Political Free Willers, the Press and the Lie of Human Free Will: The Origins and Reasons of their Language and Deceptions

Yet another article by free willer atheists at the National Geographic: Bonobo “Baby Talk” Reveals Roots of Human Language . Note that implicitly, the title of the article implies a long kept secret has been brought to light by concerned persons doing ‘research’ into what they had to have entitled a mystery in former times in order to say at this time that anything has been revealed. The supposed mystery in question is the origin of “human language”. Not just, say for instance, English or Russian, German or Chinese…all human language.

The article is essentially a force multiplier for the article in the “peer reviewed” pseudo-scientific journal PeerJ published by Tim O’Reilly’s O’Reilly Media, aimed at the not-really-paying-attention crowd called National Geographic readers who accept as truth any new article that a ‘journalist’ has written and in which a ‘scientist’ is quoted.

Some gems in the article:

Peeping, which is very similar to the burbling of human infants before they form words, may tell us more about the evolution of human speech.

That’s because while most animal sounds have a more narrow meaning, bonobos use peeping in several contexts, including eating, communicating danger, and resting, according to a study published this week in the journal PeerJ.”


Such vocal flexibility is “an important transition toward what we see in human speech,” says study leader Zanna Clay, a psychologist at the University of Birmingham in the U.K. (See more bonobo pictures.)

It also “suggests that this ability was already present in our common ancestor, before humans diverged from the rest of the great apes,” about seven to eight million years ago, says Clay, who received funding from National Geographic.”

O’Reilly himself has plainly stated himself to be in the “meme creation” and “meme- engineering” business. From Wikipedia’s page on Tim O’Reilly:

O’Reilly has worked as an activist for a number of causes[15] and prides himself on his company’s “long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.”[16] As a strategy of persuasion, he has evolved a technique of “meme engineering,” which seeks to modify the terminology that people use.[17][4]

Did he get that “strategy of persuasion” from Bonobo’s? Is this article a strategic ‘peep’ , designed as an experiment to gently “modify the terminology people use”? You know, like Hydra operatives saying “we got another article in National Geographic this week!”

Now that would be some devious dudes. Right? Who would think to make people, whom God has created in His Own image, think that both their bodies and their minds came to them via Bonobo’s and that there is no God and no such thing as good and evil? For what purpose? Don’t they realize they are making fun of themselves and are the enemy of their own souls too? Why would someone even think to make masses of other people be deceived that all people are basically worthless sacks of chemical goo …with a free will…that ‘evolved’ ..somehow..and yet can be manipulated by tweaking “the terminology that people use”? How, for instance, would they answer such questions as why a supposed ape’s descendant would use incense ceremonially? Or specifically trick other ape’s descendants into behavioral changes of subservience by the subtle manipulation of languages? One of such changes being the stealing of their time by making them think they ought to use incense ceremonially…


The answer, of course is contained in the Holy Bible: God as Word in written form.

What evil people do makes sense to evil people because they are inside human language and yet are deceived that human language is all there is and there is no other language and can be no other language than one with the characteristics of human language. They would in fact not really understand the concept of being ‘inside’ human speech because in their theory of everything, there is no other language to which to escape. That’s besides the fact that even if they admitted the theoretical possibility of such a language existing, then they have to answer where it came from and its differences from human speech.

But God answers all of that in His Word.

Essentially, human speech, animal speech, the sounds nature makes in every way and even the often spoken about but never seen “aliens” who have their own unique speech, telepathic or not, all have the same speech: non-creating speech. The simple fact is that it is a speech that is incapable of creating anything. Thus the incredulity of those inside it to understand that God doesn’t “use language”; He IS His Word and IS Creating Speech. Not only do human beings disbelieve they are inside an essential prison of language that is a living creature that has itself been confounded ( at the attempt to build the tower at Babel ) but further cannot understand God as Word distinct from human language as Creating Speech. Further still, they do not understand that because their language is a living creature that cannot create anything, that fact gives them a non-creating mentality and a false, but real sense of panic over what they are forced to idealize as limited resources. That God Speaks and literally creates what He Spoke, as is specifically demonstrated in the Holy Bible as unique to all religions in the world, is to one in non-creating speech, ‘aliens’ included, impossible given their own experience of language and the witness of all the others in that same, non-creating language. It isn’t that they won’t believe, it is that they can’t.

For instance, the reaction of the Pharisees to Jesus Christ/Creating Speech/ the Incarnate Word/Speech of God, to one in non-creating speech is justified; even though to one who has born again in Jesus Christ/Word/Speech of God and has been translated out of human speech and into Christ as Speech/Truth it is not justified at all but God is made plainly Truthful in His Sayings.

John 8:25 They said therefore to him, Who art thou? And Jesus said to them, Altogether that which I also say to you.

In Christ as speech, that makes sense: God IS His Word.

John 1:1-5 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

Since God is His Word/Speech, it makes sense that the Incarnate Word of God would identify Himself in answer to a question of “Who are you?” with “Altogether that which I also say to you.” It also makes sense that they, being in a non-creating language, would not understand what He had so plainly stated as a constraint of their language, not their supposed “free willed ability to understand everything”.

It is a constant talking point of free willers of all stripes to say that if God tells you to do something, and you don’t have the ability to do it, then God’s command is foolish and thus His commanding it is foolish and to avoid making God out to do and say foolish things you are forced to ‘admit’ you have free will and the blame is on you for not doing rather than God for commanding it. They honor God in a false way to imprison you in false guilt rather than admit that when God tells you to do something, because He is Creating Speech and IS His Word/Speech, He will cause you to do it in oneness with Him if He has chosen you to be with Him. What theose in the non-creating speech do is called work-ing “as an activist for a number of causes[15] and prides himself on his company’s “long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.”[16] As a strategy of persuasion, he has evolved a technique of “meme engineering,” which seeks to modify the terminology that people use.[17][4] Not fundamentally change their speech from non-creating speech to Christ, but to pretend that non-creating speech came of of a chemical goo, went through a Bonobo ape and ended up as your mind.

