God made Himself non-metaphorically start over: He’ll make you non-metaphorically start over

Draft One:


Jesus Christ is the Incarnate Word of God. God made Himself start over via being born as a human being, dying on the cross and being life in the resurrection of Jesus Christ/Word of God. If He made Himself start over, He’s going to make you start over as a new creature in Him; particularly in Him as Word/Creating Speech.

Starting you over via His Speaking you into Himself as an act of Creating Speech is the proof of Him as Love to you personally and the proof that He has in mind to keep you personally as a child of God and brother of Jesus Christ. It is also a proof that there is no such thing as the equality that non-creating speech speaks of through many outlets. Some cannot hear God and cannot be born again: the equality of those who cannot be born again speak of is only the equality of faking the blessing among themselves.

New Creation via the Creating Word of God or Equality of Powerlessness in the lie of human free will?

We’ve passed through January and Feburary in 2015 so far: the lie of free will has its own holidays/remembrance/reinforcement seasons of the year during which idealized demonstrations of an idealized free will are both encouraged as fun and used as threats of non-inclusion if they are not done. On the one hand “doing the proofs” of having a free will is like “proving” climate change/global warming: every change in temperature, every storm, every anything-weather-related is seized on as an excuse to merely say ‘see there?!”, while in fact nothing is proved at all. On the other, while those who perfectly understand that the weather is not your fault are called “deniers” and such, those that deny free will exists are both threatened with non-inclusion in a popular thing and even the lives of those who claim free will exists are done away with when they supposedly “lose free will” by being in an accident or getting a catastrophic illness or or just still in the womb as children who can’t, by the default of their condition, “do th proofs”, as in the Netherlands and in Obamcare’s death panels.

Specifically, the calendar related rituals-of-proof-of-having-a-free-will call for new plans (aka “resolutions”) to be made for self-improvement via the idealized freedom of the will being ideally focused on some goal that will result in some unspecified future of a ‘better life’ or life ‘style’. These seasons are typically called “the first day of the rest of your life” or the “first step toward” that idealized better future. They are in essence prayers to self as an act of self-will worship to constantly ‘motivate’ that same self to be a better ‘self’.

Such things are complete wastes of time AND sacrilege AND no defense against the rest of the deceived as God uses them to grind themselves into dust when they perceive the slightest weakness in each other or a lack of “doing the proofs” on the expected schedule.

They are “resolutions” are instances of being poked and prodded by those in the lie of free will to supposedly “do the proof” of having a free will—or else ( or else in this case not be included among those who get the nod of approval for making positive plans for the use of their idealized free will at certain intervals throughout the year.) Lucifer will laugh as you carefully explain to your girlfriend or wife why you didn’t send them flowers so they could tell their friends the flowers proved they had used their “free will” correctly in the past to ‘earn the proof’/Flowers/Candy/Cards/stuffed animals, etc.

When human speech/non-creating speech asks you “What’s your new years resolution?” what it is really asking is “So how are you worshiping yourself this year in the hope of having a better you to worship by years end?” You already know that even if you actually lose some weight, treat other people better, idealize everyone and everything as your personal equal, it won’t be enough and that same speech will be back in its various seasons asking the same thing. Checking on your progress. Making a list, checking it twice, seeing if you have been naughty or nice according to its precepts, blaming you for having failed again….all that.

“Doing the proofs” can’t make you safe and cannot keep you equal from what cannot be satisfied in others.

The lack of safety from others in that lie of free will is proof that even if they say you are equal you cannot stay equal in their eyes. If you have an accident and are paralyzed or are in a coma or get the catastrophic illness or lose your money or job, no matter how many other proofs you seek to do loudly and copiously, it won’t be enough.

The speech of the lie of human free will is not creating speech/Christ Jesus and so is not a speech of creation and rest, but one of idealized powerlessness. The blame and opportunity to escape the blame are all fake but done so the will has the false appearance of having an opportunity to actually be free within that powerlessness that is characterized as an opportunity zone because of the characteristic that powerlessness has of being simultaneously non-interference. Powerlessness can’t “do” anything. It’s..powerless. So it doesn’t interfere with anything.

That speech and zone manufactures its own dissatisfaction in order that the non-creating/powerless speech itself always is necessitated to keep speaking just to keep speaking as if it could at some point in the future actually create what it said in the past and because it has emotional effects that are carried off as if physical realizations of dreams and hopes were obtained with each word spoken. It has to always keep speaking in order to explain away its past failures/evidences of powerlessness and to keep the attention focused on the unspecified future time of demonstrated power that never actually arrives amongst the emotional carousel. In addition, one person in that lie MUST blame someone else in that lie for evidencing lack-of-doing-the-proofs as self-defense. Their speech against you is just part of their supposed proof they are a zealous believer; simultaneously it is the attack of that non-creating speech itself as the spirit of anti-Christ against all life setting up the next death it can accomplish.

