There is no guilt or forgiveness except from God in Jesus Christ

You can’t be holy before God via ‘admitting’ to having done what is in fact a false accusation. Guilt voyeurism as hope of ‘getting hard’ is not of Christ. Do not be one of those who seek out and practice new guilts as a means of toughening up their conscience against future false accusations.

1Timothy 4:2  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 

“Admitting” to having done something that is in fact impossible for you to have done cannot bring forgiveness or holiness or peace. No matter the earnest character of the accuser and deceptions which have ensnared them and in which they stumble on, no amount of going along with their deceptions can replace the simple sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, the death and resurrection of the Speech/Word of God made flesh.

There are endless ways to ‘get guilty’ in Hinduism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, shamanism, Socialism, Communism, catastrophism/environmentalism, and all other -isms and false religions. When those deceived they should, as a lifestyle ‘get guilty’ often and thoroughly in order to continually self-check themselves so as to be, in idealized future years, accusation proof encounter a new paradigm within non-creating/human speech, their behavior is altered yet again their detriment. In the introduction to such systems of sentences in non-creating speech, the accuser, no matter the friendliness or soothing emotional manner, seeks to walk the accused through conversational hikes in which the mere doing of the non-creating speech itself and being in its presence is deceptively presented as a free-willed choice/action to participate on the notion that all speech is just an will-neutral medium of information exchange and that in ‘doing it on purpose’ the claims of the particular religion or -ism have already been demonstrated as true by the time there is a pause. The spirits of deception as individual words have already entered the victim, in whom, unless protected by Christ, those spirits set up housekeeping in the heart as emotions.

Isaiah 8:19-22  And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? 
8:20  To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. 
8:21  And they shall pass through it, hardly bestead and hungry: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their king and their God, and look upward. 
8:22  And they shall look unto the earth; and behold trouble and darkness, dimness of anguish; and they shall be driven to darkness. 

When an actual Christian is encountered and those tactics do not work and no false guilt works to deceive, suddenly there are questions like “where do you get your power?” or “how did you do that?” ( avoid being deceived you are guilty ) put in terms like “why don’t you agree with me?” or “why did you come if you don’t have an open mind?” The true born again Christian is protected by the Spirit of God and for the most part, is unaware of any “power” non-creating speech has ( because it doesn’t unless God wills it for a time for His Own purposes..) . Those types of tactics are a bit nonsensical to Christians. But not to fake Christians who are deceived they ‘chose Jesus’, remained exactly the creature they were and have exactly the same human speech they always had and can switch religions if they so chose by flexing a so-called ‘free will’.

If a person is obviously lost in a particular subset of Anti-Christ/non-creating speech/human speech, then going along is not only nonproductive as healing their deception but evil consequences ensue. You have essentially lied and must now keep up pretenses by keeping on lying to ‘get the smile’.

“Do you see that butterfly right there?” ( there is obviously no butterfly )

“Yep. Right there.”

“What kind do you think it is?” ( anti-Christ is leading you off into more lies….having already defiled your conscience because he said through you what you know to be a lie and supposedly in perfect ‘free’ will…)

Same conversation:

“What should we do with our free will?” ( there is no free will. )

“Uh..whatever we need to, I guess.”

“What about in the particular instance of …”

( same result. The false accusation from anti-Christ is that you ‘knowingly lied’ and now must cover up that lie with more. Now you ‘need’ anti-Christ as speech to keep going in the supposed emotional positive flow.. the idealized freedom of the will can only exist in an idealized non-interfering-with-the-will speech you actively don’t want God as Creating Word because He will expose that you lied and stop the supposed positive flow of emotions..and He will do that through your mouth in the presence of those who are fully deceived they have free will as a supposed absolute truth of total reality. You would no longer be included in human speech as a whole…all “the people” would turn against you because all they have is non-creating speech/anti-Christ to think and talk with.. )

But no matter how often or how supposedly thorough human speech/anti-Christ has deceived the people and you, you are not guilty until God says you are guilty. God keeping you not-guilty in front of those that are guilty in God’s eyes makes you an outsider to them. You cannot sin against your neighbor in ways that supposedly involve a free will because there is no free will. Anti-Christ/human speech can say what it is forced to through you and then, via the lie of free will, leave you standing there holding the bag in the sights of more human speech for condemnation, right after and between episodes of human speech false praise to you, false neutrality toward you and true hatred of you by human speech/anti-Christ.

When God destabilizes the balance between observance via grace ( forcing by God of doing what is pleasing to Him through you and others ) of His Creating Word/Speech and anti-Christ’s look-a-like in print and sound-a-like worthless mimics as churchy praise for having done so with a supposed ‘free’ will, then comes persecution by human speech/anti-Christ. According to all that human speech ‘interpreted God’ in the past, suddenly, via God’s destablilizing, disrupting intrusion on human speech’s supposed domain via actual and non-metaphorical new creation by God’s acts of Himself as Speech/Word of God in you and through you, you are supposedly in error and an accusation or admonishment outside of Christ but definitely within a non-creating speech comes from human speech: an accusation that only a non-creating common sense that depends on limitation and lack of ‘enough’ for a theoretical third party could have made. While/When human speech/Belial/anti-Christ thinks to have successfully covered over and obscured God’s acts of new creation in order to hide the fact that there are two speaks in total reality and only one of them is God Himself and He isn’t human speech and never will be a non-creating speech, the look-a-like words seem to walk forward in tandem with Truth so as to be indistinguishable. The false definitions of anti-Christ seem to fit perfectly with old, tried and true theology after human speech has been given time to twist definitions of how things were defined in the past to look identical with orthodoxy, but still don’t produce the same holy fruit as the Word of God.