God, by contrast, plainly Says He is the Speech/Word by which He created the Heavens and the Earth and you as a new creature in Jesus Christ/Speech of God:

1Peter 1:23-25 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.

James 1:18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.

God as Word has plainly manifested Who He IS to you and everyone else. What He has not done is give everyone the power to believe what He has Said. Those whom He has not given that power to –as a rule– make plain who they are and what their desires are as an extention of their imprisonment in a speech that can create nothing: to manipulate their nieghbors into enslavement and death based on false fears of limited resources and false guilt based on falsely honoring God in false religions that always claim free will for man only because their own speech can create nothing. Rather than plainly say, “our speech can create nothing.” their speech seeks to hide that fact while shifting blame for the lack of creation onto human beings in a deception that human beings ‘have the power to empower a free will’, but just won’t out of laziness or evil intent.

Anti-Christ, Lucifer and the Satan always hide their own activities in order to blame the results on you. The Anti-Christ isn’t called by God the Anti-Christ for nothing: the Anti-Christ is the non-creating speech that can create nothing. Anti-Christ is the Anti-Incarnate Word of God, against the Word of God, futily in war against the Word of God, the speech of the serpent to Eve whose first words were an accusation against God as Word.

The Anti-Christ is also the word of most of the world, to include the Pope, Islam, Hinduism, Mormonism, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, all those who advocate for what God as Word specifically forbids: homosexuality, abortion and who seek to make out that children are not children, they are ‘fetuses’ and simply raw material for ‘scientific’ study. They overtly claim that God as Word is a liar and that what He has Said cannot be depended on and still have enough to live by their advocacy of the exact opposite. And under the tuteledge of their teachers and the Roman Catholics on the Supreme Court, America has turned into a ceasepool of evil while they deny God as Word with their own non-creating speech with non-creating results.

As “a strategy of persuasion,” they have “evolved a technique of “meme engineering,” which seeks to modify the terminology that people use.Pre-born children are not pre-born children in their minds/speech, but ‘fetuses’ to be sold as parts for investigation and the health of older persons who have supposed won the right to be called ‘human beings’ because they have theoritically done ‘the proofs’ that the lie of free will demands of its slaves to prove they are ‘being alive’. In short, everyone who can do the speech they do is deemed by them to be alive and everyone not doing that same non-creating speech and imprisoned in human speech is not-alive, or is a threat or is ‘crazy’. First they lay down evil laws that force behavior to be included in their paradigm, then they say, even to those already in the paradigm/speech that in order to be included, the proofs of loyalty are the defact proofs of life. Once you are deceived you have free will, from there on your life is downhill in a race to keep up with the theoriteical freedom everyone else is said to possess. They never have to prove other people have free will because they can’t. If you are deceived you have free will, the rest of your life is a fear you’ll ‘lose it’. If you are not living in God’s grace, you’ll actually be deceived by them that you have no right to your own homes and nation, but that other people who hate you actually have the ‘real’ moral authority to take it by the illegal actions of your own government.

Journalism is simply the force multiplier of the terms and words that is Anti-Christ and its lie of human free will in this age. The lie of free will is the fundamental backdrop against which the other lies play, with the theme of constantly ‘losing freedom’ or ‘not gaining as much freedom as everyone else is supposedly getting’ being the second layer and the present ‘stories’ and ‘investigations’ being only presented as supposed proofs of those lies being truth. Stories like a sudden revelation of the origins of human speech being found in an ape “peeping” are simply part of the constant work on the infrastructure of the overall lie that denies there can be any other speech than human speech and an attemtp to squash any dissent by supposedly already having answered all potential questions on the theory.

Be encouraged in Christ, not anti-Christ; in new creation and the expectation of plenty, not ‘the sky is falling and its your fault because you have a generic free will we can blame for everything’. Christ Jesus, in His pre-Incarnate form has plainly said as an act of creation in you:

Proverbs 23:15-18 My son, if thy heart be wise, my heart shall rejoice, even mine; and my reins shall exult, when thy lips speak right things. Let not thy heart envy sinners, but be thou in the fear of Jehovah all the day; for surely there is a result, and thine expectation shall not be cut off.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

The Lie of Free Will and the Current Stuff

You’d think so much has happened in the last month or so: all the fake/paid protests, all the news items over the same propaganda; the same progress of propaganda/manipulation of the lie of free will in those who at first laugh that “of course I’ve got free will!”, then respond like Pavlov’s Dog to the applied “stimulus package” of the media. But nothing has really changed: the status quo of the lie of free will is still the status quo, The homosexuals are out of the closet and as dogs are still responding to dog-stimulus. The same persons and groups of persons are responding to the stimulus package of the lie of free will at all the appropriate times: the sodomites are rejoicing to do evil, the blacks and Hispanics are angry over..something, again.. and still in full support of the sodomites; the homosexual government of the Democrats is as incompetent and traitorous as usual; the Republicans, except for Donald Trump ( so far ) are afraid of the very groups of illegals that were pushed on them decades ago that were then given legal status so that they could vote; now the Republicans will do anything to “win votes” ( as responding to the stimulus on que )  from essentially a foreign army they themselves helped to get established in the United States of America. Lindsay Graham actually bragged he had “tried to fix the border” for 10 years.  And failed.. and yet seeks more power to fail again. Oh yeah, ..and a whole country, (Greece) that can’t pay its debts because it’s socialist ideology DOESN’T WORK, along with their western counterparts in the press ( Greece did not in fact “give the world democracy” and is fringe West if that much ) , wants every one with a different ideology to suck it up and just “forgive” the debt while not pointing out that SOCIALISM DOESN’T WORK. Germany is supposedly the bad guy because Germans expect someone “regardless of race, religion, or ideology” to pay their own frikkin’ debts. Makes sense right? A Guy jumps up and down about having free will, in fact a ‘free-er” will than you because he’s a Socialist and yet wants you to bankroll his self-delusion that he is “just as Blessed by God as you”. Really?


