like the Chinese government who has sought to come with a state-controlled “Christianity” that can be tweaked for whatever desire they have at the moment. No one is so deceived as to really think any religion can be an on-off-on-again process to truly grow in spiritual life. Who temporarily poisons the tree roots to get better fruit? All that happens is that the tree eventually dies from prolonged poisoning and those that eat its fruit die as well. They have long heard the same gospel of Jesus Christ as all true Christians and have laughed during the off-season only to pretend to be sincere during the political season.

But their end comes. And everyone really knows this while the liars try to get Christians to remember a fake theological widget they once forgot when they first encountered it and knew of it as a lie and to turn that remembering into Donald Trump’s guilt in their heart by the poison of emotionally manipulative venom.


Proverbs 26:24-27 He that hateth dissembleth with his lips, but he layeth up deceit within him: when his voice is gracious, believe him not, for there are seven abominations in his heart. Though his hatred is covered by dissimulation, his wickedness shall be made manifest in the congregation. Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein; and he that rolleth a stone, it shall return upon him.

Christian hearts are in Christ, not in human speech. Christ is the Word of God, the Creating Speech that cannot lie. He will never help liars except to destroy themselves faster. No liar can talk true Christians into evil because we are protected by God while suffering false accusations by false brethren precisely because God holds us in His hands: we are the kept-guarded-ones and human speech cannot even pronounce our names in Christ. So of course their fake tribunals having to do with our names are all fake: they speak at us but miss us all the time. They think they know who they are attacking with slander, but in fact they know nothing.

1Peter 1:3-9 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, according to his great mercy, has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from among the dead, to an incorruptible and undefiled and unfading inheritance, reserved in the heavens for you, who are kept guarded by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Wherein ye exult, for a little while at present, if needed, put to grief by various trials, that the proving of your faith, much more precious than of gold which perishes, though it be proved by fire, be found to praise and glory and honour in the revelation of Jesus Christ: whom, having not seen, ye love; on whom though not now looking, but believing, ye exult with joy unspeakable and filled with the glory, receiving the end of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, amen

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