The accusations of anti-Christ come swiftly when God is newly creating inside what appears to people, who are fallen and imprisoned in human speech/non-creating speech, to be inside an environment which cannot contain even what is already in it, much less have more coming in “from the outside” of what seems to be possible because anti-Christ has no explanation as to the origins of the new inside its current lies and is in danger of exposure as a liar to its prisoners. It can’t stretch or grow to accommodate the new. Though there can be no self-willed revolt from human speech ( salvation from anti-Christ’s/human speech’s grip and sole possession of your mind into another mind free from human speech outright and total ), paradigms shifts from one religion to another via old words of human speech newly packaged are common: same old mind, same old emotional candy and disappointment widgets re-felt with the new word orders.

No one inside human speech can jump out of human speech. Though that is obvious to the point of being obnoxious to actually state it, anti-Christ through the free willers would have us deceived that there is no point or need to get outside of human speech in order to be saved from the wrath of God. ( Anti-Christ through Billy Graham, etc. “Just as I am”..the standard song that was sung at all his “crusades” ..Joel Osteen “your best life now” ..wherein you don’t need to be a non-metaphorical new creature with a new mind and speech, but stay the same creature you are now but somehow “get better thoughts” ) It is a standard taunt of anti-Christ through free willers to say “I want God to accept me for who I am, not try to change me.” There is no where to go within what human speech has to use/contains other than simply another part of human speech wherein each word defines another in circles and nothing is ever created; there is only emotion and experience as distractions the whole while.

When you can no longer “admit” to false accusations of supposedly having used your ‘free’ will incorrectly—at all, not just in the secular/political realm, then you are closer to God and God has already blessed you with His grace. To live in God’s grace is to have a table for you prepared by God in the presence of your enemies.

God judges us at all times, but in His mercy and grace. Part of that judgment is the protection from thinking that false accusations by whatever is not-God are real issues “we need to work on in our lives” and should ideally defile our consciences. God, in His judgment will not allow us to pretend, even in a moment of deception-as-best-honesty that we are guilty in a way He does not prescribe.

There is no honest guilt but from God.

Thus there is no honest salvation but from God. God will never save you or cleanse you from things you never did or conditions you were never in. To demand of Him that He do so is anti-Christ as prayer, which God abhors.

For many decades now, part of the public/pretend body of Christ in America has done all anti-Christ can do through them to make it a lifestyle as best piety for all individuals to seek out an accuser for the purpose of testing whether or not whatever accusation can be made up is true as part of so-called self-testing whether or not one is in Christ. The result has been poison to the soul because in order to keep doing that, you have to keep being in the presence of anti-Christ as speech and the deception of having a free will with which to discern the false from the true has been nurtured and the deception that God, Lucifer/Satan and demons and Man all share a common speech.

Jeremiah 6:10 To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the LORD is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it.

They mistook the Creating Word of God sent to them as God extending Himself to them as Spirit and Life as merely yet another non-creating testing/accusing voice with a whole other set of requirements once guilt had been established. “..the Word of the LORD is unto them a reproach.” God’s Creating Word/Speech to them only represented another set of behaviors they had not done or feelings they had in the past that they should undo.

Today, they just watch the news to get the freshest false accusation and are proud to either pass a test or fail it and do different behaviors based on their own emotional response to the freshest false accusations. Thus they are led into absolute destruction.

God told many prophets to go and tell His people their sins. Of course, inside non-creating human speech/anti-Christ, and being well used to hunting for new accusations to feel religious to simultaneously fuel their pride in supposedly having and ‘using the ‘free’ will’ correctly’, and to find out ‘what to do and feel next’ in that non-creating, idealization of limitation and limited resources, all they can hear when God speaks, instead of receiving the gift of life, they just hear a regular old non-creating accusation asking them to do impossible things, such as regret doing and feeling what they have in the past been mandated to do and feel to get past the false accusations and feel good about themselves. Everything would be turned upside down. They are deceived they must reverse engineer their old feelings and in fact, their whole emotional paradigm and economy of trade among feelings and the supposed proper etiquette and in doing so be a disappointment to the very speech from which they constantly seek accolades and praise: they would be, in their own deceptions and being held in non-creating speech/anti-Christ “universally” condemned because they are deceived that anti-Christ/non-creating speech/human speech is the only speech there is and that Christ as the Word of God is just an abhorrent subset of the speech they already have ..that Christ is subject to anti-Christ. So God has become to them, not a Savior, but just another accusing voice with the exception of not providing a behavior as an ideal which they can successfully mimic as going along with ‘how to cleanse your conscience’ ; God has become to them the Test that they always fail and wish then, to constantly avoid. “the Word of the LORD is unto them a reproach.”

They cannot of course articulate that and never would if they knew what is really going on. But that is what they are forced to do and feel as their best piety in a non-creating ‘version’ of Christianity. It starts with anti-Christ through them re-directing their ear and eyes over and over to itself in the deception of passionate piety in seeking out all possible rebukes and accusations and ends in a total rejection of God as Word as abhorrent.

But God is merciful and says as Himself as Creating Speech to you:

Hebrews 13:8-10 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. 13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein. 13:10 We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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