The Press in the U.S. never point out Greece’s supporters in the EU are Socialists Countries too and just want a blueprint for debt forgiveness should it happen to them, AGAIN, in the future. Instead of blaming Germany and the Low Countries for pointing out the obvious, maybe Greece should “think like a German” and pay its debts, manufacture precision tech and give the world something useful rather than BS about Socialist Dreams of Being Correct in the ideology department. Germany may be richer in minerals, okay. But really..one on one on a farm, ..the German kicks your ass and you know it.

Here’s a joke: a Greek and German face off on Survivor Man.

Are you kidding? The Greek guy tells a great story. –and it is really, really entertaining. The German guy builds a bow and arrows out of tree bark and a plow out of stone and wood, tames a wild ox to pull it, builds a city and unearths some diamonds by accident while the Greek dude gets mad and quits the show because his religion and ideology have no power to give him ideas or to see past first-attempts, and so he has no idea how to do anything else but talk and falsely blames the German guy for belittling him.

I suppose I could write some long, intricate and excruciating detailed white paper on the disasters of the lie of free will –got the material, got the notes, got the Word of God and will do it in the future as God does it through me–but for now, what for? You guys can’t hear and God through me has been doing that for over a decade.

If you are black, guess what? You are going to fall for the same stimulus over the same ‘issues’ again. The same liars will have you as guests on their shows to vent your outrage and all that. If you are Hispanic, you too. It’s not like either of you will pray to the real Jesus Christ before you vote. You’ll vote like Pavlov’s Dog poked in the right way at the right time and vote your anger, or your desperation, or whatever emotional manipulation of the moment. Cuz that’s who you are– free willers deceived you’ll get something if you shout you have free will louder than white people. Also applies to all women.

And that about covers this last six months and ten centuries and at least the next six months.

Don’t forget, if you stay in the lie of free will and human speech, ( and it takes God to get you out of it and place you in Jesus Christ/Word of God ), make sure you keep doing those “proofs of having free will” in front of your fellow deceived ideologist. Cuz when you stop and need a rest–they will say you are dead. Inside the lie of free will, “proving your free will exists” is the only Proof of Life.

1John 1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Greece sins in not paying its debts and expecting others to just “forgive” part of its debts. Are Greek banks and businesses  “forgiving” their debtors? Even if they did, those who pay their debts are not suckers because evil persons want to keep deceiving themselves they are enlightened and not evil.

Greece would do well to admit:

Romans 7:14-18 For we know that the law is spiritual: but *I* am fleshly, sold under sin.  For that which I do, I do not own: for not what I will, this I do; but what I hate, this I practise.  But if what I do not will, this I practise, I consent to the law that it is right.  Now then it is no longer *I* that do it, but the sin that dwells in me.  For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, good does not dwell: for to will is there with me, but to do right I find not.

Because then:

Romans 8:1-6 There is then now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and of death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God, having sent his own Son, in likeness of flesh of sin, and for sin, has condemned sin in the flesh,  in order that the righteous requirement of the law should be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to flesh but according to Spirit. For they that are according to flesh mind the things of the flesh; and they that are according to Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For the mind of the flesh is death; but the mind of the Spirit life and peace.

It is Germany’s Christian duty to remind Greece of its duty before God. For Greece claims to be Christian when they are not demonstrating on behalf of Socialism’s paganism–now that they have rejoiced in evil, evil has come upon them. You cannot be a pagan and a Christian.


2 Corinthians 1:3,4 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassions, and God of all encouragement; who encourages us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to encourage those who are in any tribulation whatever, through the encouragement with which we ourselves are encouraged of God.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen






What’s in Your Proof Wallet? How will you prove you have free will in each and every instance it is supposedly necessary?

Habakkuk 2:13-16 Behold, is it not of Jehovah of hosts that the peoples labour for the fire, and the nations weary themselves in vain? For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Jehovah as the waters cover the sea. Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, –that pourest out thy flask, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness! Thou art filled with shame instead of glory; drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of Jehovah’s right hand shall be turned unto thee, and a shameful spewing shall be on thy glory. 


What is your go-to proof that you are alive to those who insist a default definition of being a human being is having a free will and that you must prove it in very specific ways?

Got enough money to always buy things so you can have the appearance of “doing choice”? Different types of money so the proof works wherever you go?

Got enough words to keep talking the speech God confounded at the attempt to build the tower at Babel so all the others inside that speech will recognize you as a competitor for the same resources with which to prove you and they supposedly have a free will?. er, sorry….talk to neighbors? You know, so you don’t get left behind in the Big Progress to larger and more dramatic proofs? In the lie of free will, that’s the one “education” that you have to keep up with all your life. You wanted change, right?