Everyone in that lie of human free will, inside the speech God confounded at the attempt to build the tower at Babel, thinks of all the others inside that lie and who have that same speech as its equals on a basic level because they think their speech is the only speech in total reality. But they never actually recognize that it is the speech of powerlessness that is the basis of that equality. Instead, they are deceived “doing the proofs” of having a free will can keep them in safety. That is because they are completely and wholly deceived that their speech, which is called human language, is the only speech in total reality: a speech that can create nothing. God as He is as Word is a great horror to them because His mere existence as Creating Speech is the proof they are evil and not-safe and have no free will.

New Creation in Jesus Christ proves lack of equality as well among creatures. Some inside that non-creating speech/Anti-Christ have a destiny (which that non-creating speech must deny by the default of implying non-creating speech is the only speech in total reality) that includes escape from that non-creating speech and thus to actual safety both from the deceived in non-creating speech and from the wrath of God on all those in that non-creating speech. Others do not. God even works though the evil ones for their own good in many ways except for salvation from His coming wrath, and they do not have the speech or mind to admit it.

The escape from that non-creating speech/anti-Christ and subsequent escape from the lie that everybody is equal is the start-over as a new creation in Jesus Christ/Word of God/Creating Speech.

There is no other way to get out of:

1. …the best honesty taught to you by marketers of products and homosexuals and their protectors that you have to this day. You cannot get out of your own mind.

2. …the speech that pre-Incarnate Christ, as part of being God, confounded at the attempt to build the tower at Babel.

3. ..the attacks by those who hate you via the lie of free will. The lie of free will is only possible to be spoken in non-creating speech:

…Your deception that you have free will and the speech/mind in which you exist is causing you to be a slave to those who implicitly control the mechanism by which you keep supposedly proving you have free will to yourself and others

…money as a physical thing and a concept/spirit is only an idealized object that if given to another exclusively in that same lie of free will supposedly proves choice/freedom.

That is its ONLY value in a political system.

Money as an object is fundamentally nothing but a fake proof of free will that you must constantly keep performing to satisfy others that you have “just as much freedom as they do” as a self-defense mechanism in the overall lie. In the lie of free will, when you run out of proofs that you have free will, the non-creating speech in which the lie exists can no longer tolerate your existence because you prove you can exist without its proofs of “free” will by which it controls everyone else within it as a speech/mind. You can say you have free will as often as you like but if you do not specifically have what others claim is the proof-of-life/proof of ‘free will’, you can’t prove it to them. You are hostage not just to what YOU think constitutes proof of free will but also to what any arbitrary person you meet thinks is proof to stay alive. If you ever have a temporary lack of physical power even to lie and say you have free will or can’t do the rituals by which you supposedly prove that freedom to others in that lie, they will kill you and call it kindness. Already in the Netherlands, they are killing those they consider to have “run out of free will” such as the aged, the unborn ( who by the default of their condition can’t yet do human speech and ‘the proofs’) and the comatose. Get sick, get injured in that country and they see you only as getting powerless and lacking in proof of life. Since all those in the lie of free will consider having a free will to be the default condition of human life, if they perceive a slowing down of ‘doing the proofs’, they will kill you.

You have been taught to fundamentally see yourself and all others as a battery of free will energy that must always keep proving it is fully charged and is otherwise useless. “Doing the proofs” have become more valuable in the marketplace of pride/lie of free will than human life.

People don’t earn or steal money and gold and silver in order to “have a better life” in a free will based system. They steal and kill in order to protect themselves from the ravenous appetite of the lie itself and result of even the falsely perceived one moment’s lack of “doing the proofs” and being “unequal” in an environment in which others are as frightened as they are. Yet that they can never escape the actual inequality of life amongst individuals, some who are blessed by God in Jesus Christ and others who are not and cannot escape that the lie of free will is a liar and will not keep its bargain.

But God in Jesus Christ has sent His Son and Creating Word to do what even the elect in Christ cannot for ourselves:

Hebrews 2:14,15 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

One proof of being actually born again in Jesus Christ is admitting and triumphing inequality with those in the lie of free will. After that, what need have you of “doing the proofs” of having a free will the political machine of white liberals/witches, Obama, homosexuals and a host of minority advocacy groups say is mandatory?

But do not think that anyone “talks you into” being a Christian as supposedly helping you “make a choice for Jesus”. There is no such thing. Such fake Christians as Obama and company and those who say they have a free will are not Christians and will still seek to make out that being a Christian IS doing what they say is the proof-of-life/proof-of-having-a-free-will –or else.

Col 2:20-22 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, (Touch not; taste not; handle not; Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men?

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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