How about your insurance? Now that Big Medicine wants to force you to pay them for them having the monopoly on healthcare and therefore when to define who is “alive” beyond and exclusive of all the rest of your proofs, how do you ensure you keep proving you have a free will to them so that their machine will recognize when you are alive? What’s your “free willed” plan to get past a blown circuit breaker, or the mistakes of an illegal immigrant that might spill water on the “proof machine” and short it out, or the shear ineptitude of the operator turning the switch off that should have been on or on when it should have been off? You did your part, you were prepared..but shoot–they had a bad day. No system is perfect, yeah?

There you are, alive but weak and unable to do the Official Recognized Proofs-of-Having-a-Free-Will, er, Proofs-of-Life, and they, because of their education, can’t recognize you as alive? In order to say you are alive when you are in the womb, in a coma, unable to move, “brain dead” or the default of your condition that has strayed outside the bounds of the politically recognized proofs of having a free will, they would have to deny that very system by which they are perfectly deceived they protect their own lives. They would have to renounce the proofs of having a free will that they were awarded for recognizing

The one education they didn’t give you was how to get past all the mistakes that can be made–honest mistakes and deceptions-as-education, mind you– in a very complicated system of “proofs” that you are alive and the means to obtain the means to do those proofs with. What if you work your whole life getting the money, saving and such, and then through no fault of your own, the very means that they insisted they control and one of the few that was supposed to be fool-proof, money, is stolen, or politically changed, or ..whatever? When the proofs are not accidentally changed, but changed in order to ensure at least a certain number of persons who used to have a perfectly proven free will and were therefore alive, suddenly are no longer alive by political fiat, what’s your play then?

But hey, maybe you can be in on who gets defined to be alive, what the proofs are and such and that way, you ensure your own future. Be a politician, right?

Wrong. At best, you’ll be doubly deceived in that you will kill others to save yourself and won’t end up saving yourself. Because the lie of free will is killing machine meant to eat its own. All the proofs of having a free will you set up will be changed by the next political season.

Amos 5:19 as if a man fled from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.


The Feds/Central Banks raising interest rates or not? That’s adjusting the supply of a main way to prove you have free will.

You being forced to grant Big Medicine a monopoly on healthcare AND being forced to pay them for their supposed expertise? Setting you up for them to define away your life at the first opportunity no matter all your other proofs. Somewhere in the dialogue when they are cutting off the life-support will be the words, “dignity”, “compassion”, “nature take its course.”, “advocate” and “God”. All the niceties will be observed. But the thing about those proofs of having a free will: the last one doesn’t count and all they ( the competitors for the means to prove somebody has free will ) know how to say is “prove it again!”, “prove it now!”

Euthanasia for “those without free will”? Just a way to trump the whole system of ideal proofs of having a free will with a new technological widget you neither built or can understand. And even if you did build it, others in that lie of free will will use it on you.

Teen suicides up? When they are deceived they have a free will and yet they are denied the means to prove it with, their witness of what happens to those who “can’t prove it”, proves they are hated by all and that someone unseen is planning their death. The common sense of the lie of free will mandates an escape.

Isaiah 33:1 Woe to thee that spoilest, and thou wast not spoiled; and that dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! When thou shalt cease to spoil, thou shalt be spoiled; when thou shalt make an end of dealing treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee.


But hey, all those priests and pastors who keep saying “Getting saved is an act of your free will!’ and “You must CHOOSE Jesus!”–all the one’s saying God says in the Bible that you have free will? That being displaced by foreigners in your own country, sodomy and abortion can be found to be okay in the Bible; all the ones you love to call Teachers? Surely they are your friends, right? They are the ones the politicians and Big Medicine go to prove you aren’t alive when the time comes.Supposedly, they are their own class of Provers and the ones who say God says you are dead when you can’t “do the proofs”.

 Jeremiah 23:16,17 Thus saith Jehovah of hosts: Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they lead you to vanity; they speak a vision of their own heart, not out of the mouth of Jehovah. They say constantly unto them that despise me, Jehovah hath said, Ye shall have peace. And they say unto every one that walketh in the stubbornness of his heart, No evil shall come upon you.


Amos 5:4 For thus saith Jehovah unto the house of Israel: Seek ye me, and ye shall live.

John 14:4-10 And ye know where I go, and ye know the way. Thomas says to him, Lord, we know not where thou goest, and how can we know the way? Jesus says to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father unless by me. If ye had known me, ye would have known also my Father, and henceforth ye know him and have seen him. Philip says to him, Lord, shew us the Father and it suffices us. Jesus says to him, Am I so long a time with you, and thou hast not known me, Philip? He that has seen me has seen the Father; and how sayest thou, Shew us the Father? Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words which I speak to you I do not speak from myself; but the Father who abides in me, he does the works.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen


Doing the proofs of supposedly having a free will is slavery to sin and death and is not safety at all


Money, no matter its physical representation, is nothing more or less than a type of Sumerian Me (wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me_(mythology) ) as an idealized carrier-enabled object with which to supposedly prove a free will exists by exchanging it for literally anything: as long as the exchanges are on-going, life is supposedly proved ( and therefore “safe”) because a “choice” is supposedly made. It does not matter that in the lie of human free will, having a free will is an inseparable part of human existence that God (or in some circles “evolution”) supposedly forced on you and you CAN’T get rid of it. The same speech that claims having a free will is the default condition of BEING a human being, will condemn you to death if you stop doing what they call “the proofs” of being alive: choosing something and not just anything. It lies about its lie whenever it is convenient for it.

Public judging shows are all the rage by TV executives: the prolifieration of shows wherein everything from cooks to singers compete against each other and are judged is obvious. Being constantly prodded to speak of various individuals, causes and such are another Me: have an opinion, say or write something in the speech God confounded at the attempt to build the tower at Babel..or else! If you are silent, you must have a defect of some sort and therefore you must in some mysterious way have suffered a loss of free will. Condemnation on you or lies spoken supposedly on your behalf but actually only on the behalf of an idealized unit of free will in you immediately ensue. You might be spared for a short while, but only in an attempt to rescue the units of free will idealized to be trapped in you. Ever see the super-villian who sucks the “life force” out of its victims..and by doing so gets more powerful..in the stories adding the power of all its victims up to be a superpower? All its doing is being an idealized government/society in which “free will” can be farmed ..from you.

Eat. Work/Act. Buy. Sleep. Prove it. Arise to do it again. Everything for the system of the lie of human free will.

The minute you stop participating in that paradigm, those in it –immediately– say you have stopped HAVING a free will expressly because they say you stopped doing what they, as a supposed divine authority have said are the proofs of having a free will.

Nations go to great lengths and go to war over who has the monopoly on defining the proofs of supposedly having a free will, and who can dole out the means to do the proofs and who gets that means –at all– once the populace is deceived having a free will is a mandatory part of the definition of being a human being and being alive and living at peace in the after-life.

For the vast majority, independence movements are simply attempts to get out-from-under someone else’s elitism because the deception by those elites ( the ones who taught the populace that God or evolution had forced free will on them and they could not escape it) that they are the sole dictator of what the proof-of-having-a-free-will must be and the sole dispenser of the means to do those proofs and to set up the non-elites as elites in a mere role reversal of the same lie.

ISIS is just a group of people who want to be the elites who dictate what the proofs must be and have the monopoly on the means to do the proofs with. They are evil, but that IS their evil. All the drama is to themselves just evidence of how far they will go to “prove it”. They don’t have free will, but the deception that they and their enemies do will kill all of them.

In the end, its as simple as “minimum wage equals minimum proofs” even though when the rich get sick and can’t do the proofs, they get just as killed. Being medically frowned upon ( fat, overwieght, “choice of lifestyle”) etc..will get you killed in the end as well as a scarcity of the means of doing the proofs is idealized to be the fault of those sets of people and they are targeted with false studies and false polls. “Judge your neighbor” is king in the midst of such falsely idealized lack-of-means of doing the proofs of having a supposed free will.

The vast majority of thefts and forgeries are not done to “get rich” in a general way, but to assure the means of having the ability to do the supposed proofs of having a free will in self-defense. Because when you run out of either the governmental or religious means to “do the proofs” with or the “medically approved” physical prowess with which to “do the proofs”..you will be killed. In fact, those who kill you will only see the act of killing you as one more proof for the eyes of their masters, whom they will falsely idealize to have more free will than themselves.

That’d be scary if anybody actually had free will wouldn’t it? Scarier still because they don’t. The deception kills those who have no fear of God. In that light, a fear of God is not just a “religious thing”, it is safety of life:

Isaiah 33:5 Jehovah is exalted; for he dwelleth on high: he hath filled Zion with justice and righteousness; and he shall be the stability of thy times, the riches of salvation, wisdom and knowledge: the fear of Jehovah shall be your treasure.


False priests, polititians, false preachers and judges rule by their means/craft

You are being forced to set up your own death, while you hate Jesus Christ/God, while you are live a dis-satisfied life of vanity, while you are forced to hate your actual neighbor in favor of an idealized foreign neighbor, while even the fantasy of a free will is usurped in favor of idealized collectives of free will, each with an expertise by which your worthiness to live is judged by ever-changing standards over which you have absolutely no control. You are voting on who will define such proofs and dole out the means to do the proofs when you listen to Left Media tell you about politics.

Jeremiah 13:20-25 Lift up your eyes, and behold them that come from the north: where is the flock that was given thee, thy beautiful flock? What wilt thou say when he shall punish thee? for thou hast taught them to be captains, and as chief over thee: shall not sorrows take thee, as a woman in travail? And if thou say in thine heart, Wherefore come these things upon me? For the greatness of thine iniquity are thy skirts discovered, and thy heels made bare. Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil. Therefore will I scatter them as the stubble that passeth away by the wind of the wilderness. This is thy lot, the portion of thy measures from me, saith the LORD; because thou hast forgotten me, and trusted in falsehood.

Every Democrat, every whore, pornographer, abuser, and homosexual, every abortionist, every liar, every priest and preacher of free will and every helper of same are scattered.


More on elected officials and those who see others as batteries of free will that have essentially run down:



Dutch ponder ‘mercy killing’ rules

The Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) has asked the Netherlands Ministry of Health to create an independent board to evaluate euthanasia cases for each category of people “with no free will.”

Doctors now follow legal standards regarding euthanasia, or assisted suicide, for patients who are able to make such a decision on their own.




Dutch to set guidelines for euthansia of babies


The Netherlands set up adult euthanasia vetting commissions in 1998, well before the practice was formally legalized under a 2001 law, which took effect the following year.

The commissions report about 2,000 people are euthanized in this country of 16 million each year, using a mix of sedatives and a lethal dose of muscle relaxant. But independent studies suggest the number of unreported cases is higher.

Cases of euthanasia for “people with no free will” — such as infants and severely demented or retarded people — were left in a legal gray area by the law because they were so controversial. They remain classified as murder, and doctors who carried out such killings were required to report themselves to the authorities for potential prosecutio———-


(on the same webpage, in the “related story” column is “why good athletes are good looking too”..survival of the fittest…right?)


The “deciding factor”/justification of the so-called choice is money and the current state of medical technology and the idealized drain on other people’s “free will”: because spending the money(the thing with which you prove your own free will –on somebody else–weakens you in the lie of free will. You can do less proofs, you can convince less people you are alive..in the lie of free will, charity weakens the one giving.

Terry Shiavo’s autopsy report: the state of current medical tech and knowledge the justifying paradigm of her murder ..in a time when Big Medicine wants a monoploy on health-care and the government is forcing you to buy into it.. what you are being forced to buy are self-appointed “experts” to kill you should you ever stop doing the so-called proofs of having a free will…




Because a doctor said it…”..forget what God says…Doctors are the new “God” of life and death in this report by Slate Magazine:


According to Terri Schiavo’s autopsy report, her “lateral geniculate nucleus (visual) demonstrated transneuronal degeneration with gliosis.” Or, as the medical examiner put it in plainer English, “Hervision centers of her brain were dead. Therefore, Mrs. Schiavo had what’s called cortical blindness. She was blind, could not see.” ”….”That isn’t what Schiavo’s parents, pro-lifers, and congressional Republicans told us all these years. They said videos showed her eyes following people and objects. “In the video footage, which you can actually see on the Web site today, she certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli,” Senate Majority Leader Bill Fristdeclared three months ago as he spearheaded a congressional invasion of the case. ”…”To pro-lifers, the meaning of the videos was as plain as the eyes on your face. “Streaming video of Terri Schiavo apparently glad to see her mom,” one Web siteadvertised. “Terri looks over, sees her mom and gets a huge smile on her face,”reported another. “As you can readily see, Terri is obeying commands,” said a third. Several sites posted a common list of video links that began with Terri watching a balloon and Terri’s alert eyes. “Seeing is believing,” they concluded. “Now that you have seen, do you believe that this woman deserves to be starved and dehydrated to death?”

But now we know she was blind. She didn’t see her mom. She didn’t see the balloon. Her eyes weren’t alert. We didn’t see in her what we thought we saw.

How did we get it wrong? We know what blinded her. But what blinded us?”….”This is what happens when you deny reality. First you lose your senses, then your mind, then your soul. It isn’t Terri Schiavo who’s refusing to see what’s happening in that awful scene. It’s her dad. And it isn’t her defect, or her husband’s sin, that’s revealed in the autopsy report. It’s ours. We were blind. We could not see.


I.E. To the followers of Lucifer at Slate Magazine, whatever their interpretation of the current state of medical opinion, combined with their opinion of the current state of technology decides if a ‘proof of life-worthiness’ is on-going and if a free will can be proved to be functioning. They will call every indication to the contrary of their supposed power to do so a lie. Maybe a light is supposed to turn green instead of red, a graph is supposed to go up instead of down, a buzzer or tone is supposed to ring, etc.. all equate to “life” instead of death to those who are scared to not enforce the current paradigm of doing the proofs of having a free will. All such believers in free will can do nothing but destroy and blame others for the destruction. To this day, when you call them out, they just say “We didn’t get our message across.” What they really mean is “we have the ultimate say over what the proofs of having a free will are, we dole out the means to prove you have a free will and we say when you die no matter if you diligently do the proofs or not.”

America at present, like most of the world, is made up of competing factions who want ultimate control to force a belief in free will, define the proofs of having a free will and have a monopoly on doling out the means with which to do the idealized proofs. Readers of Slate magazine are just one set of such persons.

Big Government + Big Medicine + Big Religion + Left Media= death to those who fail to acknowledge free will exists for human beings SO THAT they can have a monopoly on who lives or dies by the means of being the sole authority on what constitutes proof of having a free will and the sole means of doling out who gets the stuff to “do the proofs” with. They are already doing what Buddhims and Hinduism do with other words in the same speech God confounded at the attempt to build the tower at Babel.


Left Media, Buddhism and Hinduism are symbiotic false religions that need:

1. other religions to define good and evil as deeds done in a free will, needs other religions to define what the supposed “proofs” of having a free will are, in order to get out of having to do those proofs and still be alive and as all false religions,

2. a non-creating speech in which to speak the false religion and in which having a free will can be seen as being logically unavoidable given the powerless nature of the speech itself

All as well are political reactions against an elite that happens to be in charge of defining what the proofs may or may not be to define “being human” and “worthy of life”. Hinduism with its caste system has been usurped by those elites to squash discontent by the argument: “you get to have a say about what constitutes proof of life worthiness after you have done those proofs with absolute perfection one entire life-time, after which you can come back in the “next” lifetime and be an elite.”

Here is an example in Hinduism, where, in a way which has become the tradition for centuries, rather than the johnny-come-lately that is the Political Left in the U.S, the elites simultaneously dictate

1. that you must say or act as if you have a free will

2. what the proofs of having a free will must be

3. the sole means and authority to dole out the means to do the proof with to a deceived populace:


MUMBAI AUG. 27. In a stampede during the on-going Kumbh Mela in Nashik today, 39 pilgrims, including 28 women, were killed and 57 injured.

Lakhs of devotees had gathered on the banks of the Godavari for the `maha snan’ or holy bath. Over 30,000 pilgrims were being held back by barricades in a narrow street leading to the Ramkund, a holy spot, so that the sadhus could take the ceremonial dip first. It is said that a sadhu threw some silver coins into the crowd, and the scramble for the coins led to the stampede. Most of the victims are said to have died of asphyxiation.

An estimated 70,000 sadhus were to take a dip in the Ramkund. The waiting crowd of devotees had become restive as the sadhus took a long time to take the dip. When the authorities felt that sadhus belonging to a particular sect, who had decided to boycott the `maha snan’ would stay away, they began to allow people to the river. Then all of a sudden, the sadhus of that sect arrived and asserted their right for priority in taking their dip, adding to the confusion. It was at this moment that someone threw what appeared to be silver coins towards the waiting crowd.

Silver coins/money/the-stuff-with-which-to-do-the-proofs-of-having-a-free-will were thrown to the peanut gallery to distract them while the elites, who “interpret” Hinduism take a spa in the sight of those over whom they rule. The whole reason the non-elites were there was to supposedly dutifully “do the proof” of having a free will in fear of their lives and in order to try to ensure a peaceful after life. Kind of like a Democratic party voter or a voter for Jeb Bush.

Jeremiah 5:29-31 Shall I not visit for these things? saith the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?



boy killed in a satanic/luciferian ceremony so a neighbor could experiment privately with false gods with his own proof..

http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-20399125 ….

people killed in a stampede in India, again, trying to do the proof and please the false gods with a false free will


a story of more stampede killings complete with a bar graph of years-versus-stampede deaths in India over the same fundamental causes..


in china was well.. somebody threw forgeries of the money/the-stuff-to-do-the-proofs-of-having-a-free-will-with into the air and people killed themselves trying to get to the stuff that would give them the right to “do the proofs”…. even the ones that got the artifacts to do the proofs of free will still got nothing.. but they all were so trained by the lie as to automatically fear for their lives if someone else got more of the stuff to do the proof of having a free will with than themselves.


And the lying circus goes on…

Isaiah 33:10-12 Now will I arise, saith Jehovah; now will I be exalted, now will I lift up myself. Ye shall conceive dry grass, ye shall bring forth stubble: your breath shall devour you as fire. And the peoples shall be as burnings of lime, as thorns cut up shall they be burned in the fire.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen


God made Himself non-metaphorically start over: He’ll make you non-metaphorically start over

Draft One:


Jesus Christ is the Incarnate Word of God. God made Himself start over via being born as a human being, dying on the cross and being life in the resurrection of Jesus Christ/Word of God. If He made Himself start over, He’s going to make you start over as a new creature in Him; particularly in Him as Word/Creating Speech.

Starting you over via His Speaking you into Himself as an act of Creating Speech is the proof of Him as Love to you personally and the proof that He has in mind to keep you personally as a child of God and brother of Jesus Christ. It is also a proof that there is no such thing as the equality that non-creating speech speaks of through many outlets. Some cannot hear God and cannot be born again: the equality of those who cannot be born again speak of is only the equality of faking the blessing among themselves.

New Creation via the Creating Word of God or Equality of Powerlessness in the lie of human free will?

We’ve passed through January and Feburary in 2015 so far: the lie of free will has its own holidays/remembrance/reinforcement seasons of the year during which idealized demonstrations of an idealized free will are both encouraged as fun and used as threats of non-inclusion if they are not done. On the one hand “doing the proofs” of having a free will is like “proving” climate change/global warming: every change in temperature, every storm, every anything-weather-related is seized on as an excuse to merely say ‘see there?!”, while in fact nothing is proved at all. On the other, while those who perfectly understand that the weather is not your fault are called “deniers” and such, those that deny free will exists are both threatened with non-inclusion in a popular thing and even the lives of those who claim free will exists are done away with when they supposedly “lose free will” by being in an accident or getting a catastrophic illness or or just still in the womb as children who can’t, by the default of their condition, “do th proofs”, as in the Netherlands and in Obamcare’s death panels.

Specifically, the calendar related rituals-of-proof-of-having-a-free-will call for new plans (aka “resolutions”) to be made for self-improvement via the idealized freedom of the will being ideally focused on some goal that will result in some unspecified future of a ‘better life’ or life ‘style’. These seasons are typically called “the first day of the rest of your life” or the “first step toward” that idealized better future. They are in essence prayers to self as an act of self-will worship to constantly ‘motivate’ that same self to be a better ‘self’.

Such things are complete wastes of time AND sacrilege AND no defense against the rest of the deceived as God uses them to grind themselves into dust when they perceive the slightest weakness in each other or a lack of “doing the proofs” on the expected schedule.

They are “resolutions” are instances of being poked and prodded by those in the lie of free will to supposedly “do the proof” of having a free will—or else ( or else in this case not be included among those who get the nod of approval for making positive plans for the use of their idealized free will at certain intervals throughout the year.) Lucifer will laugh as you carefully explain to your girlfriend or wife why you didn’t send them flowers so they could tell their friends the flowers proved they had used their “free will” correctly in the past to ‘earn the proof’/Flowers/Candy/Cards/stuffed animals, etc.

When human speech/non-creating speech asks you “What’s your new years resolution?” what it is really asking is “So how are you worshiping yourself this year in the hope of having a better you to worship by years end?” You already know that even if you actually lose some weight, treat other people better, idealize everyone and everything as your personal equal, it won’t be enough and that same speech will be back in its various seasons asking the same thing. Checking on your progress. Making a list, checking it twice, seeing if you have been naughty or nice according to its precepts, blaming you for having failed again….all that.

“Doing the proofs” can’t make you safe and cannot keep you equal from what cannot be satisfied in others.

The lack of safety from others in that lie of free will is proof that even if they say you are equal you cannot stay equal in their eyes. If you have an accident and are paralyzed or are in a coma or get the catastrophic illness or lose your money or job, no matter how many other proofs you seek to do loudly and copiously, it won’t be enough.

The speech of the lie of human free will is not creating speech/Christ Jesus and so is not a speech of creation and rest, but one of idealized powerlessness. The blame and opportunity to escape the blame are all fake but done so the will has the false appearance of having an opportunity to actually be free within that powerlessness that is characterized as an opportunity zone because of the characteristic that powerlessness has of being simultaneously non-interference. Powerlessness can’t “do” anything. It’s..powerless. So it doesn’t interfere with anything.

That speech and zone manufactures its own dissatisfaction in order that the non-creating/powerless speech itself always is necessitated to keep speaking just to keep speaking as if it could at some point in the future actually create what it said in the past and because it has emotional effects that are carried off as if physical realizations of dreams and hopes were obtained with each word spoken. It has to always keep speaking in order to explain away its past failures/evidences of powerlessness and to keep the attention focused on the unspecified future time of demonstrated power that never actually arrives amongst the emotional carousel. In addition, one person in that lie MUST blame someone else in that lie for evidencing lack-of-doing-the-proofs as self-defense. Their speech against you is just part of their supposed proof they are a zealous believer; simultaneously it is the attack of that non-creating speech itself as the spirit of anti-Christ against all life setting up the next death it can accomplish.

Everyone in that lie of human free will, inside the speech God confounded at the attempt to build the tower at Babel, thinks of all the others inside that lie and who have that same speech as its equals on a basic level because they think their speech is the only speech in total reality. But they never actually recognize that it is the speech of powerlessness that is the basis of that equality. Instead, they are deceived “doing the proofs” of having a free will can keep them in safety. That is because they are completely and wholly deceived that their speech, which is called human language, is the only speech in total reality: a speech that can create nothing. God as He is as Word is a great horror to them because His mere existence as Creating Speech is the proof they are evil and not-safe and have no free will.

New Creation in Jesus Christ proves lack of equality as well among creatures. Some inside that non-creating speech/Anti-Christ have a destiny (which that non-creating speech must deny by the default of implying non-creating speech is the only speech in total reality) that includes escape from that non-creating speech and thus to actual safety both from the deceived in non-creating speech and from the wrath of God on all those in that non-creating speech. Others do not. God even works though the evil ones for their own good in many ways except for salvation from His coming wrath, and they do not have the speech or mind to admit it.

The escape from that non-creating speech/anti-Christ and subsequent escape from the lie that everybody is equal is the start-over as a new creation in Jesus Christ/Word of God/Creating Speech.

There is no other way to get out of:

1. …the best honesty taught to you by marketers of products and homosexuals and their protectors that you have to this day. You cannot get out of your own mind.

2. …the speech that pre-Incarnate Christ, as part of being God, confounded at the attempt to build the tower at Babel.

3. ..the attacks by those who hate you via the lie of free will. The lie of free will is only possible to be spoken in non-creating speech:

…Your deception that you have free will and the speech/mind in which you exist is causing you to be a slave to those who implicitly control the mechanism by which you keep supposedly proving you have free will to yourself and others

…money as a physical thing and a concept/spirit is only an idealized object that if given to another exclusively in that same lie of free will supposedly proves choice/freedom.

That is its ONLY value in a political system.

Money as an object is fundamentally nothing but a fake proof of free will that you must constantly keep performing to satisfy others that you have “just as much freedom as they do” as a self-defense mechanism in the overall lie. In the lie of free will, when you run out of proofs that you have free will, the non-creating speech in which the lie exists can no longer tolerate your existence because you prove you can exist without its proofs of “free” will by which it controls everyone else within it as a speech/mind. You can say you have free will as often as you like but if you do not specifically have what others claim is the proof-of-life/proof of ‘free will’, you can’t prove it to them. You are hostage not just to what YOU think constitutes proof of free will but also to what any arbitrary person you meet thinks is proof to stay alive. If you ever have a temporary lack of physical power even to lie and say you have free will or can’t do the rituals by which you supposedly prove that freedom to others in that lie, they will kill you and call it kindness. Already in the Netherlands, they are killing those they consider to have “run out of free will” such as the aged, the unborn ( who by the default of their condition can’t yet do human speech and ‘the proofs’) and the comatose. Get sick, get injured in that country and they see you only as getting powerless and lacking in proof of life. Since all those in the lie of free will consider having a free will to be the default condition of human life, if they perceive a slowing down of ‘doing the proofs’, they will kill you.

You have been taught to fundamentally see yourself and all others as a battery of free will energy that must always keep proving it is fully charged and is otherwise useless. “Doing the proofs” have become more valuable in the marketplace of pride/lie of free will than human life.

People don’t earn or steal money and gold and silver in order to “have a better life” in a free will based system. They steal and kill in order to protect themselves from the ravenous appetite of the lie itself and result of even the falsely perceived one moment’s lack of “doing the proofs” and being “unequal” in an environment in which others are as frightened as they are. Yet that they can never escape the actual inequality of life amongst individuals, some who are blessed by God in Jesus Christ and others who are not and cannot escape that the lie of free will is a liar and will not keep its bargain.

But God in Jesus Christ has sent His Son and Creating Word to do what even the elect in Christ cannot for ourselves:

Hebrews 2:14,15 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

One proof of being actually born again in Jesus Christ is admitting and triumphing inequality with those in the lie of free will. After that, what need have you of “doing the proofs” of having a free will the political machine of white liberals/witches, Obama, homosexuals and a host of minority advocacy groups say is mandatory?

But do not think that anyone “talks you into” being a Christian as supposedly helping you “make a choice for Jesus”. There is no such thing. Such fake Christians as Obama and company and those who say they have a free will are not Christians and will still seek to make out that being a Christian IS doing what they say is the proof-of-life/proof-of-having-a-free-will –or else.

Col 2:20-22 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, (Touch not; taste not; handle not; Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men?

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen